Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 3017: Thousand Miles of Snow Covered

"Without great people, that kid must have been scared silly..."

"Look at him like that, you dare not say a word!"

"Wuji people are really strong!"

"I'm here to wish the Wuji people a victory!"

"No great people..."

Zhuge Dun, the third-class luminous alliance temple saint in Qingtian Sanctuary, was flattering, and the flattering color on his face grew more and more.

While talking at the moment, he immediately nodded and bowed, anyway, he was expressing his desire to fawn.

The black-clothed leader Wuji sneered, he didn't pay much attention to the sage of Zhuge at all. As far as he was concerned, it was impossible for this task to have any accidents...

Just when he was very energetic, suddenly frowned...

"How come it feels so cold..."

"what's the situation!"

"What the hell..."

"How come the front has become frozen!"

The head of the black man Wuji widened his eyes, then his face was full of disbelief, which looked too dazzling!


at the same time……

"The location is just right!"


"Turn on the special effects of Snow Fairy God Position!"

Fang Fan shouted in secret, his eyes became sharper and sharper, and then his expression changed to be particularly real.

A wave of feelings is directly in place...

This looks unique!

Fang Fan subconsciously licked his lips, thinking to himself, his breathing gradually became extremely rapid!

A wave is in place directly!

The mentality has also taken off in an all-round way!

"Good host!"

Xue Ling nodded resolutely, her eyes became extremely determined at this moment!

The Snow Crystal plane is her hometown. Now these people in black have destroyed her hometown like this. For Xue Ling, these are enemies, all enemies!

You must clean up all the **** in front of you! One must not stay!

"Frozen for thousands of miles!"

Xue Ling's eyes became brighter and brighter, and after he muttered to himself, the picture in front of him began to change drastically...

The roaring north wind instantly stagnated the surrounding air...

Although it was a sudden and extreme cold attack!

The picture in front of me gradually became fragmented...

Immediately, the world in front of you was plunged into a piece of ice at a speed visible to the naked eye...

The people in black who rushed over to prepare for an attack were also instantly stuck in this ice and snow world!

"God position special effect one: [Frozen Thousand Miles] can be fully frozen with the Snow Spirit, and can unconditionally freeze the land of thousands of miles for ten seconds! The cooling period is one month!"

[Frozen Thousand Miles] is the special effect of the seventh-class gods Snow Fairy, terrifying!


"At this moment!"

"Try your best!"


"Don't hold back!"

"Only ten seconds..."

With a roar, Fang Fan directly awakened the dumbfounded crowd, following Fang Fan's speed faster and faster, as if he was going to crush everything in front of him!

Inexplicably, it gives people a sense of supreme shock!

Surrounding Fang Fan are the top ten legions, six heroes, and four favorites...

Their speed is getting faster and faster...

Immediately afterwards began to slay the man in black frantically!

The sharpshooters of the Gothic Sanctuary Sharpshooter Legion frantically started shooting, time and time again...

Facing the dense and close crowd of people in black, there is no need to aim at all. A bullet can explode several heads!

The heavy machine artillery of the heavy machine artillery regiment carried the heavy machine gun and launched a full-scale bombardment...

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