Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 3021: Don't pat the horse hooves

At this moment, you only need to close the net...

"No one, I will help you kill this Fang Fan!"

"This Fang Fan is very cunning. If he is careless, he may have escaped!"

"No great people..."

Qingtian Sanctuary third-class luminous alliance temple saint Zhuge Dun is naturally unwilling to give up any chance of flattering.

It's just that many times flattering is slapped on horseshoes, and I still don't know it silly.

"Get away!"

"This prey belongs to this seat! Do you dare to **** it?"

The black-clothed leader Wuji yelled coldly, his attitude was extremely bad!

At least the posture displayed on the surface is quite bitter!

This is the attitude from beginning to end.

A wave of feelings is in place, but it seems quite pure.

"No one, I...I am going to help you..."

"Wuji, you...you can't say that, I...I am kind, how can you be like this..."

"Without great people, I Zhuge Dun is loyal to you, how dare I have two hearts?"

"There is no great person, my loyalty can be learned from the sun and the moon!"

"No great people..."

Qingtian Sanctuary third-class luminous alliance temple saint Zhuge Dun took a deep breath, and then quickly explained to the side.

This wave directly frightened him...

Wuju people are angry!

How big is this?

The mentality collapsed in an instant, and the brains were buzzing...

If there is the slightest accident on the Wuzhi side, it will be too late to rescue.

"You are so noisy!"

"I will let you go!"

"A two-star sanctuary ant, this constellation still needs you to help me?"

"If you dare to block this seat's path, don't blame this seat for being ruthless!"

The black-clothed leader Wuji glared viciously at Zhuge Dun, the third-class luminous alliance temple saint in the Qingtian Sanctuary, and the uncomfortable color on his face grew more and more.

What kind of thing!

How dare you to do things here?

Qingtian Sanctuary third-class luminous alliance temple saint Zhuge Dun looked speechless...

My heart is so sincere, so I was so ruined by you?

Hot face against your cold ass?

Really think that labor and management want to curry favor with you?

If it weren't for your greed for the techniques that would enable this saint to be promoted to the holy state, who would be willing to serve you?

Qingtian Sanctuary third-class luminous alliance temple saint Zhuge Dun snorted secretly in his heart, and naturally felt particularly uncomfortable in his heart, but at this time, he could only hold back silently.

This gap in status was set at the beginning, what can we do now?

There is still a status gap, and at this moment, I can only endure it with gritted teeth...

I'm just so hungry, but I can't do anything...

The black-clothed leader Wuji, who repelled Zhuge Dun, once again focused his gaze on Fang Fan, and then the speed of his dashing came faster.

He only needs to get closer, he can easily reach out his hand, and then pinch the guy in front of him...

No need to try your best, just use two fingers...

Everyone's eyes are focused on this, and the worry on everyone's face is beyond words...

"Boy Fang Fan, hide in!"

"I go!"

"Don't take risks! Isn't your small world used at this time? Hide in and leave him with nowhere to chase!"

Bai Piao shook his lips not far away, and roared with excitement on his face.

It's all this time, it's too dangerous...

If you are not careful, you may follow the coolness directly...

At this moment, he is still a hammer, saving his life is the most important thing.

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