Bai Piao didn't worry much about Fang Fan at first, because he knew the existence of the Chutian Pavilion small world, and at the last moment, Fang Fan could hide in.

But at this moment, the head of the black man, Wu Ji, is getting closer and closer to Fang Fan, but Fang Fan has no movement or signs in this regard...

If the leader of this black clothed man is really brought closer, Fang Fan will most likely be caught before he can escape...

The situation is very dangerous!

"It should be..."

"Still coming..."

Fang Fan exhaled a turbid breath, and his eyes flashed with a different kind of spirit!

"Holy Sovereign Level Demon Summoning Card! Activate!"

Fang Fan gave a secret cry, and then a purple-black card appeared in his hand, following the picture in front of him, the overall change...

The purple-black cards were instantly shrouded in a thick black mist, and the cards were destroyed instantly!

The energy spilled from the cards gathered here, and immediately followed in full swing!

In the thick black fog, a giant tens of feet high gradually appeared...

"Holy demon summoning card: Use this card to directly summon a supreme holy demon for three minutes!" (Note: The summoned demon is very likely to get out of control, not those with high spiritual power. Control!) (Monthly draw card income!)


This Sovereign-level Heavenly Demon Summoning Card Fangfan got it a long time ago, and it was obtained in the monthly draw...

The so-called daily draw and monthly draw are mainly one of the special effects of female slave...

After accepting Xiao Liuli as a female slave, the special effects for female slave were turned on...

To put it simply, Fang Fan can draw a card that is comparable to his own cultivation base every day, and he can draw a card with a higher level than his own once a month...

For example, if Fang Fan is in the sanctuary realm, the daily draw is a sanctuary-level card. It may be a sanctuary-level food card, healing card, or a sanctuary-level legion card or character summoning card. , All have to try your luck.

As for the monthly card draw, for Fang Fan at this moment, he can get a holy-level card!

This Saint-level Heavenly Demon Summoning Card was obtained through this channel...

He has always been held in his hand by Fang Fan as a trump card.

In addition, the main thing is that it is determined by the nature of this holy-level demon summoning card...

After all, according to the remarks, there is a high probability that the demon will get out of control. If Fang Fan's mental power is not enough to control it, it is very likely to eat the lord...

So if it weren't for an emergency, Fang Fan would never use it!

As for this moment, that can't control that much!

Let this all follow the full Pentium!

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, thinking to himself, his facial expression was unpredictable!

With the use of this Saint-level Heavenly Demon Summoning Card, the peak Saint-Venerable Realm...that is, the Supreme Saint-Venerable Heavenly Demon descended from the sky!

The majestic figure tens of feet high is placed there, and there is a strong sense of shock!

Moreover, he also has a powerful bloodline of the demon, which is naturally not comparable to that of an ordinary cultivator of the Supreme Supreme Realm...

However, this card also has its flaws, that is, the summoned demons can only exist for three minutes...

In other words, the battle must be resolved within three minutes!

Fang Fan's eyes swept across the audience, and he immediately brainstormed!

The leader in black in this supreme saint realm must be killed as quickly as possible!

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