
The giant demon only felt a roar in his brain, and then his limbs became a little out of control.

Mind control initially worked.

Fang Fanshu let out a stale breath, as long as... as long as there is an effect...

From Fang Fan’s point of view, he was really afraid that this wave would have no effect...

If this wave is not effective, it will really be over...

Fortunately, all of this is still within control...

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, thought to himself, and then licked his lips, his thoughts gradually lifted into the air!

The thoughts are gathered here, and the facial expression changes are especially real!

The huge body of the giant demon began to slowly turn back, and his eyes gradually became hollow...

Immediately under Fang Fan's control, he began to attack the leader in black...

"Boy! I really underestimated you, you can actually control the Heavenly Demon in the Supreme Saint Realm!"

The black-clothed leader Wuji squirmed his lips, his face couldn't help changing in an all-round way, and then he stared at Fang Fan's location firmly, and sprinted towards him with strides.

"You must be killed..."

"Only by killing you can the task be completed!"

"Only by killing you can this **** demon lose control!"

The black-clothed leader Wuji was getting faster and faster, and immediately gave up fighting against the giant heavenly demon, and slammed towards Fang Fan.

His goal is very clear, and that is to punish Fang Fan!

To achieve the goal, do whatever it takes!

At the moment I have tried my best!

The roar of death followed, inexplicably giving people a sense of infinite crushing!

"Come back!"


Fang Fan gave a secret cry and again began to control the giant demon...

The body of the giant demon collided with the head of the black man again...

Not surprisingly, the leader in black was defeated again...

At this moment, it's going back and forth between being defeated and being defeated...

Fang Fan breathed out a suffocating breath, thought to himself, and then licked his lips.

Although the situation at the moment is acceptable, Fang Fan didn't have the slightest excitement at all, on the contrary, he was full of anxiety...

One minute has passed...

The time to summon this ultimate holy demon can only last for three minutes!

Beyond these three minutes, problems will follow.

The situation fell apart!

There are also big problems in the situation!

Fang Fan licked his lips, thinking to himself, his eyes flashed with a special glow...

These thoughts gathered here, and all kinds of mentalities took off in an all-round way!

At the moment, I can follow along with a hammer...

The mentality is collapsed, and everything is completely cold!

It's probably such a cool gesture.

Pure and true.



"Who is controlling this demon master!"

"Boy! You are bold!"

The giant demon suddenly got out of control!

House seemingly endless rain!

In the end it became like this...

When I glanced at the past, the vibration in my heart could not help becoming stronger.

At this moment, I stared blankly at all this before my eyes, and then squirmed his lips again, showing the astonishment on the bright side...


"my head……"

Fang Fan roared, his hands couldn't help holding his head tightly, and he felt his brain explode directly!

Immediately, blood began to overflow from the mouth, eyes, and body parts...

The intense pain is about to crush Fang Fan completely...

Although Fang Fan's mental power is quite good, it is still far from the point where he can control a supreme noble at will!

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