Obviously it was forcibly backlashed at this moment!

Fang Fan squirmed his lips, thinking to himself, the gesture of gritted teeth was vividly and vividly!

This time the facial expressions also changed in an all-round way.

In my heart, there were also inexplicable bursts of pain...

The heart-piercing pain is about to make Fang Fan faint directly!

"Boy Fang Fan!"

Bai Piao galloped over and placed him in front of Fang Fan abruptly, resisting the counterattack of the giant demon...


Bai Piao's body fell straight out for a hundred miles... and then... and then he couldn't see it.


"Cough cough cough..."

Fang Fan snapped out a mouthful of blood, then held the blood stain in his hand, his eyes gradually blurred...


"Can't fall asleep!"

Fang Fan gritted his teeth and used a healing card for himself, barely stopping his injury. At the same time, Fang Fan once again chose to force control of the giant demon!

"If you are not under my control! Destroy it!"

Fang Fan muttered to himself, with blood in his eyes...

"The **** of the wild god!"

Fang Fan screamed in secret, all around his body, divine power surged...

Immediately after, a giant finger was dropped directly from thousands of miles high in the air, and then it was directly pressed on the giant demon...



"What...what the hell..."

"Don't... don't..."

Painful mourning sounded from the mouth of this giant demon, and gradually, the resistance and resistance of this giant demon to Fang Fan became smaller and smaller...

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Fang Fan directly carried out a wave of reverse control on it!

After full control, this wave immediately followed and settled down.

The situation is fully under control!

As for the others, just stay steady...

Cool moonlight, after all, there is still a way to show it!

During this period of time, the leader in black, Wuji, has been making soy sauce...

He wanted to take the opportunity to launch a surprise attack several times, but every time he was intercepted by the giant demon...

He watched the giant demon tossing and turning, and then attacked him again!

At this moment, Fang Fan's blood was infiltrating all over his body, which was obviously the result of the high load releasing his mental power.

"It deserves to be the existence that the **** of destruction issued an oracle to punish, it is really extraordinary..."

"But what if you can temporarily control this demon?"

"Sooner or later all this will be ruined!"

"At that time, all this will be over!"

"The end is the final choice!"

"When you can't hold it, your mental strength will collapse on its own. At that time, even if I don't do it, you won't be able to survive..."

"And in this short period of time, this demon can't kill me at all, at best it will cause some trauma to me..."

"I want to see, who can beat anyone!"

The black-clothed leader Wuji gritted his teeth and rattled his teeth. At this moment, the sneer on his face grew more and more.

Encountered this accident, he can only choose to wait.

At the same time, his gaze scanned the surrounding area, and he found that the people in black under his command were basically nearly assassinated...

After all, on the other side of the battlefield, Murong Yu of the low-level Holy Venerable Realm has been fighting overloaded all the time!

And the original two low-ranking sages among the black men had been killed by Murong Yu in advance at the moment of [Frozen Thousand Miles].

At this moment, except for the black-clothed leader of this supreme holy state, Murong Yu has full control of the field!

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