
Fang Fan gritted his teeth and directly controlled the giant celestial demon to start an attack.

It's been extremely delayed at this moment...

It's worth it!

The black-clothed leader looked more or less awkward at this moment. At this moment, his confused gaze scanned the surroundings, his teeth clenched his teeth clearly and vividly, his eyes could not help but look a little scattered...

This is different from what he expected, too much difference...

How can...how can it be!

"My combat power...how did my combat power suddenly drop so much..."

"It's like a momentary thing..."

"No...impossible, there must be a problem here, it can't be like this..."

"Suddenly lowering the combat power of a supreme sage, this is definitely not something anyone can do..."

"Even the so-called demigods do not have this ability!"

"At that moment, my combat power has indeed fallen, who is... who is secretly controlling all this?"


"There must be tricky..."

"Could it be that the true **** himself ended up?"

The black-clothed leader Wuji licked his lips, thinking to himself, his breathing became extremely rapid, and then he glanced around the surroundings with a slightly frightened look, his facial expressions looked very complicated.

The unknown is the most frightening...

Especially at this time, no one knows when the accident will come.

"Since I met this kid, weird things have happened one after another!"


"Could these be blindfolds? I was deceived by this kid?"

"Huh... it's not impossible. If that's the case, this kid's scheming would be too deep..."

"No... I have to kill this kid early, or I will be crazy..."

"It's been like this, it's going to be like this, I can't stand it!"


The black-clothed leader Wuji squirmed his lips, thinking to himself, and then Senran's killing intent was completely revealed.

Following him, the speed is getting faster and faster, and the light in his eyes gradually becomes extremely sharp!

Thoughts gathered here, and thoughts exploded in an all-round way!

Let all of this break out in front of you!

At the moment of the outbreak, no one can stop it!

It is this wave of death charge!

"The timing is right!"

Seeing this black-clothed leader Wuji rushing over, Fang Fan's eyes lit up, and he immediately tried his best to control the giant heavenly demon and kill him directly...

The leader in black was still thinking about using the old routine before, and was bumped by this giant demon at will, and then he went straight to Fang Fan and killed him.

It can only be said that the leader in black at this moment is indeed a bit naive...

Naively thinking that there is still time for this moment...

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, and the cold color on his face couldn't help but increase. The gesture of gritting his teeth was vivid and vivid, and the sound of breathing couldn't help but become extremely rapid!

Let this all erupt completely!



The black-clothed leader collides with the giant demon again...

The giant celestial demon grasped the weapon of the black man's head with both hands, and then tore it in half with a tyrannical posture, and then continued to stab forward, slapped directly on the chest of the black man's head with a slap...


Immediately, the black-clothed man spit out a mouthful of blood from his head and neckline, followed by his body trembling violently, his eyes trembled, and the whole person's mentality had completely collapsed.

What else can I say at this moment, everything is already set here...

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