"how come……"

"How can it be so strong..."

"When did it become so powerful!"


"There... there is a problem in it! There must be a problem!"

"It shouldn't be like this, it's very different from before, it's so different!"

The roar followed, and the face of the man in black became extremely ugly. He was talking, and then he wanted to scream like crazy!

There was a huge wound on his chest at this moment, and blood was gurgling out of the corner of his mouth.

He was badly injured!

With just one move, he became like this...

The gap is self-evident...

When has the gap been so big!

The head of the black man had a cold face, his facial expressions gradually began to tear...

Just when he felt particularly angry, the giant demon continued to stab forward and attacked his position again, without any delay...


"Go away!"

"Come on! Come on! Protect this seat!"

"Come and protect this seat!"

"Stop this demon!"

The black-clothed leader Wuji glanced at the surroundings, but now he thought of his subordinates...

Just a glance at the past, the people in black under his hands have basically been killed seven or eighty-eight, even if there are a few scattered, they are basically powerless.

Now I can't even save my life, and I can say a hammer.

It's cold, everything will follow the coldness!

"You... come here!"

The black-clothed leader Wuji saw the Saint Zhuge Dun of the third-class Light Alliance Temple, and immediately followed with a roar.

Now, as long as it is a dead ghost, it can be pulled directly, this is inevitable!

When I think of this, the whole person becomes excited.

Thoughts are gathered here, and the facial expressions are particularly real...

At this moment, there must be no slack, all energy must be stabilized here...


"I'll come over?"

"Am I going to die?"

Zhuge Dun, the third-class Saint of the Light Alliance Temple in Qingtian Sanctuary, licked his lips, and then followed up with a complaint.

Now that I can’t even save my dog’s life, I can say a hammer...

Cool and cool moonlight will do it for you to the end, and that's probably what happened...

Steady is the real thing, the others are all bullshit!

If this is the case, don't follow along with those that are missing.

At this moment, Zhuge Dun, the third-class luminous alliance temple saint in Qingtian Sanctuary, is also considering his retreat...

He watched the situation constantly changing, and his mentality was a little broken at this moment...

In any case, he couldn't think that the Wuju man, who he regarded as a god, would have collapsed like this?

This is the Holy Venerable... and it is also the supreme existence of the Supreme Holy Venerable Realm!

It's so cold now...

Needless to say, the facial expressions have completely changed...


"This seat wants you to come over! When is your turn to talk nonsense!"

"come here quickly!"

"Help this seat! This seat will not treat you badly!"

The black-clothed leader Wuji fled quickly, getting faster and faster, and the color of horror on his face increased.

Now he is directly approaching the position of Zhuge Dun, the third-class Light Alliance temple saint in Qingtian Sanctuary, just wanting Zhuge Dun to be a shield for him.

But obviously, Zhuge Dun, the third-class Light Alliance temple saint in the Qingtian Sanctuary, was not willing at all.

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