In other words, he had already seen it through.

In this situation, you can follow a hammer, that's how it is.

When I glanced at the past, all the thoughts in my heart were basically in place.

"Damn... Get out... Get out of here! Grass! What do you do with me! I really don't want to die with you!"

"Mom...get out! Get out!"

"Damn it! It's terrible!"

"I thought I was holding my thigh, but that's what happened..."

"Aren't you boasting that it was an emissary sent by the true God? Is it just a little trick?"

"Get out... I'm served..."

"Whirring whirring……"

"The mentality... the mentality can't stop!"

"Damn... **** bastard!"

Qingtian Sanctuary third-class luminous alliance temple saint Zhuge Dun flees faster and faster, watching that black-clothed leader insist on following him, he is also full of helplessness...

In this case, it’s not bad to be able to keep a dog’s life...


Behind him, the giant demon roared, his facial expression gradually becoming extremely hideous.

At this moment, the consciousness of this giant celestial demon was madly colliding with Fang Fan's mental power. Obviously, he didn't want to be restrained by Fang Fan.

But the [God’s Finger of the Desolate God] used by Fang Fan before dampened my consciousness, and now I dare not resist too much...

So I can only use this tyrannical roar...




The roar hits, and the surrounding space is fully compressed!

"Escape! I have to escape!"

"Whirring whirring……"

"I can't die, and I don't want to die!"

"Stop this demon for me! Stop this monster!"

The black-clothed leader roared at the few black-clothed people who had left the fruit, and the facial expressions changed especially real at this moment!

In the face of death, no one can remain calm!

He wanted to hold Zhugedun, the third-class Light Alliance temple saint in Qingtian Sanctuary, as his shield, but Zhugedun's speed was so fast that he disappeared in a slip of smoke...

The black-clothed leader Wuji is already seriously injured at this moment. He tried every means to escape, but he was obviously doing useless work...

Everything will end...

The oppressive feeling of death struck him, inexplicably causing him to have an endless sense of horror...

Thoughts gathered here, and the whole person became erratic...

The giant demon's attack is near...

Getting closer...

As if slapped, you can directly smash it into powder...

The panic in my heart hit, and there were waves of panic will inexplicably.

"Don't... don't..."

"I am the messenger of the **** of destruction! The **** of destruction sent me!"

"If you kill me, I will be targeted by the **** of destruction!"

"Under the crown of the **** of destruction will definitely send a stronger existence to chase you down!"

"Let me go... let me go!"

"I can...I can plead with the **** of destruction to let you go..."

"Let me go……"


The black-clothed leader Wuji followed up with fierce roars, as if he was about to gather the crazy will in his heart in an instant!

At this moment, he kept roaring, his eyes kept widening, and he continuously crushed his mind.

Can't stabilize... completely unable to stabilize...

The attack of the giant demon finally came...

After a burst of panic roars, everything died!

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