The end is the best choice now...

As for the others, they will all end...


"Really dead!"

"Even the existence of the Supreme Holy Venerable Realm like Wu Ji Ren was killed!"

"Whirring whirring……"

"What exactly did this Fang Fan experience in Guangming Academy, now that he has become so powerful..."

"Who can match it?"

"Extremely powerful!"

"I knew that, I shouldn't have rushed over..."

"Now... while their attention is focused on that **** Wuji, I'm... there is still hope of escape..."


Zhuge Dun, the third-class Saint of Light Alliance Temple in Qingtian Sanctuary, subconsciously licked his lips, thinking in his heart, he couldn't help but speed up his steps.

At this moment, while talking, his breathing could not help but become quicker.

After speaking, his eyes flickered wildly towards the surroundings subconsciously...

Then I found a secret location and rushed over quietly...



After confirming that the leader of the black-clothed man in the Supreme Saint Venerable Realm died, Fang Fan took a heavy breath, then squirmed his lips, his breathing became rapid, and his facial expressions gradually changed unpredictably...

The thoughts in my heart gathered here, and my eyes couldn't help but become erratic...

too tired……

At this moment, Fang Fan only felt his consciousness was chaotic.

In order to punish the leader in black before, Fang Fan's mental power has always been overloaded.

Now watching the black-clothed leader being killed, a big rock in Fang Fan's heart fell, and the whole person followed him to relax.

After the consciousness was relaxed, his eyes couldn't help but become erratic.

The originally tense mental power suddenly relaxed, and immediately followed by a full backlash...


Fang Fan looked on one side, and immediately vomited a mouthful of blood, his body also swayed, the cold sweat on his forehead became more and more, and the nausea in his heart also followed.

After Fang Fan's mental strength collapsed, the giant demon that had been under control was completely out of control!


"Damn boy!"

"Dare to control this demon lord!"


The giant celestial demon violently flipped several times in the air, and immediately rushed towards Fang Fan's position.

This giant Heavenly Demon is in the Extreme Saint Venerable Realm. If he is thrown by him, with Fang Fan’s current physique, it will basically be cold...

One can imagine the gap...

Even the mentality followed all the cold...

I can't hold it deep in my heart, everything is pulling a calf...

At this moment, Bai Piao has just returned from a distance...

Just now, he blocked an attack from a black-clothed leader for Fang Fan, and was directly thrown out for hundreds of miles...

After finally running back, I saw the giant demon of the Supreme Saint Venerable Realm staring at Fang Fan...

"I'm Cao..."

"Boy Fang Fan, can you stop for a while..."

"You kid, don't let the **** messenger toss you to death, don't give up!"

"His... horrible!"

"I'll take it..."

"Horrible... terrible!

"Boy Fang Fan, don't get too excited!"

"Boy Fang Fan! You are so steady!"

Bai Piao yelled a few curses, and then he didn't hesitate, and he threw himself in front of Fang Fan, apparently trying to block this wave of attacks for Fang Fan.

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