Everything, the end!

Fang Fan's body fell rapidly in the air, and then fell to the ground. His face was already white as paper...

Fang Fan took a deep breath, feeling the violent tingling sensation from his chest, Fang Fan subconsciously followed by taking a cold breath, the facial expression changed especially real at this moment.

I thought to myself, the posture of gnashing his teeth was revealed, and his eyes could not help but shrink in full.

Needless to say other things for the time being, the kind of pain in my heart this time has gathered together in an all-round way!

The crowd flocked to Fang Fan's location directly, wanting to see Fang Fan's situation at the moment.

The previous situations are indeed too dangerous!

This time Fang Fan was considered to have recovered his life, and it happened that the time for the summoning of that giant demon was up, and then he was forcibly summoned back.

If he were to stay for a few more seconds, Fang Fan might be crushed into powder.

"Fang Fan...Fang Fan, how are you..."

"You reply to me, you speak..."

"Don't... don't scare me..."

"What happened to you…"

"This is the healing sacred pill, you take it soon..."


The anxious color on Murong Yu's face was beyond words, and while speaking, his lips couldn't help but tremble. At this moment, he took a deep breath, and the change in his facial expression was particularly real.

Immediately after, swallowing saliva quickly, the whole person became trembling...

Needless to say the rest for the time being, this posture has gathered here, and the mentality has collapsed...

In Murong Yu's eyes, there were only worries and fears.


Ye Meier rushed over from the side, then put her hands on Fang Fan, her eyes flashing with endless worry.

Everything is in its best appearance.

"I...I'm fine..."

"Don't press me..."

"Cough...cough cough cough...I'm almost out of breath..."

Fang Fan exhaled and then secretly used a healing card for himself.

Although the healing card can't make up for the mental deficit, at least it can make him stop slightly.

Fang Fan exhaled a murky breath, thinking to himself, the brilliance in his eyes couldn't help but increase.

At this moment, subconsciously clenching his teeth, the facial expression changes are particularly real.

It seems that when you use your mental power in the future, you really have to follow it to stay steady...

Almost... Almost cold...

Fang Fan stretched his waist, the exhaustion from all over his body followed, and Fang Fan's brows quickly frowned.

At this moment, I thought to myself, the gesture of gritted teeth was vividly and vividly!

Needless to say the rest for the time being, it's probably such a feeling when the thoughts are in place.

Although Fang Fan’s mental power far exceeds that of cultivators of the same level, he is still immature after all...

After all, Fang Fan’s current cultivation is only in the middle of the two-star sanctuary...

Using the spiritual power of the two-star mid-sacred realm to control a supreme holy sovereign, it must be said that this seems a bit crazy.

And it turns out that all craziness comes at a price...

Fang Fan felt the bones all over his body move, and the firmness on his face couldn't help but increase.

"Husband, you... are you okay?"

"You're not dead..."

"woo woo woo woo…"

Ye Meier threw herself into Fang Fan's arms, and immediately began to cry presumptuously.

She was under too much pressure just now...

At that time, she even thought about following Fang Fan, but this life is forgotten...

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