As Ye Mei'er yelled, excited roars followed.

Familiar faces appeared in front of them one by one.

Kailin, Yun Yun, Chen Tianshi, Chen Tianshan, Zhang Ao...

Feeling the warm fragrance of nephrite in his arms, Fang Fan gradually became addicted...

This is the feeling, too real.

Murong Yu stood there awkwardly. At this moment, he glanced at Hong Fat Yanshou who was beside Fang Fan. He didn't know why, but he didn't feel like it.

Especially after seeing Fang Fan looking at Ye Mei'er's dozing gaze, he felt a little bit of taste in his heart.

Although there were Xiangfei, Xiao Liuli and Liu Jiayi in Guangming Academy to share Fang Fan with them, there was no sense of crisis at that time.

Murong Yu has always felt that he is unique beside Fang Fan and very good...

This is true both in temperament and deportment.

But in Ye Mei'er, she saw the temperament of being a mistress.

It seems that everything can slowly blend into it.

That feeling is clear and real.

After thinking about this, I couldn't help but raise my eyes subconsciously, and the facial expressions changed especially real...


"I'm fine..."

"What's that...Don't be sad!"

"Isn't it all over."

"Yu'er, what's wrong with you? Have been in a daze?"

Fang Fan focused his gaze on Murong Yu, and then he couldn't help but ask more.

Because he found that Murong Yu is really not so gregarious here...

After all, this is the first time I have come here. I am not very familiar with all aspects of it. Some sense of restraint is actually quite normal to some extent.

If it doesn't feel at all, then it looks weird.

Fang Fan licked his lips, thinking to himself, his gaze shifted subconsciously, he mainly wanted to pull Murong Yu back to a normal rhythm.

"I...I'm fine..."

"Just thought of something."

"Keep on talking, don't worry about me."

Murong said unwillingly.

At this moment, my heart is naturally not so open-minded on the surface.

It's just that I don't want to show it like this at the moment.

In other words, there are still many messy thoughts gathering in the depths of my heart, and I feel a little melancholy.

"You are Sister Murong..."

"Before, my husband sent back some news, saying that he was in a school, and you have always been taking care of him!"

"Thank you Sister Murong!"

"Sister Murong, although our big family has a little more members, we get along very well, so everyone is casual and don't be too restrictive..."

Ye Meier smiled frankly, and while talking, she nodded silently and showed her thoughts and thoughts.

Anyway, what has been shown from beginning to end is such a pure and true posture.

Seeing Ye Mei'er take the initiative to talk, Murong Yu's sense of restraint is indeed a lot less, at least he can say a few more words.

"He! He doesn't need me to take care of it!"

"It's not that you don't understand this guy. You're used to being a troublemaker. Even in the academy, you don't know how many good girls have caused trouble!"

Murong Yu glared at Fang Fan, then rolled his eyes and uttered.

The words used at every turn are also particularly sharp.

What is misfortune? I don't know how many good girls?

It makes me look like a rascal...

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