To this guy, cursing a few words seems to be refreshing in my heart...

Fang Fan opened his mouth and looked helpless.

"piss off…"

"Stay well!"

"Use these healing cards!"

"If there is anything wrong, say it!"

Fang Fan curled his lips, then said with a hint of spitting.

After saying this, my heart became much more relaxed.

Fang Fan sighed deeply, glanced around the surroundings subconsciously, the changes in his facial expressions were particularly real.

Just as Fang Fan was thinking, a figure flew over again in the distance.

"Brother Fang Fan!"

"Haha! Hahaha! It's really you!"

"I got news that you're back, I thought I was cheated!"

Gradually, a figure in the distance appeared in front of Fang Fan's eyes, and Fang Fan suddenly followed his eyes...

"Brother Dongguo?"

Fang Fan raised his eyebrows, the excitement on his face was beyond words.

The one in front of him is obviously Dong Guoshuo, the third-class sage of the Temple of Light Alliance in Qingtian Sanctuary...

Fang Fan and Fang had worshipped the handle before, and they seemed quite familiar with each other.

At this moment, they looked at each other, and the smiles on their respective faces could not help but increase.

At this moment, Dong Guoshuo is still holding a person...

"Hey, when I stopped by just now, I found this guy was running away, so I brought it here by the way!"

Dong Guoshuo shrugged, and then threw the man in his hand to the ground. After taking a glance, it was obvious that Zhuge Dun, the third-class Light Alliance Temple Saint of the Qingtian Sanctuary...

At this moment, this guy had already lost his previous arrogant appearance, he was completely slumped, and he shrank his head from time to time, and the panic on his face was beyond words.

"Fang Fan...Fang Fan acts as Cardinal..."


"You are here too..."

"I just... just passed by just now. I'm not in the same group with those people in black. I have nothing to do with them..."

"Fang Fan is acting as Cardinal, you must believe me. If you don't believe me, I will be done!"

"Fang Fan's acting Cardinal, you know me. Although my face has always been unsightly, I am respectful and respectful of Fang Fan's acting Cardinal. I dare not slack in the slightest!"

"Fang Fan acting as Cardinal, there are all misunderstandings here, really, all misunderstandings..."

"Cough...cough cough cough...Sage of Dongguo, why do you treat me like this, let me go, we are the sages of the temple, we all work together..."

"Furthermore, there is no reason under the crown of the Pope..."

"Sage of Dongguo, there is no unsolvable grievance between us..."

Qingtian Sanctuary third-class Bright Alliance Temple Saint Zhuge Dun was talking, and then he nodded and bowed quickly, his facial expression changed especially real at this moment.

At this time, I don't want the others to be gone, as long as I can save my dog's life.

At this moment, Zhuge Dun, the third-class Light Alliance temple saint in the Qingtian Sanctuary, did not think about resisting in the past, resisting with a hammer, what to resist?

How big is the difference in combat power between these two, do you really have no points in your heart?

Sweeping the past with this glance, there is definitely a gap.

Inexplicably, people have a sense of panic...

Not to mention that Dong Guo Shuo has already been promoted to the Holy Venerable Realm, he is absolutely impossible to fight, even the Fang Fan in front of him, he does not dare to offend!

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