Before Zhugedun saw everything in his eyes, this Fang Fan, who didn't seem to have a very high cultivation base, used his own means to kill Wujiren...

Wujiren, that is the existence of the Supreme Holy Venerable Realm!

At this point, Zhuge, the third-class sage of the Temple of Light Alliance in Qingtian Sanctuary, suddenly had nothing to say.

At this moment, he can only shrink his neck, expressing a wave of helplessness and sigh in his heart.

Thoughts gathered in the heart, and the seeds of the head were about to burst.

The pain in my heart gradually hits, and my thoughts take off in an all-round way!

Now I can only try to save a dog's life...

"Ha ha……"

"It doesn't matter how you treat me, but you can't do it if you offend my Brother Fang Fan!"

"If you hadn't led the way for the group of people in black this time, could the group of people in black find the plane of snow crystal? Can the group of people in black know that the plane of snow crystal is the weakness of our brother Fang Fan?"

"If it weren't for you, how could there be so much trouble?"

"When I think of this, I won't be angry!"

"Our Light Alliance Temple actually has such a traitor..."

"Cough...cough cough cough..."

Qingtian Sanctuary third-class luminous alliance temple saint Dong Guo Shuo took a deep breath, then couldn't help coughing a few times, followed by a trail of blood flowing down the corner of his mouth.

Dong Guo Shuo's complexion changed after another, followed by tightly covering his chest, looking very painful.

"Brother Dongguo, what's wrong with you...?"

"Your body..."

Fang Fan stretched out his hand on Dong Guo Shuo, and while talking, his face couldn't help showing nervousness.

"East Guo Shengzhe helped us intercept those people in black once on the Snow Crystal Plane..."

"At that time Dongguo Sage was severely injured by the group of people in black. Now it should be severely injured and has not healed..."

Ye Meier knew the specific situation, and immediately followed and explained.

Fang Fan exhaled and gritted his teeth at the moment, looking at Dong Guo Shuo with a look of guilt.

"Brother Dongguo, I'm bothering you again..."

"Because my business caused you to be hit hard..."

"This healing card, quickly use..."

Fang Fan didn't hesitate at all, and directly delivered the healing card to Dong Guo Shuo, and then used it directly on him in his astonishment.

Immediately after Dong Guoshuo's body flashed by a white light, his injuries were quickly recovering...

"Brother Fang Fan, stop tossing, I know my injury, I need to rest..."



Dong Guo Shuo was taken aback for a moment, and then his face showed ecstasy, which was especially true following the changes in his facial expressions.

Is the rate of change from beginning to end too fast? It's really unexpected.

Feel it a little at this moment, and you feel your thoughts churning!

"A card like this is better than any **** pill!"


"Brother Fang Fan, I can't keep up with your rhythm!"


"It's still old after all..."

Dong Guoshuo opened his mouth and said with emotion while talking.

These novelties were indeed the first time for Dong Guoshuo to see them.

At this moment, there is some inexplicable consternation in my heart, which is purely normal.

"Brother Fang Fan, thank you!"

"If it weren't for your magic card, my old bone would probably take tens of thousands of years to repair."

Dong Guoshuo laughed bitterly, and then laughed at himself.

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