"Brother Dong Guo was injured because of my business. It is me who should be thanked. There is absolutely nothing to do with Brother Dong Guo..."

"Speaking of which, I have to thank Dongguo brother..."

"If it weren't for Brother Dongguo this time, the Snow Crystal Plane would have suffered even more damage!"

Fang Fan sincerely thanked him.

"Brother Fang Fan, don't laugh at me, I'm nothing at all..."


"I want to help, but I am powerless!"

"To tell you, I hadn't rushed to the side of those in black at the time, and I was slapped and slapped by the head of the black man..."

"Then I was hit hard..."

"It's embarrassing to say it!"

"Then recuperating until now is a little better before daring to come out."

"If I had enough strength, how could the Snow Crystal Plane be so troubled!"

"Brother Fang Fan, I can't help you!"

Dong Guoshuo gritted his teeth, while speaking, he immediately sighed with deep emotion on the side.

Fang Fan's eyes flickered subconsciously, and then he smiled and looked at Dong Guo Shuo. This Dong Guo brother has always been sincere to him...

There is one more guy that needs to be dealt with right now...

Fang Fan and Dong Guo Shuo looked at Zhuge Dun, the third-class luminous alliance temple saint in Qingtian Sanctuary at the same time.

Zhuge Dun shrank his neck and squatted on the ground, feeling the joint attention of Fang Fan and Dong Guo Shuo, and his body trembled unnaturally.

"You...what do you want to do?"

"I...I am the saint of the temple anyway..."

"Only under the crown of the Pope... can I have the ability to judge me..."

"None of you have this qualification..."

Qingtian Sanctuary third-class luminous alliance temple sage probably also expected his sad ending, took a deep breath at this moment, and then secretly poked aside to cheer himself.

If this wave is cold, the mentality will not collapse...

At this moment, this mentality must be followed and stabilized, and the brain is buzzing invisibly.

Tu Hu Naihe's feelings could not help but followed.

Now it’s useless to have endless remorse deep in my heart, everything will end...

"Is it?"

"You are eligible for colluding with these people in black to harm the people of the temple?"

"You should be clear that these people are all believers in the God of Destruction, and they represent the will of the God of Destruction..."

"The **** of destruction, if I remember correctly, shouldn't he be the true **** of the dark camp?"

"In other words, they are all in the dark camp..."

"Are you so fond of the sage of the dark camp, are you still qualified to say that you are the sage of the Temple of the Light Alliance?"

"If this matter is really brought to the level of the Temple of the Light Alliance, it should be inevitable to be tied to a torture."

The corners of Fang Fan's mouth raised slightly, and his eyes became extremely indifferent as he spoke.

Fang Fan has never been merciful to his enemies.

Fang Fan could kill him with a single sword at this moment, but if that's the case, wouldn't it be too cheap for him?

This guy must feel the real panic before he dies!

Only in this way can this trip be worthwhile!

The sins he committed need to be paid back slowly. This is the retribution he deserves!

"You...what do you want to do..."

"I haven't done it, I haven't done those things..."

"Neither did I collude with the nobles of the dark camp..."

"Yes, I'm innocent, I haven't done anything!"

"It's useless for you to slander me!"

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