Zhuge Dun, the third-class luminous alliance temple saint in the Qingtian Sanctuary, lit up before his eyes, and then roared with extreme excitement.

Anyway, he is shameless now, as long as he can save his life, he doesn't care about everything else.

The threat of death made him feel crazy!

Now he just wants to live!

Now there is only one wish deep in my heart...

As for the others, all have been removed.


"It's a pity, I'm not even going to take the road of trial in the Temple of the Light Alliance. It's useless for you to yell at this here..."


"This is a shame!"

Fang Fan sighed with emotion, and then sighed from the side. At this moment, the smile on his face increased more and more.

Needless to say the rest for the time being, it is this proud posture that is demonstrated!

The posture is shown, let alone the rest!

How can you be so arrogant?

It just looks so airy!

"You...what do you mean..."

"Are you not going to twist me to the burning stand of the Shrine of the Alliance of Light?"

"Are you going to let me go?"

"Fang Fan acted as Cardinal, I knew... I knew you were a sensible person!"

"Okay! This is naturally excellent!"

"Let me go... You must let me go!"

"Whirring whirring…"

"As long as I can live, I can live..."

"As long as the others, I don't care, I really don't care at all!"

Zhuge Dun, the third-class Saint of Light Alliance Temple in Qingtian Sanctuary, nodded repeatedly, the excitement on his face was beyond words.

Even at this time, this guy is still thinking about these beautiful things...

"Ideal is naturally very beautiful, but the reality is too skinny..."

"What you think is meaningless."

Fang Fan shrugged, and while talking, the sneer on his face couldn't help but increase.

"You... didn't you all say that you wouldn't send me to the Temple of the Light Alliance?"

"Don't you mean to let me go?"

Zhuge Dun, the third-class luminous alliance temple saint in Qingtian Sanctuary, trembled, and at this moment he was rushing between the sky and the floor...

I thought it had taken off, but now telling myself is a joke?

This is special... Who can stand this special?

Wouldn't the mentality just follow the collapse?

All kinds of words are stuck in my heart, and now I can't say it.

"Let you go?"

"Hehe... Don't think too much..."

"I'm not going to send you to the Temple of the Light Alliance. In that case, isn't it too much trouble?"

"Now cut your belly open and hang you on the flying battleship. How good is it to light the sky lantern like this?"

"When the sky lantern goes out, the flying battleship will explode on its own, and then you will be completely eliminated in this world with the explosion!"

"But before you die, you did your best to bring a ray of light to this land..."

"Tsk...how good it would be like this!"

"Tell me, did I consider you very well?"

"Don't be too moved, these are all things I should do."

As Fang Fan was talking, he nodded silently, and the brilliance in his eyes could not help but increase.

At this moment, the saint Zhuge Dun is completely mad...

He thought of the terrible situation he was about to face, and his breathing gradually became extremely frightening...

"Mad, you crazy..."

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