Zhuge Dun, the third-class Light Alliance Temple Saint of Qingtian Sanctuary, let out a violent roar, and at this moment, the whole person became mad, and the squirming lips and the sassy eyes showed the ultimate sense of despair...

He could not bear the wireless anxiety in his heart.

The mentality has collapsed, and it has completely followed the collapse...

Just now!

The cool moonlight is practicing to the end!

"I am the third-class sage of the Light Alliance Temple in Qingtian Sanctuary!"

"I'm still a deputy first-grade saint!"

"In the Temple of the Light Alliance, I am above ten thousand people alone!"

"Only under the crown of the Pope can I control me..."

"Anyone else...no one has this qualification!"

"Nobody can...no! It's absolutely impossible!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Roars followed one after another, Zhuge Dun's eyes were full of resentment, and then he began to threaten him in all directions.

Unfortunately, these intimidations are meaningless.

For Du Yu Fangfan, he never cared.

This guy is completely dead...

Death is the best prelude to the moment!

The cool moonlight is paving the way to the end!

that is it!

It looks quite different!



"Light the sky lantern!"

"Let the imperial palace and the deadly heroic spirits on the plane of snow crystal rest in peace!"

Fang Fan waved his hand, the indifference on his face grew more and more.

Now that the words have reached this moment, the other ones naturally don't need to say much.

All ideas are doomed! that is it!

"Don't... don't... ah... ah ah ah..."

"Fang Fan! Asshole! Regret for not killing you in the first place!"


"If I were more resolute in the first place, how could this be!"

"A tiger is a problem! A tiger is a problem!"

"Fang Fan! I am the deputy first-rank saint of the temple. If I die, I will definitely not give up under the crown of the Pope!"

"Even if it is the third-class Light Alliance Temple of the Qingtian Sanctuary, it can't restrain you, but it can be reported in layers!"

"At that time, you will definitely not be able to mix in the Guangming Academy!"

"Your way has already been blocked!"

"You will also be severely punished by the temple!"

"Hahaha! For me, such a saint in a third-class temple, you have ruined your bright future!"

"Are you willing?"

"Um? Can you be willing?"

The roar continued to be heard, Zhuge Dun, the third-class luminous alliance temple saint in Qingtian Sanctuary, is still making his final efforts...

It's good to have this kind of self-rescuing heart, but it's a pity that this heart is used for the wrong person.

What else can you follow at this moment?

The end is the best gesture at the moment!

Everything is over, now there is nothing to say...

The end is the best state!

Everything has been set!


"What does it matter if you are willing or unwilling?"

"You were lighted by those people in black and killed by them. What does it have to do with Fang Fan?"

"After you took refuge in them, you were distrusted by them, and then you killed you..."

"And these people in black also have some special hobbies, so they will light you up."

"Isn't that the truth?"

"This is the real situation that should be reported!"

Fang Fan shrugged, then said indifferently.

If you don't even have this flexibility, wouldn't it really be a waste?

That's it, no need to say anything.

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