"Brother Dongguo, this kind of thing is hard to say..."

"But no matter what you say, there is no need to worry about these aspects..."

"Brother Dongguo just keep his mind steady, don't worry too much!"

"The time has not yet come..."

"When that time comes, everything will be spread out..."

"Brother Dongguo don't have to worry about this now!"

"How can the mind under the crown of the goddess be contemplated by those of us?"

Fang Fan nodded solemnly while talking.

Be sure to follow the firmer expression...

Flicker, it must look like a flicker.

Dong Guo Shuo hurriedly sat on the sidelines, his facial expression gradually becoming extremely sincere.

This Dongguo saint really unconditionally believes in that Athena goddess of wisdom.

"Brother Fang Fan is right!"

"Naturally, there are arrangements under the goddess' crown. I am here to worry that anxiety is really useless..."

"At this time, it's good to wait with peace of mind!"

"Yes... yes!"

"Hey... I really envy Brother Fang Fan, who can often psychic with the goddess Athena..."

"Although you and I were both gods under the crown of the goddess Athena, it is clear that Brother Fang Fan should be more pampered!"

"In the future, you will need a lot of help from Brother Fang Fan!"

Dong Guo Shengzhe was talking, and then nodded with approval, his facial expression gradually becoming solemn.

Needless to say the rest for the time being, the mentality has taken off in an all-round way at this moment!

It really seems like that.

Murong Yu and Ye Mei'er and the others were naturally confused.

Why did you get involved with the goddess Athena at every turn?

Still claiming that he was once the goddess of the goddess Athena?

Can you pull a little bit more?

Murong Yu gave Fang Fan a blank look, this guy was fooling people again!

Now this deceit is not drafted...

Did you just start to talk about the bullshit?

The point is, someone really believes...

What the two people said there was the truth...

The point is, doesn't this sound really embarrassing?

Isn't it awkward to take off?

"the host……"

At this time, Xue Ling stabs and walks from the side, with her father, Xue Qianren, the patriarch of the Xue clan, by her side.

Seeing the suddenly relaxed expression on Xue Ling's face, Fang Fan naturally understood that she was also relieved.

She had always worried that her father would be killed in this disaster.

But obviously, Xue Qianren, the patriarch of the Xue clan, survived by chance.

Being able to survive in that situation is actually a kind of ability.

"How about the snow casualties?"

Fang Fan groaned, and then directly asked Xue Qianren, the patriarch of the Xue clan.


"There are tens of thousands of people from the Snow Clan, only...only less than one hundred thousand..."

"One hundred don't save one..."

"Thank you, the Lord, for rushing to rescue us in time, otherwise our Snow Clan will be annihilated!"

Xue Qianren, the patriarch of the Xue Clan, sighed. While talking, he couldn't help but shook his head. At this moment, his eyes were filled with helplessness and hardship...

This is the truest mood and feelings from the heart.

Thinking about this, the mentality is also tense invisibly.

All in all, I feel extremely melancholy and helpless.

"I brought you this disaster..."

"You Snow Race take a good rest..."

"Starting from today, every year you Snow Clan can select a hundred young talents to enter the Palace of Human Emperor, and the Palace of Human Emperor will conduct unified training!"

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