Fang Fan groaned, and then said to the side.

Needless to say the rest for the time being, the thoughts gathered, and the eyes became extremely pure!

This feeling is basically in place.

This is what can be done to the Snow Clan now.

"We Snow Clan people can also enter the Human Palace?"


" this true?"

"Our Snow Clan ahead of others!"



Bang bang bang...

Xue Qianren, the patriarch of the Snow Clan, touched his head on the ground, then slammed his head frantically, the excitement on his face was beyond words.

While talking at this moment, his lips could not help but tremble slightly.

This is the most sincere words from the heart.

Thinking about this, the whole person took off in an all-round way!

The feeling in my heart seems too real!

Everything is in its best look!

Fang Fan sighed lightly, then turned around on the plane of Snow Crystal, and then turned back.

Fang Fan's eyes gradually focused on Ye Meier and other women.

"I will only have more and more enemies in the future..."

"If they continue to regard you as a way and a way to retaliate against me, you will still encounter these risks..."

"In addition to the Snow Crystal Plane, there are also the Human Races in the entire Human Race plane..."

"These are my weaknesses..."

"Otherwise you... you move..."

Fang Fan frowned, and then said to the side.

With the accumulation of more and more creation points, its realization is now the Chutian Pavilion small world has also become larger and larger...

At the moment there are almost two or three county towns the size...

It shouldn't be a big problem if the members of the human race and the human palace are installed.

"Here... will always be our root..."

"I feel that it is necessary to hold this foundation..."

"Don't worry, it's good for us to stay here. If there is any more danger in the future, we can evacuate ahead of time!"

Ye Meier smiled, and then shook Fang Fan's arm back and forth.

Fang Fan knew that Ye Mei'er actually wanted to help Fang Fan hold onto this foundation...

In other words, Ye Mei'er didn't want to drag Fang Fan down, they also wanted to be able to support themselves.

Fang Fan didn't say much, everything was silent.

"You... will stay on the Snow Crystal Plane these few days, right?"

Ye Mei'er blinked, her face couldn't help showing expectation.

The other women also looked at Fang Fan eagerly...

Fang Fan shrugged, then smiled silently...

"I have something to do when I go to the Temple of the Light Alliance..."

"When these things are done, I will come back."

Fang Fan groaned, and then said to the side.

This time, the biggest purpose of returning to Skyscraper Sanctuary is to complete the staged task of [Latent]...

That is to say, go to the third-class Light Alliance temple in Qingtian Sanctuary and raise your priesthood level by a wave.

Fang Fan went directly, Murong Yu immediately followed him, according to Murong Yu's words, to protect Fang Fan.

In addition, Dong Guoshuo also followed to the Temple of the Bright Alliance.

Familiar place, existence in memory.

I came to the third-class Illuminati Holy City and the third-class Illuminati Alliance Temple again, and I had some feelings.

Then flew directly to the central hall of the temple, which is the Pope's Hall!

At this moment, the third-class Guangming Alliance temple in Qingtian Sanctuary, who is in the Pope’s Palace, Pope Gong Yezhuo subconsciously followed in his heart...

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