Pope Yezhuo quickly said respectfully from the side, he is not stupid, he can't see clearly at this point. At this moment, while talking, his complexion can't help but change rapidly...

Needless to say the rest for the time being, all kinds of feelings are directly in place.

Now according to Fang Fan's appearance, can he still see the reward he promised before?

A mere one hundred million inferior star core and a quasi-sage?

The position of a true saint is regarded as a deputy first-rank priest, and this quasi-sage, in fact, is a quasi-first-rank priest, which is half a level lower than the deputy first-rank...

"What did the Pope say?"

"Is it possible that Master Pope is going to destroy the promise?"

"The Pope's habit is not so good..."

"Since it's something promised, it should be implemented in the end..."

"My Pope, you say, is this the case?"

"I can't make people look down on this matter, right?"

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, and while talking, his facial expression couldn't help but change a little.

The thoughts gathered here, and his eyes couldn't help but become pure.

Anyway, that's what it means.


"Although it says that, but...but it's not such a thing..."

"Fang Fan's acting cardinal, don't knock me down..."

"Fang Fan's acting cardinal will definitely develop in the first-class luminous alliance temple..."

"How can my third-class Illuminati Alliance temple be able to accommodate a supreme arrogant like you..."

Pope Gong Yezhuo shrugged, then followed seriously.

The thing is such a thing, the situation is such a situation.

On the whole, it seems too true.

When Pope Gong Yezhuo said this, he subconsciously glanced at Murong Yu who was on the side.

In fact, the meaning is already obvious. It is probably that Fang Fan has hooked up with a big guy like Murong Yu. Are you still worried about those who don't?

There is always a decision to make things happen, just follow them in your heart...

In fact, Murong Yu is quite speechless...

She also didn't quite understand Fang Fan's thinking.

Logically speaking, this is indeed the case. Is it possible that Fang Fan still wants to develop in the Heavenly Sanctuary in the future? So you are so keen on the priesthood of the third-class Light Alliance Temple in the Sky Sanctuary?

Before Fang Fan said that she was going to come here, she was also curious, but she really didn't expect to be here for an official position.

Is it possible that this guy is still an official fan?

Murong Yu raised his eyebrows subconsciously, thinking to himself that his facial expressions could not help but undergo some changes...

Needless to say the rest for the time being, I don't have any feelings when I look at it.

Anyway, after watching the wave, I feel dizzy inexplicably...

In general, that's probably the case.

Pure and true!

Looking at Murong Yu and Gong Yezhuo's curious eyes, Fang Fan shrugged helplessly...

Such a little thing, as for such a surprise?

It's just such a pure and simple situation...

Fang Fan exhaled, thinking to himself, the light in his eyes flickered rapidly...

If it weren't for completing the series of tasks [lurking], he wouldn't bother to engage in these bells and whistles.

Take precautions and smash your mouth. In fact, what he wants most is the skin on the Pope...

If you can become the pope, it would be even more beautiful.

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