Seeing a smirk on Fang Fan's face, he immediately confused Gong Yezhuo on the side...

Good guy, he doesn't understand what's going on.

Why is this can there be a different sense of laughter hidden in it.

I always feel...what's the matter with a different charm?

This is so...there is fraud in it!

Hidden needles in the smile, there must be something strange...

With a glance at the past, this feeling became more and more real.

Feeling trembling inexplicably!

"In any case, this is the existence I have been fighting for..."

"I just get back what I deserve..."


"Is the Pope reluctant to be a quasi-saint? Or does he have to destroy his promise?"

Fang Fan shrugged, and while talking, his facial expression changed particularly real.

This time the thoughts are gathered here, how can they be calm!

The posture that should be shown must be shown in place!

The Pope opened his mouth, there is nothing to say at the moment...

This is so amazing that you can follow along with a hammer...

The brain exploded directly.

The end is the best choice at the moment, and that's how it is.

"Fang Fan's acting Cardinal joked. Facing such a supreme talent as Fang Fan's acting Cardinal, let alone the position of a quasi-saint, even if I surrender the position of the pope, I am willing!"

Pope Gongye patted his chest, then said solemnly.

Originally, he just said a few beautiful words casually, but gradually, he found that Fang Fan's eyes became brighter and brighter. At this moment, the light in his eyes also flickered rapidly, and the whole person trembled...

Pope Gong Yezhuo suddenly had a very bad premonition...

"Master Pope...really want to give up the pope's seat?"

"The Pope has won my heart!"

"My Pope..."

The smile on Fang Fan's face grew more and more, and he strode forward a few steps, and then he was ready to hook up with the Pope Gongyezhuo.

Needless to say other things for now, it's just such a pure idea and gesture anyway!

Feeling in place, take off directly in one wave!

Pope Gong Yezhuo was instantly stunned...

I can do it...

I just talked about...

You take it seriously...

This makes me so embarrassed...

Pope Gong Yezhuo exhaled, and then the corners of his mouth twitched subconsciously, and the brilliance in his eyes flickered rapidly. This expressiveness didn't seem like that!

"Fang Fan is acting as the cardinal, cough...cough cough cough... don't... don't get too excited."

"Then what...Although I have this heart, but... but... hey... the position of my pope can only be appointed by the upper level of the Temple of Light Alliance.

"I didn't dare to leave my post without the first order of the Pope from the Temple of the Light Alliance!"

"Although I really want to hand over the position of the pope to Fang Fan as acting cardinal, but...but I really can't..."

"Fang Fan's acting cardinal... don't think too much..."

Pope Yezhuo wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, his face was stunned at the moment, and his head trembled invisibly.

What's going on...

Almost lost the position of Pope?

This Fang Fan really has this mindset, and wants to become the pope of the Temple of the Light Alliance in the Qingtian Sanctuary...

This wave is really careless...

Fortunately, Yuan came back in the end, otherwise it would be really embarrassing...

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