The battle belonging to the Dark Academy and the Nether Academy has ended, and now the eyes of the audience can only focus on the Yuanshi Academy and the Guangming Academy.

Guangming Academy is playing in the first stage of the five-star sacred realm ghost ghost!

And the Yuanshi Academy was fought by Ren Xun, a cultivator in the early stage of the five-star sanctuary!

The two realms are the same, they are in a battle!

Gui Sha is holding a long spear, and this Ren Xun is holding a long sword...

One inch long and one inch strong!

One inch short and one inch insurance!

The two began to fight, attracting countless light surges.

In fact, what everyone looks like is really the current battle!

"Ghost Sha, a first-year student of Guangming Academy, please advise!"

"Ren Xun, a first-year student of Yuanshi Academy, please advise!"

The two arched their hands to each other, and then each started a blood rain rush.

Don't pay attention to humility or anything at this time. Now that you are planning to start a battle, you must fight each other, regardless of each other, trying your best is the only choice!


Ghost Sha's spear pierced directly like a long dragon, piercing infinite sparks in the air, and felt his eyes flicker inexplicably...

Feel it a little at this moment, the body will twitch violently, and the whole person will start to float.

Feeling like this, I just call it a go!

"What a lingering gunman!"

"This son is so suffocating... it doesn't look like a student from Guangming Academy anymore!"

There was an unexpected exclamation from below.

"Haha... that person is called Gui Sha, the Young Master of the Fallen World Palace..."

In midair, a voice of answer came.

"Fallen Sanctuary?"

"Oh...That's no wonder, this little guy from the Fallen Sanctuary is more murderous than anyone else. This Fallen Sanctuary was originally a three-nothing zone, and it seemed to have been close to the dark camp before? Are you still going to fall to the bright camp?"

"Who is right about this kind of thing? One reply a day, maybe it won't take long to turn it upside down."

"Shhh... this kind of thing, don't you dare to talk nonsense..."

"Nonsense? What's wrong with this? Isn't that the way it is? Is it all accepted?"

"Close to the subject, it can be seen that the student Gui Sha from Guangming Academy is stronger..."

"I am afraid there is no suspense in the first battle..."

"The Guangming Academy is going to win!"


The surrounding chattering voices grew more and more, and at this moment, there were voices of sighs.

Anyway, these feelings gathered in my heart, and they seemed to be very real.

The eyes of the surrounding people gathered here, and they also watched with relish...

Outsiders could see that this battle was due to Guisha occupying the upper hand, and Ren Xun, a student who played in Yuanshi Academy, was naturally able to distinguish right from wrong.

I glanced at it a little at this moment, and I basically saw it.

At this moment, there was naturally a little nervousness on his face.

It's not just a matter of face, but Yuanshi Academy has great expectations for him during this battle.

If you are not careful, you may be crushed...

If you really lose, it doesn't matter if you face shamelessly, I am afraid it will be difficult to mix in Yuanshi Academy in the future.

Those mentors, dean and deputy palace masters, I’m afraid they are all very upset...

Yuan Shi Academy student Ren Xun gritted his teeth, and his breathing became quicker...


Ren Xun roared, and his arrogance was tumbling...

Then suddenly a golden charm appeared in his hand...

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