After Ren Xun, a student of Yuanshi Academy, roared, the golden talisman in his hand was instantly burned. Soon, the long sword in his hand made a trembling sound, which invisibly gave people a very strong oppression. sense!

Feel it for a moment, and feel inexplicably surging. At this moment, all kinds of thoughts are gathered here, and a five-star spiritual state is immediately attached to Ren Xun, a student of Yuanshi Academy.

Immediately, Ren Xunzhou's aura was instantly strengthened, as if he became a lot stronger in an instant, giving people a strong sense of oppression invisibly, and he was suddenly overwhelmed inexplicably!

The rest needless to say, this feeling is real...too real...

Gradually and instantly be destroyed!

That's all, people can't help but produce a sense of horror.

Ren Xun of Yuanshi Academy at this moment is very different from before...


Ren Xun secretly joined together, and then directly charged towards Gui Sha...


Ren Xun’s sword collided with Gui Sha’s spear. In the previous battles, under this situation, it was normal for this Ren Xun to regress in an all-round way. Although both Ren Xun and Gui Sha’s cultivation bases were the same, Obviously, in terms of combat power, Ghost Sha is better.

But at this moment, a special degree of change has indeed taken place...

After the collision, Gui Sha suddenly felt his tiger's mouth numb, and the spear in his hand was almost ruined.

At this moment, his lips were trembling, and the black line on his forehead gathered in full.

It's abolished at the moment... really completely abolished.

The eyes widened, inexplicably produced a sense of shock from the depths of my heart...

Thoughts gathered here, and his lips trembled crazily.

This feeling is particularly unique!

"The combat power has increased several times..."

"How can it be!"

Gui Sha's eyes widened, and at this moment there was only power to parry.

The cold sweat on Gui Sha's forehead couldn't help but increase.

At this moment, Gui Sha has fallen into a complete disadvantage.

The wind direction of the audience is also changing in an all-round way!

"Good fellow... Yuanshi Academy is here prepared!"

"Why is Ren Xun of this Yuanshi Academy suddenly taking drugs? I strangled it, I don't understand, I really don't understand..."

"Haha...what do you use drugs and not drugs? That's all bullshit. Didn't this guy burn a golden charm just now? That's a sword spirit possessed charm..."

"This kind of magic talisman has now been lost, and the number left is very small. I didn't expect this guy to get one..."

"This sword spirit possession talisman essentially releases the sword spirit incorporeal sealed in the spirit talisman, and then merges with the user into one, so as to be able to better use the sword in his hand... in a short time, it can indeed skyrocket the combat power. ..."

"But the longer this thing is possessed, the greater the sequelae. If it is possessed for half an hour and an hour, the body may be directly stupid..."

"Until the critical moment, naturally you can't be so silly..."

"Hey! According to you, that student at Guangming Academy is almost cold?"

"What can I do if it's not cold? Hey...Who would have thought that Ren Xun from Yuanshi Academy was so determined..."

"Tsk...Tsk tusk, this looks more and more interesting..."

"After all, this is the home court of Yuanshi Academy. The first battle of Yuanshi Academy is definitely going to be won!"

"The battle between this academy is wonderful! Damn! The so-called battle between the Dark Academy and the Nether Academy just made me sick!" The latest chapter address of the strongest card supplier in the last days of the god-level system: text reading address of the strongest card supplier in the last days of the god-level system: txt download address of the strongest card supplier of the god-level system in the last days: system, the strongest card supplier in the last days, mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this reading (Chapter 3140 Drug Status) Record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "The Strongest Card Supplier of God-level System in the Last Days", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Way) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (

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