Cathy's trick is pretty good...

For a moment, the two quasi-semi-divine guards of the Protoss suddenly hesitated...

Then he hurriedly walked over from the shadow...

Walked two steps forward and came to Cathy.

In any case, according to honor and inferiority, the seventeenth lady Cathy still has to be respected in place.

Their quasi-demi-god guards are at best a third-class general, and their status is still somewhat deviated, there is no doubt about this.

In terms of the situation, we must also fully control the situation, and take off in an all-round way!

In a state of leaping, it's just so patience...

The two protoss semi-semi-divine guards gradually saw Fang Fan and others...

Seeing the clothes on their bodies and looking at their faces, there was a look of doubt on their faces...

"Are you members of the City Lord's Mansion?"

"Which squadron are you from?"

"Why have I never seen you?"

"who are you!"

One of the quasi-semi-divine realm guards' complexion changed, and then he hurriedly scolded from the side.

His complexion suddenly became extremely ugly as he spoke, then he yelled, and the pressure gradually came into place.

This was discovered...

Fang Fan thought that they had dressed up well, but he didn't expect that there were people outside the mountains and mountains outside the mountains.

It seems that we should not be too sloppy in the future.

Fang Fan didn't say much, and sent a look to Nie Yan...

"Controlling the war..."

The tearful eyes of the heavenly star apprentices with seventh-class gods quickly displayed their magical skills [Control War]...

In an instant, the quasi-semi-divine realm golden armored puppet doubled its combat power, and the quasi-semi-divine protoss guard's combat power instantly became one-half of the original.

Comparing the two, the gap is too obvious.


A little bit of coldness, come first...

The golden-armored puppet wielded the golden gun directly through it, and the sense of oppression seemed very sufficient.

"who are you!"


Another quasi-semi-divine guardian of the **** race looked on one side, and quickly scolded, his complexion gradually became extremely cold...

This feeling is in place, Ya is dedicated to the soldiers!

A wave of crushing! The attitude is in place, take off in full!


At this time, Cathy no longer concealed it, and the weak demi-god cultivation base broke out, and she directly picked another quasi-demi-god deity guard, and then directly suppressed it to the extreme!


Suddenly a soft sword appeared in Cathy's hand and pointed it directly at the throat of the guardian of the demigod realm...


Constant flow of blood...

For a while, this scene seemed extremely bloody, and the feelings were in place, and the thoughts took off in all directions, and the more I watched, the more I felt the brain tremors...




The quasi-demi-god guard who was attacked in place wanted to sound the alarm, but was suppressed firmly by Cathy, and was basically on the verge of death. This wave was not grasped, and it was almost in a kind of death that could no longer die. State now.

This wave is basically cold...

He mainly wanted to remind the demigod guards of another protoss...

However, his wishful thinking is completely emptied, and it is nothing...

This wave of oppression is in place, basically fully understood.

The golden spear of the quasi-demi-god puppet arrived in front of another protoss guard.

After the comprehensive mediation of [Control War], the difference in combat power between the two is already very obvious...


Thorny thorny...

One shot is not dead, one more shot, and then another shot...

Continuously, the speed is extremely fast!



"No... don't... don't do this..."

"Damn... **** bastard!"

"Go... Go!"

"Don't come...Don't come..."

"I do not want……"

This quasi-semi-divine guard of the Protoss tried his best, but wanted to resist a wave and issue an alarm, but it was obviously impossible...

In this wave, he was suppressed by the golden armor puppet to death.

And because he was too anxious, there were many loopholes, and in the end he was shot through the chest...

Before he died, the quasi-demi-god guard of the Protoss still had an incredible bursting expression.

It's just that the breath of life is slowly disappearing at this moment.

In the end, it will come to a complete end, and it will be completely cool.

The established situation of death seems very real.

"All dead?"

"Unexpectedly, there is such a guard next to you..."

"And their accents are different from the accents of our Protoss. When I speak, they don't understand either..."

"You... who are you?"

"Why do you speak the language of the Protoss?"

"Then who are they?"

Cathy blinked her beautiful eyes, and while she was speaking, her sharp gaze tentatively came over, the spirits in her eyes gathered all over, and the sense of surprise on her face increased.

From a comprehensive point of view, it seems to stand alone, too unusual...

All kinds of wonderful feelings gathered in my heart, and for a while, the brilliance in the eyes increased...

"Are these... important?"

Fang Fan shrugged, then said calmly.

With a word, Cathy fell silent...

Yeah, these... these are the important things?


"These are very important!"

"Anyway, I am a Protoss..."

"If so... if you are the enemies of the Protoss... I... I definitely can't help you harm the entire Protoss!"

"The grievances between Cassius and I are just between us, and have nothing to do with the Protoss..."

Cathy gritted her teeth, her attitude changed in an instant, she was full of thoughts while she was speaking, and her eyes couldn't help but turn, the various feelings deep in her heart gathered in her heart, and the sense of complexity gathered in her heart.

"I never said that I would fight against the entire Protoss..."

"The army of Tianlin City slaughtered us wantonly, so we chose to resist and avenge. Isn't the purpose between us for unprecedented unification?"

"If people from other Protoss cities don't come to provoke us or start a war with us, how could I choose to take the initiative to fight with them?"

Fang Fan shrugged, then said calmly.

When he said this, he seemed justified.

Anyway, I have a clear conscience, so... it doesn't matter.

A wave of posture crushes, and the attitude is full of spurs!


"That said, you admit that you are not a protoss?"

"You...Are you the foreigners who have been fighting against Tianlin City recently?"

"You all appeared suddenly..."

"Before this, there is no information about everything about you..."

"It's really amazing..."

"In any case, the Protoss and you are now in an opposite relationship..."

"How can I guarantee that what you say is true?"

"You foreigners may exist to destroy the entire Protoss!"

"If this is the case, I helped you, isn't it indirectly harming and destroying the Protoss?"

Cathy tilted her head, then whispered to herself.

Fang Fan: "..."

Good guy...

Your brain circuit, I don’t understand it more and more, you’re crazy...

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