Are you thinking too much?

If you want to get involved in justice at every turn, who can stand it?

For a while, my whole body and mind were numb.

The more I think about it, the more confused it is, and the more I think about it, the more my brain bursts.

It's nothing.

Just for fun?

"you think too much……"

"The so-called ethnic dispute is of little significance to me..."

"Because... I am a god."

Fang Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, and immediately became serious.

You have to make things clearer, right?

It’s just that there are a lot of things that are hard to say here now...

Since it's hard to say, let's just fool around.

Anyway, this is a mess.

The people who used to be uncle Jie Xue Wanren suspiciously thought that Fang Fan was the reincarnation of the true god...

It just so happened to be able to use this excuse to fool a wave of Cathy, the 17th lady of the God Race Tianlin City Lord.

In any case, this sense of rhythm must be grasped in place.

As for how things will develop in the future, let's decide, it's not a big problem!


"you are God?"

"Do you think I am a three-year-old child?"

"You denied it before..."

"I asked you if you were a true **** before, but you didn't even admit it..."

"Flick me now, I won't believe it anymore."

Cathy rolled her eyes and couldn't help but vomit.

This... this is it?

Can it work?

"Do not believe?"

"what about now?"

The corners of Fang Fan's mouth raised slightly, and he muttered [the majesty of the desolate god]...

In an instant, the true spirit revolved around Fang Fan...


"What a breath?"


"How can it be!"

"No...impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

"Fake! Definitely fake!"

"I don't believe it, I definitely don't believe it!"

"Whirring whirring……"

"Among these... there must be something tricky in this..."

"has a problem……"

"How could you be a true god..."

"The true **** has blessed me?"

"If you are a true god, you still need my help to looting the treasury of the City Lord's Mansion?"

"Furthermore, why the true **** might do this kind of thing..."

"The true **** is aloft, do whatever he wants, can't get what he wants? How can he use this method?"

"Even if it's a bullshit, it's a little bit better, okay?"

"It doesn't mean anything..."

"It's too hypocritical, and it's too hypocritical."

Cathy made a wave of self-suggestion, and then shook her head quickly, anyway, she didn't believe it in her heart.

The more you talk, the more excited you are, the more you talk, the more calm your complexion is. In an instant, your thoughts and thoughts burst, and you take off directly!

It's such a posture, very real and clear, and a wave of melancholy!

But Cathy couldn't explain how Fang Fanzhou's pure and ultimate true spirit aura formed.

Obscure? Is it so perfect?

"Ha ha……"

"The so-called true gods are just more powerful creatures..."

"Actually, they are far from being as noble and elegant as you think..."


"As for me, I fell into the lower realm because of divine power damage..."

"So it takes a lot of energy to recover slowly..."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't make the idea of ​​this city lord mansion Neiku."

"The main reason is to find some energy bodies in it to help me restore my cultivation..."

"The little world just now, didn't you also go in?"

"In the small world, I am the Supreme God..."

"Have you seen those demigods have their own independent small worlds that can store living things?"

"Isn't it clear enough what I said?"

Fang Fan shrugged, then said calmly.

When things are said to be here, basically a lot of words are in place with silence. If you understand, you understand, and if you don't understand, there is basically no way to do it.

Take off in full, right now!


Cathy's eyes trembled, and she hesitated now.

With many thoughts, the more I think about it, the more chaotic...

She wanted to say something, but a lot of words stuck in her heart, making her unable to make a sound for a while.


"It always feels like something is wrong."

"Why is it still like this..."

"This is far from what I expected, too much difference, right?"

"Exactly... what's wrong?"

"How could I encounter a true god..."

"Also, how could it be possible to have a relationship with me in the words of the true God?"

"Is the true **** interested in women too?"

"I remember your crazy look before."

Cathy is mainly struggling with this point now.

Fang Fan’s appearance is far from the true God in the traditional sense...

Anyway, it looks very strange.

For a time, my thoughts were numerous, and my eyes flickered.

Fang Fan sighed...

This Cathy is so hard to flicker...

And the key point is still stuck in the matter of men and women...

Who really said that the true **** would not be interested in women?

Isn't everyone the vitality? Are they all gendered?

"Your temptation... even the true god... can't hold it..."

"You don't even look at your own amorous looks..."

A wicked smile appeared at the corner of Fang Fan's mouth, and then silently opened his mouth, approaching Cathy's ear, and then whispered softly.

Cathy's body trembled slightly, and she felt trembling all over her body inexplicably.

That kind of taste and feeling gathered in my heart, and the whole person was numb...


"what are you doing……"

"Even if you are a true god, you must also be an evil god!"

Cathy glared at Fang Fan bitterly, and then couldn't help but smashed towards Fang Fan's chest, with a bitter expression on her face.

At this moment, in Cathy's heart, she already believed in Fang Fan's plan.

Because from all angles, it reveals authenticity.

The more I look at it, the more real it feels.

At the same time, Cathy couldn't help feeling a different kind of excitement deep in her heart...

Her first time... to a true god?

She was favored by the true god?

How can I feel...I feel like I am in a sweet atmosphere, and my whole person is numb for a while...

The more I thought about it, the more confused my thoughts became.

Quite a lot of thoughts gathered in the depths of my heart, and they burst out all at once!

" say you are accumulating divine power?"

"Then... Then wait for your divine power to accumulate, isn't it... Is it about to leave here?"

"Will you return to your **** realm at that time?"

"By then... I will never see you again!"

Cathy was leaning in Fang Fan's arms at this moment, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of taste in her words.

Thinking silently in my heart, my lips couldn't help but continue to whine...

Fang Fan raised his eyebrows, and then heaved a sigh of relief...

This wave is basically stable.

Although it is a bit unethical to look at it this way.

But now I can't manage that much anymore, as long as the situation can be stabilized, it is better than anything.

If this Cathy really wants to break with him, don't say that the treasures in the inner treasury of the City Lord's Mansion will not be available, I am afraid that even this City Lord's Mansion will not even want to go out, and there is still life danger.

Before the crisis, telling some white lies seems to be forgiven.

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