Suddenly, the surrounding vibrations intensified.

Everyone has a passion for blood.

Everyone's attitude and attitude are clear at a glance.

This wave swept into place in an all-round way, and the tremor gradually became more relevant.

For a time, the crowd surging...

The face of Ouyangtu, the first-class saint of the Temple of the Light Alliance, turned black to the bottom of the pot.



A bunch of bastards!

The more I look, the more angry, the more I look, the more bored, for a time, the expression is unpredictable.

damn thing!

It's all dog stuff!

But he is powerless to do what people want.

His authority as the president of the bright camp is actually far less powerful than imagined.

For a while, there was silence again.

Ouyang reached out his hand and grabbed the surrounding area, trying to find a target for venting, but found that the Cao Ji who had been following him was no longer by his side.

That Cao Ji is now going through the half-god Thunder Tribulation.

There was no place to vent, and it became more and more tyrannical.



The bastard...

It's all dog stuff!

Thoughts, chaos to the extreme!

His eyes are extremely indifferent!

The moment of death is fully established!


Suddenly, Ouyang's eyes lit up, and suddenly, he thought of some wonderful things.


"Good! Very good!"


"Achieving merit is rewarded! Wrong is punished!"

"Although it is wrong for you to fire the cannon recklessly, how can you say it?

"Moreover, your actions did cause heavy losses to the Protoss, the final result is also good!"

"This kind of behavior deserves to be fully commended!"

"I will definitely report to the Pope to fully record your achievements..."


Ouyang Tui instantly turned into a smiling tiger.

The more you talk, the more excited you are, and the more you talk, the more you feel like a dog.


Can you stop a little bit?

This sounds really wrong...

"Is this guy a dog face? This has changed?"

"How do I feel that this guy is not a good thing?"

"I don't know what's whispering in my heart..."

"I'll take it..."

"There is a problem, there is definitely a problem."

"This guy wants us all to die..."

"I must be planning something..."

Uncle Tai frowned and raised his eyebrows as he spoke.

Now, he has almost groped out the many routines of this uncle.

To put it bluntly, this is not a good thing...

Among them, there is a mystery, a big mystery!

"I also feel that it's not right..."

"But it's hard to say what's wrong..."


"See the trick."

"This guy hasn't had the guts to wipe out our Guangming Academy!"

"Humph! If he dares to do this, the palace lord will definitely not let him go."

Xue Wanren narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly, his expression turned extremely ugly.

"Besides...He is not the only one who has the final say..."

"Longsun Yuan Shengzhe and Hong Chen Shengzhe are also deputy commanders..."

"It's impossible to cover the sky with one hand."

Xue Wanren said with confidence and fear.

"Palace Lord?"

"We Guangming Academy, do you still have Palace Master?"

Fang Fan shrugged.

This so-called palace master can only hear his name but not see him.

"Of course..."

"Otherwise, what do we mix with Guangming Academy?"

"I want to support such a big stall?"


"If there is no Lord Palace Master, our Guangming Academy will really become the fish on the chopping board, and it will be slaughtered..."

"But fortunately, with the Lord of the Palace, even under the crown of the Pope, I dare not go around casually!"

"Let them have the courage, and they don't have that courage!"

"Palace Master...that is a legend..."

As Xue Wanren, Deputy Chief of Guangming Academy spoke, the light in his eyes flashed across the board.

With myriad thoughts and thoughts rushing, my feelings were swept across the board immediately.

Gradually, the whole person became airy.

Just kidding, the shovel disappears in ashes!

"So... where is the Palace Lord?"

Fang Fan only pays attention to this...

Keep talking, this is useless.

The key is to find out who is true.




"It's hard to's really hard to say..."


"The dean has always been fascinated by ghosts, and the ghost knows where he's gone..."

"I haven't seen him for tens of thousands of years."

Xue Wanren sighed, then sighed silently.

too difficult.

Thoughts were instantly confused.

"Tens of thousands of years... haven't seen it?"

"A palace lord who lives in memory?"


"Why do you feel such a bullshit..."

Fang Fan opened his mouth, and the corners of his mouth tilted subconsciously. During the speech, his eyes flickered, his expression twitched, and his eyes became cold.


Just for fun?


Do it all, that's it? That's it?

Rhythm, can't you stretch it a little bit?

In other words, the legendary palace master can only exist in the legend.

After all, I can't pay attention to anything.

"Don't be disrespectful to the Lord Palace Master!"

"You kid, you are really drifting now! With regard to the Lord Palace Master, there must be no slack in the slightest..."

Xue Wanren looked serious, and there was light in his eyes...

Obviously, the legendary Lord of the Guangming Academy holds a very high status in his mind.

Otherwise, it definitely cannot be this posture.


"It's useless to say that."

"Go back and rest."

"Now the Protoss army has almost withdrawn."


"I've been in a stalemate for several days, and I'm tired."

"Take a good rest..."

"I don't know if this protoss army is gone forever, or if it will come back two days later."

"This has to be prepared..."

"If you are a little careless, you have to continue to fight..."

"It's meaningless..."

"Fighting every day."

Bai Piao sighed, then couldn't help but complain.

"The words are rough but not rough..."

"What Bai Piao said, we really need to focus on..."

"I don't know what arrangement is next..."

"This Yuanshi God City may have to deploy people all the year round..."

"If we want to borrow these resources from the Divine Territory and want to cultivate quickly here, we can only fight these Protoss to the end..."

"In this realm of gods, maybe...maybe you can find a way to become gods..."


"You know, as long as you step into the realm of false gods, you eligible to enjoy the worship of believers..."

"At that time there will be a chance to take off and enter the realm of God..."

"How many people are staring at the level of the pseudo-deity..."

"Especially those supreme beings in the absolute semi-god realm. At this moment, for them, the greatest meaning of life is to break through the void and promote a false god..."

"False god, that's a whole new level..."

"False god, you can enter the realm of God..."

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