Xue Wanren, deputy governor of Guangming Academy, licked his lips, and his eyes twitched as he spoke.

With thousands of thoughts, the brilliance in his eyes grew more and more.

At this moment, both hands are trembling slightly...

The thoughts burst to the extreme, and the feelings swept across.

Who doesn't have a dream yet.

For all cultivators, God's Domain has always been a place of extreme yearning!

The existence of the demi-god realm did not have enough power to break through the void and enter the divine realm.

But the false gods... already have such qualifications!

In the rest of your life, if you can enter the realm of God, go to the realm of God to have a look, and see the true gods with your own eyes, this is the great joy of life!

"This promotion to a false god...difficult?"

"In our bright camp, there is no one who has been promoted to the false **** realm?"

"Neither is the Pope?"

Fang Fan raised his eyebrows, his thoughts gradually became messy, his brows gradually wrinkled as he spoke, and his feelings gradually deepened.



"Thinking too much..."

"If you really step into the realm of false gods, I'm afraid I can't help entering the realm of gods long ago..."

"Stepping through the void, the threshold to enter God's Domain is to promote a false god..."

"Is it uncomfortable to practice in God's Domain? Why stay here?"

"This is simply not realistic!"

"Everyone is not a fool, what do you think in your heart, can you still have no points?"

"Actually, in general, it's not much difference..."

"Now I am afraid that if one or two false gods emerge from the Protoss, it will be over..."

"At that time, even if our three forces are all assembled together, it will be meaningless..."

"The risk factor at that time can be imagined..."

"Here, it's unpredictable..."

"The more I think about it, the more upset I feel..."

"At that time, it will be completely abolished..."

Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of the Guangming Academy, silently narrowed his eyes, and then flashed a different kind of light in his mind...

When you are in this position, you can't think too much about the problems.

The overall situation needs to be considered in place, and there must be no slack.

"It stands to reason that it shouldn't exist."

"This Tianlin City can already be regarded as the top upper city among the Protoss..."

"But as far as I know, the city lord of the **** race Tianlin city has not yet crossed into the pseudo-god state."

"So... don't worry too much about this."

Fang Fan shrugged, then reminded from the side.

There is no need to involve too much in this matter.

The overall stability of the situation, the overall collapse of the mentality, this is the most important thing!

My thoughts are messy, and I think more.


"How can you kid be so sure?"

"It won't be that again...what did the lady of the city lord tell you?"


"Your relationship is really good! She doesn't have the slightest chance for you, she will tell you everything!"

"Your kid really has a way of dealing with women!"

"No woman can escape the palm of your kid!"

On the side, Xue Wanren couldn't help but began to gritted his teeth...

This **** stuff, the more I think about it, the more messy it gets...

The thought that the baby girl he had raised for so many years was ruined in the hands of such a bastard, Xue Wanren's heart hurts.

Now I can't wait to slap Fang Fan...

I have to admit that this son-in-law is really capable and has a good character, but this style problem is really too serious!

And it has always been like this, and I know at a glance that I have never repented...

Xue Wanren rubbed his forehead, thinking of these messy things, his heart trembled.

There are waves of bells and whistles, what else do you want to make?


Just mess around, it's endless?

damn thing……

What a jerk!

Thousands of thoughts, messy thoughts, abrupt expressions...

As the old father-in-law, showing such a posture can only be said to be too real.


"No matter what channel you learned about this news."

"But at the very least, it's all true."

"At least for now, it can be stable."

"It seems that the false **** is really the root of the disparity between the enemy and us..."

"Speaking of it, it's been so many years, so there is no false **** in the bright camp?"

Fang Fan squinted his eyes. At this moment, what he needed to confront was the existence of the semi-divine realm, so he also needed to expand his horizons to a higher level.


"This false **** is not Chinese cabbage, so how can it be promoted casually?"

"Thousands of years ago, although it was difficult for a false **** to be promoted, it was not impossible to be promoted. At that time, from time to time, there were several false gods who broke through the void."

"But now, I don't know what has happened in this world. This promotion to the pseudo-god realm is as if it has become a moat."

"Anyway... it's hard."

"That difficulty is not something that can be said clearly in a few words."

"Palace Lord has disappeared for so long, in fact...in fact, it is also to find a way to promote a false god."


"In a blink of an eye, it disappeared for so many years."

"I don't know if the Lord Palace Master has found a direction..."

Xue Wanren groaned, and couldn't help thinking back.

Now for that Palace Master of Guangming Academy, he has disappeared for tens of thousands of years now, there are only so few possibilities.

Either he succeeded in finding the way to promote a false god, and then successfully stepped through the void and left. Maybe it was because he was too excited and there was nothing to say before he left.

Either something unexpected happened in the process of searching for promotion, and it was cold.

Either it was still in the process of searching, because it was too drunk, so the Guangming Academy was forgotten.

But in any case, the lord of the Shenlong Palace can only put up a sign, in fact, the overall problem is not big, at least...at least it shows that there is still some hope, and the road ahead will not be completely cut off.

The remaining prestige of the Lord Palace Lord can still cover the Guangming Academy for a while.

The battle was over, Fang Fan waved his hand, preparing to let the Deshen Artillery Corps disassemble the Deshen Cannon, and then left the city wall.

Wandering outside for so long, it is indeed a bit tired.

Especially Xiang Fei Xiao Liuli and the little nizis who saw him come back, they kept pounding on the side...


For a time, Fang Fan gradually became anxious.

The body also slowly became fiery.

In general, this taste is quite graceful.

"Ha ha……"

"Everyone... wait a minute..."

"Don't leave in a hurry."

Ouyangtu, the President of the Bright Camp and the first-class saint of the Temple of the Bright Alliance, suddenly came over with a smile, exuding an inexplicable sense of weirdness in every move.

"I said..."

"I didn't feel right when this guy said before that he wanted to ask Fang Fan for gong."

"There must be something tricky..."


"Bastard stuff!"

"Sure enough... there is a way!"

"This is the rhythm that wants to kill us all..."

"Otherwise, just ignore him."

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