Ouyangtu, the first-class saint of the Temple of the Light Alliance, continued to sneer, and his expression became colder as he said. At this moment, he folded his hands into a fist, wishing to stab directly.

That state seems extremely crazy.

For a while, people felt a tremor in the depths of the soul.

This thought, messy in the heart, gradually became numb on the spot.

It's very real and very clear.

It's almost like this.

Thoughts...all-round gathering, feelings, all-round sweeping...

The burst feeling is in place.

In any case, the enmity between each other is obviously deeper now...

And this wave of confrontation obviously ended with the complete failure of Ouyangtu, the first-class saint of the Temple of the Light Alliance.

At this moment, his condition was stretched to the extreme.

Inexplicably, there is also a sense of sand sculpture invading.

The surrounding feelings were swept across, and his face became more and more difficult to look.

This state is gradually real.

"I, Cao, is this Saint Ouyang persuaded?"

"It's strong, Fang Fan's big boss is awesome, so he can abuse even the first-class saints like Ouyang Disciple!"

"Hahaha! More than just a first-class saint, this is the president of the Temple of the Light Alliance, hey...it's a cowboy, no way, I really convinced it, and the battle with the big guys instantly fell in place. It’s so bursting!"

"Boss Fang Fan is the invincible existence of the new era!"

"In the future sacred realms, there must be a reputation as Fang Fan's boss!"

"Hey... this Ouyang disciple has a small pattern. At any rate, he is also the handsome president of the bright camp. How do you feel that you have been competing with your own family?"

"Really, if you want to plot the invincible cannon, you have to use some moral kidnapping, now it's fine, stealing chickens will not eclipse rice, laughing to death..."

"Hip pulling stuff, really laughed to death..."

"There are waves of bells and whistles..."

"Now this guy has become everyone's laughing stock, there is no one who pulls his hips more than him!"

"Haha...interesting...really interesting..."


The voices of emotion gathered around each other, their eyes widened, and their thoughts flowed completely.

This state is very real and very clear.

For a time, my thoughts were completely fluttering, and it was almost like this situation.

It's clear and true.

People's eyes are sharp.

What you are like, in fact, you only need to glance at it, and you can basically understand it.

Basically, these surrounding sounds have not been effectively controlled. If you want to listen, you can hear it every minute.

This situation became clear instantly.

Ouyang clenched his teeth secretly, feeling extremely dull, feeling a blood stuck in his heart and couldn't come out.

I want to roar, but I can't express it.

It was very uncomfortable, very disgusting, and very hip.

The mentality collapsed...

Waves of bells and whistles...

The special thing is to play...

There is no specific rhythm.

Ouyang walked forward silently for two steps, and then left the place directly.

It's meaningless to stay here.

Is it possible to continue to be ridiculed by these bastards?

He couldn't bear it, and didn't want to bear it.

There is only an endless sense of tyranny in my mind at this moment.


"Disciple, I knew you had a way!"

"It's not easy to deflate this bastard!"

"Not bad……"


"Finally let out a sigh..."

"Otherwise, it's going to be disgusting in the state just now."

"As soon as I see this **** thing, I can't bear it..."

"Hey... I really want to go up and have a big fight..."

"It's this cultivation base that stretched the hips a bit."

"When I break into the demi-god state, I only need to be in the demi-god state. I will fight this **** up and down..."

"Oh shit……"

"Fuck it..."


Uncle Jie couldn't help but yell.

Now there is a great sense of joy.

"Your kid is really bold..."

"That Ouyang disciple is really not a good thing, but after all, he is a first-class saint in the temple, and he is still a strong semi-divine existence."

"If he desperately wants to kill you forcefully, it's really...not very good..."


"I told you so much, I just want you to keep a low profile in the future..."

"There are still many external dangers."

"Sometimes it's impossible to worry about everything..."

Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of Guangming Academy, sighed with emotion, and immediately persuaded him.

As long as that scene appears once, it is the ultimate risk of once...

If you can't stabilize it, it will be completely cold.

"Do not worry."

"Eat radish and worry about it..."

"The emperor is not in a hurry..."

"Boy Fang Fan has already understood everything."

"Already ready to run away."

"Do you really think he likes to face risks?"

"After spending so long with Fang Fan, I can see him thoroughly..."

"This guy looks quite honest on the face, with a well-behaved look, but in fact he's secretly more bells and whistles than anyone..."


"If you are an enemy of this kind of person, I'm afraid you won't even be able to sleep peacefully."

"Of course, it's great to be friends with someone like Fang Fan, because there is no need to worry about what is dangerous or not."

"This guy's luck has deepened. Even if it's a life of nine deaths, there is basically no problem with him. In the end, he can turn into good fortune."

Bai Piao raised his eyebrows, and then sighed.

This seems to be quite true.

It sounds messy, but these truths seem very true.

"The words are rough but not rough..."

"But I'm still very curious. Ten thousand sacred stone fragments can't gather the energy of this giant cannon. Is it possible that a shell is worth more than 10,000 sacred stone fragments?"

"As soon as the cannon rang, there are tens of thousands of sacred stone fragments?"

"If that's the case, some... some are crazy."

"Although this shell is very powerful, the cost of bombing is too great."


"Could it be that this giant cannon can only be used as a deterrent weapon in the future?"

Xue Wanren, the deputy host of the Guangming Academy, groaned and couldn't help sighing.

"That's just fooling that Ouyang disciple."

"Although this huge cannon requires a lot of energy to condense the shells, it is naturally impossible to reach the level of 10,000 sacred stone fragments."

"Ha ha……"

"It can only be said that there are some mysteries in this huge cannon. Unless these extinction artillery under my command can urge them, other people will get this huge cannon, it's just a pile of scrap iron."

Fang Fan shrugged, very self-confident.

This is the elite army he has cultivated, and if it collapses so easily, it would be too spicy.

"I see……"

"You **** have so many secrets."

Xue Wanren squinted his eyes and couldn't help but swept across Fang Fan a few times.

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