The battle was gone. Except for the necessary detectives and defenses, most of the troops were withdrawn to the Yuanshi God City.

Of course, you can't leave right now, and the ghost knows if the protoss army will kill a carbine and come back.

The Protoss suffered heavy losses this time, and there is a high probability that it will not let it go.

Now for the allies in the light, dark, and neutral camps, instead of letting go, they must be more vigilant.

They need to fully consider, what if the Protoss army comes again?

If the offensive of the Protoss will be continuous and long-lasting, how will it be treated?

What position should Yuanshi Shencheng rise to?

Will the Allied forces be stationed here as the main force in the future?

Or, should we choose to abandon the territories of God? Will the passage into the territory of God be completely blocked?

These are all unknowns.

There is a question mark virtually.

Many things, with a trace of confusion, need to be fully practiced.

After the protoss army evacuated the Yuanshi God City, it seemed quite quiet here, but undercurrents surging invisibly.

It is worth mentioning that, after avoiding many dangers, Cao Ji, the first supervisor of the original city guard of the bright **** city, has now successfully survived the half-god thunder calamity and stepped into the quasi-half-god state from the highest holy state.

This leap is a complete transformation for anyone!

The Supreme Sovereign, in the Temple of the Bright Alliance, the Bright Alliance, there are actually quite a few. The status is considered to be the upper level, but there is not much right to speak, and it is not an absolute upper level.

However, the quasi-semi-divine realm can directly apply to become a third-class saint directly in the Temple of the Light Alliance!

One step across, the whole world will change color.

This step was successful, but it is different now.

In the unpredictable, the situation has become fully clear!

"I, Cao Ji, have such a day too!"


"If one survives, there will be future fortunes!"

"My Cao Ji's tomorrow will definitely be brighter!"

"Yes...that's it! That's it!"


"I can't be nervous, I want to be steady."

"A heart beats violently."

"Crash, collapse completely..."

"This **** everything..."

Cao Ji couldn't help but began to gritted his teeth.

When I think of the things I have experienced before, I can't grasp the infinite sense of anger in my heart at this moment.

At that time, Ouyangtu, the first-class saint of the Temple of Light Alliance, wanted to vent his tyrannical mood, so he stretched out his hand directly on his shoulder, and then frantically began to knead, and then his bones were directly crushed...

At that time, the extreme pain came and almost made him feel desperate.

That kind of picture, that kind of feeling, completely cool.

Thinking about this, the expression is indifferent, and the whole person is directly numb on the spot.

That kind of extreme pain is still lingering when I think about it.

"Ouyang disciple!"

"I try my best to be loyal to you, you actually treat me like this..."

"damn thing!"

"I didn't offend you, so I just crushed my shoulder."

"Ha ha……"

"I'm just a tool for you to vent?"

"To be precise, I should be worse than a dog."

"Not as good as a dog..."

"Oh shit……"

"Labor-management allegiance to you is for revenge, and now you are a scumbag who makes frequent mistakes in revenge, but you still have to attack me..."

"Your dog has become an enemy of labor and capital!"

"When labor and management find an opportunity, I will just abolish you!"


"Anything that has offended me, I will remember it, silently, wait until the right opportunity, I will know!"

"One of them counts as one, get out of here!"


Cao Ji licked his lips, appearing calmly, but in his heart he had already abused him.

At this moment, there was a killer aura all over his body.

The more I think, the more excited, the more I think, the more excited.

Gradually, the eyeballs turned green...

In the past, his cultivation base was too stretched, so he didn't dare to have any other ideas.

But now, it's completely different, and now he can stand up directly.

At this moment, he is a noble demigod!

"Cardinal Cao Ji..."

"Oh no, I should call Master Cao Jisheng soon..."

"Sage Master Cao Ji, what is hiding here?"

"Secretly working hard?"

"What? Are you planning **** me?"

"Ha ha……"

A voice of indifference sounded from behind, and Cao Ji trembled physically and mentally. He was immediately hit, and a bitter smile appeared on his face...

That shadow, here comes again...

Damn it!

He was blinded by his dog's eyes at the beginning, so why did he run allegiance to such a dog?

Now there is only endless regret in this heart.

The more I think about it, the more bitter and inexplicable I feel.

too difficult.

Messy and disorganized mentality.


"Yes... It's Master Ouyang..."

"My lord joked, what a saint I am..."

"I'm just a spicy chicken..."

"In the eyes of the subordinates, there is only Lord Ouyang as a sage..."

"Sage Ouyang is the subordinate's heaven and subordinate's land..."

"Without the blessing of Lord Ouyang, the subordinate is already dead now..."

"Master Ouyang Sage has the grace to recreate me..."

Cao Ji raised his eyebrows, his expression instantly changed, and he suddenly turned into a dog-legged look.

I can only say that it is really too real.

This thing, there are waves of bells and whistles...

How should I put it, to live in this era, we must meet people and talk nonsense.

This is actually a specialty of Cao Ji.

You have to be a little bit foolish.

"Ha ha……"

"Cao Jisheng is really humble..."

"You are also a demigod now, why are you so restrained?"

"I was really irritated by that Fang Fan before. I didn't pay attention to the measure at the time and accidentally squeezed Cao Jisheng's shoulder bone..."

"how is it now?"

"If there is something uncomfortable, just say it."

"Don't be restrained, don't be restrained is..."

Ouyangtu, the first-class saint of the Temple of Light Alliance, smiled, and seemed to be very amiable.

But Cao Jike didn't dare to follow this guy's words.

This guy is a smiling tiger...

At this time, maybe even killing intent.

If you really show an indifferent attitude towards him, I'm afraid it won't work.

This wave really needs to be stabilized in an all-round way.

The mentality collapsed a little.

With many thoughts, consciousness gradually messed up...

He can't be beaten for sure, he just broke into the semi-god state, he is just the most hip demigod, and this Ouyang disciple has stepped into the strong semi-god state for many years.

For the same demigods, there are still gaps, and it can even be said that they are not the same.

All of a sudden, the pressure gradually increased.

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