Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of the Guangming Academy, was talking, and then nodded one after another, the blush on his face was beyond words, and his lips trembled slightly as he spoke.

Immediately, Xue Wanren squinted his eyes, frantically sucking the power of belief around him, and his face gradually revealed a refreshing color.

That expression, that appearance, shouldn't be too real.

It's really...

Feelings are taking off in full!

It's... it's quite interesting.

The thoughts are messy, and the thoughts are rushing in all directions.

Who will tell you how much it feels like this!

"It feels coming!"

"It turns out that it feels like breaking the semi-divine realm with the power of faith."

"Hey, I have always broken the order before, and I have no direction at all."

"But now that you are in such a strong power of faith, doesn't this feeling follow?"

"Yes... it tastes good, refreshing and graceful."

"Extremely interesting!"

"Tsk...tsk tsk, take off... take off!"

"Hey, if I keep on following this trend, I will become a demigod in a few days!"

"The demigod is like that, I thought it would be difficult."

Tai Shu Jie held his head high, and his whole body gradually drifted away.

These words also seemed extremely proud, his eyes flickered, his expression was erratic, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and the whole person seemed to melt in an instant.

It's very different from the previous way of complaining.


"Don't get cheap and sell well."

"Practicing in such a pure and strong power of faith is indeed beneficial to your promotion to a demigod, but it is not as exaggerated as you said."

"You can break into a demigod in a few days? Can you stop blowing?"

"Who was there just now?"


"Now I think I can do it again?"

"Let's relax, happiness leads to sorrow!"

Xue Wanren looked at Tai Shujie's appearance and couldn't help sighing.

This guy is still the same as before, still in such a rude appearance.

After so many years, it doesn't seem to be passing by.

How to put it, in fact, sometimes I get used to it, and that's almost it.

"Master, honestly, in this environment of the power of faith, how long can you be promoted to a demigod?"

"If this is feasible, wouldn't it be able to spawn demigods in batches?"

"If we can promote the instructors of the Absolute Sovereign Realm in our Academy to the Demigod Realm, the safety factor of our Guangming Academy can also be greatly enhanced."

Fang Fan put forward a hypothesis.

If this assumption can be implemented, the benefits are self-evident.

Just don’t know how likely it is to be executed.


"I feel that it gives me the potential to practice. In three months at most, I can touch the bottleneck of the semi-divine realm and break it in one fell swoop!"

"Three months is enough!"

"But every day we have to create an environment full of the power of faith."

"Moreover, if you get used to this kind of atmosphere, suddenly this kind of faith-rich environment disappears one day, and it may be even more shocking to your practice."

"Either you will not practice in this power of faith from the beginning. Or you will practice in this environment to the end."

"Anyway, it just can't be interrupted."

"A period of interruption, the problem can be serious."

Tai Shu Jie also gradually became serious, groaned, and then said all his own speculations.

"Three months?"

"It's okay."

"This environment full of faith is naturally no problem. A relatively closed chamber can be created..."

"Then this room is filled with the power of faith."

"Just wait until it's almost exhausted, and then replenish it."

"Vice Palace Lord, this strategy can be implemented."

"You call all the supreme sages of the optical module academy, and you can cultivate as many demigods as you can!"

"The foreign enemies of the Protoss are in front, and the people inside us are also watching. At this time, our Guangming Academy can't sit and wait for death."

"Naturally, we must gather all the power in the whole body and carry out this matter to the end!"

Fang Fan narrowed his eyes, then sighed from the side.

The situation became solemn for a while.

In terms of mentality, we must collapse completely!

This is a big plan!

To build demigods in batches, this sounds very exciting!

"and many more…"


"Fang Fan bastard, I don't want to hit you either, but this matter is far from being as simple as you think."

"Let's relax..."

"The things involved are more complicated."

"If it is not clear, problems will arise."

"Do you know how much power of faith does it consume for a supreme saint to cultivate in such an environment of abundant power of faith every day?"

"It's already great to let one person cultivate in it."

"If it is... if there are too many people, the amount of faith that needs to be consumed is astronomical!

That number makes people feel crazy and surging.

"No, absolutely can't do this."

"Danger, too dangerous!"

"Don't be careless!"


"Even if you have a mountain of faith, you have to hollow it out."

"Because the power of faith needed to be promoted to a demigod is too much..."

"So there is only room of faith open to the Supreme Lords who have special contributions or are about to be promoted to demigods in the Temple of the Light Alliance."

"Turn it on once, it consumes too much power of faith..."

"It's not bad if you can use it to break the stage. Doing daily cultivation still consumes the power of faith?"

"Too extravagant."

"This matter is not practical."

Xue Wanren, deputy governor of the Guangming Academy, conducted a systematic analysis, and he was right.

Fang Fan wanted to interrupt several times, but didn't do it...

Then he listened silently to the Vice-Palace Lord's eloquence.

I'm tired after listening.

Fang Fan opened his mouth and couldn't help but yawn.

Tired, I am really tired now.

There was a sense of fatigue all over his body, as if he had been beaten by someone.

I'm talking about this feeling even more with whom.

Very complicated.

Seeing Fang Fan's sleepy look, Xue Wanren couldn't help but darken.

Boy, can it work?

Just so unwilling to listen to me?


Am I not saying the most reasonable saying? Isn't it true?


Concubine Xiang patted Fang Fan from the side, and signaled Fang Fan not to be too much.

Her father was still talking in excitement, did you veto it?

Why is it fat?


Fang Fan continued to yawn.

This kind of long talk is really...really hypnotic!

"I can't use up the power of faith or anything."

"Vice Palace Master, just say, how much power of faith does it take to cultivate a supreme saint to a demigod?"

"A million strands?"

"Ten thousand threads?"

"One hundred million is fine, it's not a big problem!"

Fang Fan shrugged and said frankly, this confidence is still there.

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