Not much else, the people of the hundred races in Chutian Pavilion Small World can provide millions, even hundreds of millions of powers of faith every day.

So take it out a little bit, just drizzle.


" kid say it again?"

"I just... I didn't understand a bit just now..."

"What are you talking about?"

"Good guy..."

"Hundreds of millions of wisps of power of faith?"

"One strand is equivalent to one hundred silk, which is already the power of tens of billions of silk beliefs, okay?"

"What the hell... what do you think?"

"Is this an astronomical figure?"

"You kid..."

Xue Wanren opened his mouth and took a deep breath at this moment. He was really shocked. During the speech, his eyes flashed and his thoughts became more and more confused.

It's so exciting.

Can it work?

"Unless you admit that you are the true god, it is absolutely impossible!"

"Even in the Temple of the Light Alliance, there is no way to mobilize so much power of faith!"

"The things that the Temple of the Light Alliance cannot do, to a certain extent, in fact, only the true **** can do it!"

Xue Wan's eyes are bright, even now, this is what he thinks in his heart.

True God, true God at every turn, there is no end.

"The layout... is it bigger, okay?"

"This world is full of unknowns."

"The so-called true **** is just a little stronger than us."

"Don't be too mythical."

"This power of faith can be obtained by the true God, why can't we?"

"The key is to be right."

"Anyway, I have put my words here. The power of faith I have is that I am short of people now."

"I can supply the power of faith to the end as much as the Vice-Palace Master can bring in as many supreme sages as possible!"

"As for whether they can successfully promote to a demigod by relying on the power of these beliefs, it depends on their own destiny."

"This is my first contact with this thing, and I don't really understand it either."

Fang Fan was very straightforward in the world.

The problem is not big.

Stabilize the situation in all directions, this is the top priority!


Xue Wanren wanted to say something more, but seeing Fang Fan's righteousness and rigor, he swallowed it again.

It sounds very exciting.

I'm so confident, what else can I say?


This wave really stabilized.

This is also a great thing!

Take off! It really took off.

Don't be irritating.

There are many thoughts, confusion, and the corners of his mouth are frantically open.



"Under what circumstances, how can the power of belief in this surrounding area fly?"

"The power of these beliefs was instantly emptied!"

"I haven't felt the position yet."

"Where did it go..."

"The spill is gone?"

Tai Shujie moved back and forth in the power of faith that was originally being distributed, and suddenly looked dazed.

The abundant and pure power of faith that had gathered around him instantly vanished.

"The power of faith was... sucked up by her!"

"This girl's body looks terrifying."

"The power of belief in the surrounding area was swallowed by her!"

Wu Meiling was taken aback for a moment, then she sighed.

Hearing Wu Meiling's scream, everyone's eyes suddenly gathered.

I saw that the ten thousand strands of faith all over the surrounding area seemed to have received some special traction. At this moment, they gathered around Lina and moved frantically...

Then it entered Lina's body with a geometric coefficient, and it looked like she was completely swallowed by Lina.

This picture doesn't look quite right.

Here, there must be a problem!

Lots of problems!

The situation is broken!

The situation is also very grim!

Steady is true!

If you can't hold it, you need to pull your hips instantly!

This is the top priority!

How to act at this time!

The light flashes, the posture is surging...

"God Lord!"


"I need to……"

Lina blinked her beautiful eyes and her voice gradually became charming. At this moment, her skin gradually turned pink, and her peachy eyes were charming.

The picture is beautiful.

He looks very handsome.

After this behavior and demeanor are brought together, it becomes very numb.

What the **** is going on with this special thing?

Can you stop a little bit!

Something happened, something really happened!

Pull your hips extremely!

My thoughts are messy, my brain is buzzing.

For the rest of the bells and whistles, complete silence is fine. What's to be said?

That's it!

The cool moonlight is thrusting into place!


"Didn't you say that Lina doesn't have that kind of relationship with you?"

"You vowed to say to me at the beginning!"

"I really believed in your ghost at the time!"

"You...that's how you deceived me?"

"That's it? That's it?"


"You just have a leg with Lina!"

"You just have it, I didn't say anything about you, but...but why are you deceiving me!"

"You...what are you doing!"

There were more shy voices, and the gesture of gritted teeth followed the full-scale gathering, while talking, the breathing slowly became extremely rapid.

Not much else to say, this posture is shown in place, and it really bursts!

Chu Sisi was grinding her silver teeth, and she felt cheated.

It doesn't matter if you are scumbag, you can also look for women outside, men, some fixed physiological impulses are normal.

But why are you lying to me!

Women's minds are still more delicate, and at the same time they think more things will follow.

At least this will feel extremely complicated in my heart.

My heart is messed up.

His eyes trembled.

Thoughts, exploded.

Fang Fan: "..."

What can he say now?

Can he say that he is more wronged than Dou E?

This mess has a hammer relationship with him!


Is it involved in him?

Damn it, it's really hard for me!

Fang Fan exhaled a foul breath, his face was black at the moment, speechless.

Play, just play!

Just follow along!

"How are you?"

"what else do you want?"

"How can these powers of faith be swallowed by you alone."

"What's wrong with your body...?"

Fang Fan supported Lina's swaying body and couldn't help frowning, and then began to speak in all respects, frowning this time, and his expression became very abrupt.

It's complicated.

too difficult.

What's the situation!

What are you trying to make...

Can't you stop being like that?

Let's talk hard, can't it?

"Lord, I... After I swallowed up these powers of faith, I feel... as if I'm going to be promoted."

"But it's worse."

Lina licked her red lips, and the brilliance in her eyes grew even more as she spoke.

Panting at this moment, his eyes instantly turned blood red.

The excitement is in place.

A heart beats all over!

It must be false to say that there is no feeling at all!

What derives at this moment is the most real inner feeling.


"Almost forgot, you are also in the Extreme Saint Venerable Realm."

"Could it are going to cross the half-god thunder tribulation?"

Fang Fan suddenly became energetic, and there is still such a good thing!

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