Lina is Fang Fan's person.

Lina regarded Fang Fan as the supreme true god.

Lina's strength represents the enhancement of Fang Fan's camp strength.

Only two days after Lina slipped out of the Hall of Merit, can she get a demigod?

No matter how many demigods are playing now, it is undeniable that demigods are still the topmost existence at the moment!

Under Fang Fan's command, there is currently only one quasi-demigod combat power, and that is the golden armored puppet.

The other is the high-level Saint-Venerable Realm Blood Shura Legion, which can temporarily increase the combat power of two levels by casting [Shura One] at a critical time, thus possessing a quasi-demi-god combat power.

But whether it is the Golden Armored Puppet or the Blood Shura Legion, it is actually not a pure demigod combat power!

Golden armor puppets need star cores and divine stone fragments as energy to activate.

The Blood Shura Legion can only hold on to the quasi-demigod combat power for ten minutes. After all, the exclusive skills of the [Shura Unity] Legion have a long cooling-off period.

If... if this subordinate can have an extra demigod in the true sense, it is of great significance to Fang Fan!

"You need the power of faith, right?"

"The power of faith is not enough, right?"

"The power of faith is, don't worry about this."

"Continue...Continue instilling."

Without saying anything, Fang Fan continued to draw more power of faith from the small world of Chutian Pavilion!

Hundreds of strands.

Thousands of threads.

Tens of thousands of threads.



There are as many as you want.

This thing doesn't matter.

Anyway, if you use it up, you can save it again.

As long as Lina can swallow it happily.

This swallowing process lasted for more than an hour.

Lina swallowed almost a million strands of faith.



Demigod Thunder Tribulation is here as promised!


This is the most exciting moment!

Another demigod will appear soon!

"This has attracted the demigod Thunder Tribulation?"

"Is it that simple?"

"How long is this?"

"One hour? Two hours?"

"What's the situation..."


Uncle Tai opened his mouth and his eyes drifted. He felt that he was pulling his hips now, and he was pulling his hips very much!

Can't even compare to a little girl!

The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves forward!

The front waves are not so good!

Hey, this little girl is a subordinate of his apprentice Fang Fan.

It's all right now, even his apprentice is going to cross the half-god Thunder Tribulation, is he still here?

Inexplicably, this feels uncomfortable in my heart.



The violent bombing sound resounded through the surroundings, which made people tremble for a while!

If you feel this way, let's talk to someone more.

For a time, they all stared up one by one, feeling irritated and surging inexplicably.

"Lord, I am going to cross the robbery."

An expression of excitement appeared on Lina's face. Before leaving, she had to ask Fang Fan for instructions.

In the depths of her consciousness, Fang Fan is the sky!

You must get Fang Fan's approval to do anything.

This consciousness has almost been carved into the bones.

"Go ahead, be careful."

"If anything happens, let me know in time."

Fang Fan nodded, suddenly an inexplicable worry surged in his heart.

Fang Fan is no stranger to Lei Jie, or he has seen it countless times.

But the impression left in his heart is not very good.

There is even an indispensable rule, that is, people around him, including himself, will always encounter such and other accidents when going through this kind of thunder catastrophe.

This is not the first time.

This is the case many times.

At the end of these endless heavens, a pair of eyes were staring at him.

Along the way, Fang Fan seemed to have offended a lot of true gods.

"It's been a long time since I crossed the thunder and robbery, and I don't know if this existence is completely extinguished."

"It's fine if the silence is gone."

"If it still exists, Lina is in danger."

"Half God Thunder Tribulation, that's not a joke."

"When I was crossing the Sanctuary Thunder Tribulation, I encountered several dangers."

Fang Fan squinted his eyes and began to think about the way forward.

When he was crossing the Sanctuary Thunder Tribulation before, Fang Fan would give himself or his pets and followers a Sanctuary Thunder Tribulation exemption card every time, which could save lives at critical times.

"This sanctuary thunder robbery exemption card can only exempt the sanctuary thunder robbery."

"This kind of demi-god Thunder Tribulation is naturally useless."

"I don't know if there is a demigod thunder robbery exemption card in the card auction system."

Fang Fan groaned, his eyes moved slightly.

Although there may not necessarily be upsets, this kind of thing should always be taken care of before it happens.

What if...

In case of such a thing, who can make it clear.

Fang Fan swept back and forth many times in the card auction system, and found no special existence of the demi-god Thunder Tribulation exemption card.

"But it's not that there is no gain at all."

"Pixiu Swallowing Card: After using it, you can summon a god-level Pixiu that can swallow everything! The auction reserve price is 10,000 sacred stone fragments! Each increase in price shall not be less than one thousand sacred stone fragments! A price of 20,000 sacred stone fragments!" (Stock: One)

"Prisoner Sky Card: Imprisoning Heaven and Earth for a period of time. The auction reserve price is 20,000 sacred stone fragments! Each increase in price shall not be less than a thousand sacred stone fragments! A price of 50,000 sacred stone fragments!" (Stock: one piece)

"Sky Thunder Transfer Card: You can transfer the established sky thunder to the target. The auction reserve price is five thousand sacred stone fragments! Each increase in price shall not be less than five hundred sacred stone shards, and a price of 10,000 sacred stone shards!" (two in stock)


These three types of cards are what Fang Fan pays most attention to.

A Pixiu Devouring Card, a Prisoner Sky Card, and the Sky Thunder Transfer Card.

It seems that they are not mundane things.

Fang Fan squinted his eyes secretly, his thoughts gradually fluctuated, the brilliance in his eyes gradually increased, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and the sound of breathing slowly became more rapid.

He wants all these cards.

But... he is poor.

Although more than one million sacred stone fragments were obtained in the God Race Tianlin City before, all of them were spent on the overall promotion of the legion.

Even the 40,000 sacred stone fragments just exchanged in the Meritorious Hall of Meritorious Service were used for the promotion and ruling of the Unicorn Saint Beast Legion.

It's really impoverished now.

If you want to directly bid for these four cards at a single price, 90,000 sacred stone fragments are needed.

Of these people present, who has such financial resources?

This is not a small number.

Fang Fan squinted his eyes secretly, his thoughts gradually messed up, his thoughts were surging.

Fang Fan licked his lips, and then took a deep breath.

Fang Fan saw Bai Piao jumping up and down.


In fact, if you want to say who has the most cash now, it must be Bai Piao.

Although Fang Fan only gave him 10% or even half of it when he was a logistics officer, this guy didn't cost much.

Unlike Fang Fan, there are still ten legions to support.

A big stomach king like the Ten Legion, even if Fang Fan earns more star cores and divine stone fragments, it will not help.

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