Uncle Jie opened his mouth, and at this moment he couldn't help feeling anxious in his heart.

Thinking silently in his heart, his breathing couldn't help but become quicker.

The eyeballs rolled, and his mood slowly became confused.

Anxious heart, who is more to talk to.

It's hard.

It's embarrassing.

From Tai Shujie's perspective, he couldn't wait to rush forward to replace Fang Fan to endure such pain.

But... but I can't move my footsteps!

Difficult, difficult to climb to the sky.

What's the next approach? This is the key in the key!

Been here all the time? This doesn't seem like that.

For a while, the whole person became extremely numb.

Then he looked helplessly at Yuankong, and couldn't help but shook his head slightly.

Anxious, helpless, emotional...

"If you really can't hold it anymore, Fang Fan will return."

"Don't worry about it."

"Observe the energy fluctuations of this pseudo-god-level sky thunder."

"In our big world, there are very few such opportunities."

"Take a good look, there may not necessarily be such an opportunity in the future!"

"Look again!"


"This is good for your promotion."

"It's also good for my comprehension."

Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of the Guangming Academy, glanced at the pseudo-god-level Sky Lei in the distance, couldn't help taking a deep breath, his complexion became flushed.

He clenched his fists at the moment, and seemed to have a sense of feeling.

Such an opportunity is rare in a lifetime!


"What is there to understand?"

"Vice Palace Master, are you a nightmare?"

"Could it be that you are also concerned and messy?"

"You... just take it easy."

"Don't be so silly."

Tai Shu Jie looked at Xue Wanren's appearance and couldn't help but care about it.


"I really feel it!"

"Don't waste such a good opportunity!"

Xue Wanren's face was dark, and he couldn't help but curl his lips.

"Um, what I care about now is where my apprentice will transfer this pseudo-god-level sky thunder, and will it transfer it to the head of that Ouyang apprentice?"

"Hey, if you transfer, Ouyang Tuke will definitely die. I've long looked at this guy upset. It would be best if I could kill him sooner."

Tai Shu Jie squinted his eyes, cold light flickering in them.

This Ouyang apprentice relied that he was the president of the bright camp, but he did not use public aid to cheat his apprentice.

For Tai Shujie, you cheated me once or twice, and the smile passed away. Maybe he didn't care that much.

But if you dare to cheat my apprentice, how can you do it? Go up and beat you to death!

This mood is understandable to some extent.


"Where is my other apprentice Bai Piao?"

"What this guy is scared of now..."

"Hey, I dare not come out to see people now."

"Really, this is unnecessary."

"Everything, just take it easy."

Uncle Tai couldn't help muttering aside.

He looked around, and saw that Xue Wanren and Wu Meiling both watched the pseudo-god-level sky thunder seriously, as if this pseudo-god-level sky thunder was some shocking avenue.

That posture, that expression is vivid and vivid, and this feeling is more to say to anyone.

It's so real.

"What is so good about this thing?"

"Is there really so much mystery in this?"

"It's just that I can't see anything."

"Is my savvy too bad?"

"Or is it possible to find some clues in it only by the existence of the demigod state?"

Tai Shu Jie frowned, and couldn't help but fall into self-doubt at this moment.

Is his talent really just pulling his hips like this?


It should... shouldn't be like this.

The fourth sky thunder of the half-god thunder tribulation, that is, the false god-level sky thunder, has been brewing and taking shape!

At this moment, it's going to fall directly!

The posture is vivid and vivid!


"Someone is going to be unlucky again!"

"I bet a hundred fragments of the **** stone, this time the bombardment is still Ouyang Sage. The Ouyang Sage has pitted Fang Fan several times before, and this time it must be made up all at once!"

"I guess so, Ouyang is cold!"

"We have a table! We have a table!"

"Hey, this Fang Fan used the sky thunder to kill Ouyang Disciple, the first-class saint of the Temple of the Light Alliance, this... how can you still be in the light camp from now on?"

"Hmm? Haha! People have such strength, and the Bright Camp and even the Temple of the Bright Alliance can't wait to confess him directly. Where can there be so many troubles! I really think too much!"

"Hey, at that time, the Pope of the Temple of Light Alliance may have to give way!"

"Furthermore, did you see Mr. Fang Fan shifting the sky thunder to kill Ouyang Tui? Mr. Fang Fan has been standing there all the time, and there is nothing to do!"

"Seeing is believing and hearing is false! I haven't seen the eyes, is this evidence?"

"This has always been, it's just speculation, it's nothing."

"That's right, this kind of speculation has no meaning or value!"

"Crotch pull! Too much crotch pull!"

The surrounding mumble voices increased, and the spirit of the people eating melons was pretty good. At this moment, they blushed and excitedly began to point the country!

At this moment, the most anxious one is naturally that Ouyang disciple.

He is now considered to be no way into the sky!

The previous strong demigod-level sky thunder bombarded him and wounded him completely, so now, he still can't get up.

At this time, he even had an extravagant hope of fleeing, and everything was set in the present, it was too difficult.

The mentality collapsed here, his eyes flickered, and he felt a sense of powerlessness.

"Cao Ji!"


"Be with me!"

"This saint is scared!"

"Will you stay with me?"

"This saint will not treat you badly?"

"Wait...Wait for this saint to get through this disaster, you are my brother."

"Cough...cough cough cough..."

"Cao Ji! Come and walk with me! Take me away!"


"Who will come and take me away!"

"This saint has many rewards!"

Ouyang, the first-class saint of the Temple of Light Alliance, gritted his teeth, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching frantically.

At this moment, while talking, his confused eyes couldn't help but peep towards the surroundings.

Whispering to himself, his eyes are indifferent, everything is silent.

How to maintain the chaotic heart at this moment.

Messed up.

The rhythm is chaotic.

The mentality collapsed.

The flattering people who surrounded him on weekdays have long since run away.

Running is the only choice!

The tree fell over the sun.

Who wants to stay and die with him?

Don't think too much.

Cao Ji is the fastest.

Running far away, his eyes scanned the surroundings, and he was sure that he could not see Ouyang disciple, and then slowly relieved his mind.

"Son of the tortoise, you have to pull me on my back before I die, I think too much!"

"The bright future of labor and capital is ahead, who wants to accompany you to death?"

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