Cao Ji thought silently in his heart, and then couldn't help but look at Fang Fan's location and the mighty pseudo-god-level sky thunder.

"This Fang Fan is not simple."

"I used to be too sand-sculpted, I actually ran to offend this guy."

"Hey, I'd rather bully the white-headed man, don't bully the young and poor!"

"Today...Today I completely understood it."

"Can't loiter, absolutely can't loiter."

"Mentality must be collapsed, this is the most important thing!"

"Slightly carelessly, I will pull my hips completely."


"Stay steady is true."

"There used to be Ouyang disciples, maybe there is still a chance to kill this Fang Fan, now, on my own, it is absolutely impossible."

"Forget it, let it go slowly, and I won't want to lose all of these in the future."

"It's messy, it doesn't mean anything at all."

Cao Ji licked his lips, thinking to himself, and then shook his head.

After gradually thinking about it, I felt that everything in front of me became much brighter.

It's not going to be entangled in this matter all the time.

This is really uncomfortable.

It's too hip.

Thoughts are messed up, and willpower collapses.


When the sky thunder was about to fall, Lina looked at Fang Fan.

Now she has nothing to fear.

If there is a divine lord, the divine lord will protect her.

Firm beliefs gathered in my mind, and gradually more smiles appeared on his face.

This taste is very real and inexplicably expectant.

"It's nice to have the Lord."

"Everything about me is bestowed by God!"

"In this life, I belong to the crown of God."

"Under the crown of God is my heaven."

Lina folded her hands and prayed silently in her heart.


"Pixiu swallows the card!"

Fang Fan made a decisive decision and once again released a magic card!

The card turned into a red light, and then a figure of a hundred feet tall Paixiu appeared!




The Pixiu **** beast roared loudly, all around his body, endless fighting power followed!

Immediately opened his big mouth, and began to swallow the pseudo-demigod-level sky thunder frantically.

The picture feels super!

For a time, everyone was the leader.

Didn't the sky thunder be transferred this time?

Have you changed your routine again this time?

Suddenly a figure of Pai Yao appeared in the sky? Then... Then it burst completely?

this? What is rhythm? Why don’t you understand a little bit?

For a moment, his thoughts were confused, his eyes trembled, and he wanted to say something but couldn't say it.

After blinking his confused eyes, his thoughts burst out.

Feeling a little out of bounds?


Is it so?

Inexplicably weird?

What's the matter?

"What is this? Even the sky thunder...even the pseudo-god-level sky thunder dare to swallow it? Grass! It's broken!"

"Dragon head, horse body, lin feet!"

"Looks like a lion! And its fur is gray and white!"

"This...this is the ancient mythical beast Pai Yao!"

"It is said that Pi Xiu can swallow everything!"

"My God! Is this Pai Yao also summoned by the Fang Fan boss? Is it to swallow this pseudo-god-level sky thunder? How many hole cards are there!"

"It didn't matter if the sky thunder was transferred before, now it's alright, and it's going to be swallowed directly!"

"Wipe! It's really unlucky for thunder to fall here this day!"

"It's too strong! I don't want to say anything anymore! How can I be so awesome!"

"Strong! Really strong!"

"Hey! When can I be so good!"

"Come on, you have no hope in your life!"

"It seems that the first fierce demi-god Thunder Tribulation in history is going to survive!"

"This Tribulation is the same as playing!"


The surrounding voices of emotion increased.

Seeing the appearance of the phantom of the Pixiu divine beast again, it trembled more or less.


"No bombing?"

"There is no transfer of the sky thunder?"

"Am I alive?"


"Is this an escape from the dead?"

"Whirring whirring!"

"If one survives, there will be future fortunes!"

"I, Ouyang, made a comeback!"

"I Ouyang is invincible!"

Ouyangtu, the first-class saint of the Temple of Light Alliance, felt his heart falling gradually, and the whole person relaxed.

I walked through the ghost gate just now.

Feeling the breath of death is the most painful.

He just had to prepare to be killed by the sky thunder.

Now suddenly relaxed, the endless joy rushed directly into his mind, making him numb on the spot.

Some of the others didn't, needless to say.

That's how the mentality surging to the extreme.

It's very real and very clear.

Feel the take-off, the thoughts are rushing.

With such thoughts, I will tell who else.


Extremely carefree!

"Master Saint!"

"Master Saint, are you okay?"

"Hey, we were scared to death just now, you are fine, I will help you up!"

"Master Ouyang, don't fall into such a dangerous situation in the future. Just now, our hands and feet were numb, so we don't know what to do."

"Yes, Lord Ouyang, don't blame us!"


Ouyang was fine and safe, and then a lot of flattering people came around.

Hey, the world is real.

Ouyangtu glanced around, feeling a little sarcasm inexplicably.


Really ridiculous!

What kind of people are these?

It's ridiculous!

One by one, they all have a double-skinned face!

Really think you are stupid? crazy? Don't know the world at all?


Abandoned me just now! Hold me up now as a treasure in your palm?

What labor and management want is to give charcoal in the snow, not icing on the cake!

"Where is Cao Ji?"

Ouyang Tu let out a cold snort, his eyes flashed with a touch of hostility.


"Holy...Holy Master, I...I am here."

Cao Ji rushed over from a distance, his face turned green.

A heart is extremely fragmented long ago.

Oh shit!

Why didn't Lei kill this **** this day!


Fang Fan's little **** is not reliable!

You directly summon the sky thunder to destroy everything, wouldn't there be so many troubles?

It's okay now, the entanglement will come and go, and then I don't know what to do?

He slipped away when Ouyang was unlucky before. Although he didn't directly tear his face apart, he was a little bit forced in his heart.

Now Ouyang is alive and there is no danger, can't he settle accounts after Autumn?

Cao Ji also thought about running away directly, but after thinking about it carefully, if he really did that, then he would be equivalent to breaking with the Temple of Light Alliance and even the Light Camp.

In this case, there will be no place for him in the bright camp in the future.

Needless to say how miserable it will look then.

Relaxation, no human rights.

As for the cast effect to the dark camp, it doesn't seem to work.

The point is, no one wants to accept him.

The road before and after this was completely blocked.

Now I can only grit my teeth and move on.

"Master Saint!"

"Master Ouyang!"

"The subordinate is incompetent!"

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