Cao Ji cried so much that it was miserable.

What other people don't know, they thought they were performing some kind of fatherly kindness and filial piety.

"Master Saint!"

"I have failed your entrustment!"

"I... I didn't know what was wrong at the time, it seemed that there was infinite gravity on my body that was also oppressing me, making me unable to move forward!"

"But...but I can't forget Lord Saint at all times!"

"Even if I fight my life, I have to avenge the Lord Saint to the end!"

"Fortunately... Fortunately, I rushed over there at the last moment, and successfully stopped that Fang Fan, so that he did not descend this pseudo-god-level sky thunder on Lord Saint!"

"But in any case, I am responsible for this matter. It is I who let Master Saint be exhausted!"

"This is my fault!"

"Sage-sama no matter what physical punishments I abuse, I will bear it!"

"It's just that Master Sage thinks that I am sincere, please leave me a dog's life!"

"I...I still want to continue to serve Lord Saint!"

"Master Saint is my heaven!"

"Master Saint is my god!"

"Master Saint is everything to me!"

"If I can't serve the Lord in this life, I don't have the slightest intention to live!"


Bang bang bang!

Cao Ji knocked his head on the ground and banged, really hard.

This guy is also a talent! This doesn't treat yourself as a human at all.

Reduce your identity to a minimum now, and then begin to express your loyalty as much as possible.

Of course, Ouyangtu, the first-class saint of the Temple of Light Alliance, is not a fool, how could he be fooled so easily?

In fact, he knew exactly what was going on in his heart.

But obviously, people don't care, they don't care, their posture looks erratic, their eyes flicker, and their thoughts are rushing.

What Ouyang Tui wanted was such a face.

As long as the facial matters are resolved, and the remaining ones are not, naturally you don't need to care about it, and people won't care about your existence at all.

Is this a kind of knowing feeling?

"Ha ha!"

"Is that so?"

"I thought Cao Jisheng was completely floated after he was promoted to the Demigod Realm!"

"Speaking of which, this saint still has to thank you?"

"Huh? Because of your existence, that Fang Fan didn't transfer this pseudo-god-level sky thunder onto the head of this saint?"

"Are you still the savior of this saint?"


There was a cold snort, and Ouyang Tuo swept across with a sharp eye.

Cao Jiyi seemed a little ignorant for a while, and then subconsciously nodded.

"Yes, it is like this."

These words are justified.

It's just that it sounds really not very good.

In the bells and whistles, what kind of stuff are they expressing?



Is the rhythm of chafing so strong now?

To play?

Play around, what are you doing!

Cao Jigang regretted it after saying this.

He's crazy.

He is really crazy.



"I was wrong."

"Master Saint, I...what's my meager power!"

"Everything... everything is because of the sage-sama Hongfu Qitian!"

"Yes! That's it, that's it."

"Whirring whirring."

"I... I'm nothing, I'm just a shit!"

"Master Saint, don't care about me, just...just treat me like a **** and just let it go."

"Master Saint does not blame me, it is already a great honor for his subordinates."

"It is the supreme honor for me Cao Ji to meet a master like Lord Saint in this life, Cao Ji!"

"Cao Ji will definitely give up his life and forget his death, and serve the Lord Sage!"

The body began to be normal.

Cao Ji's acting skills began to play again.

At this moment, in order to achieve a certain real effect, those eyes gradually turned red.

The magnitude of the body tremor has been fully increased, and the eager and surging mood at this time is fully manifested!

Not much else to say, this feeling is vivid to the extreme!


And took off again.


Now it is really invincible.

The eyes burst open!

Who will talk to this idea!

Urgent to the extreme, it seems so exciting now.


"Stay well!"

Ouyang waved his hand, and then felt the pain in his body. He couldn't help but grinned, his eyes trembled slightly, his breathing gradually became extremely rapid, his eyes flickered, his expression was erratic, and all his feelings were silent.

It's very real and very clear.

Immediately, he looked at the pseudo-god-level sky thunder in the air, and then glanced at the invincible brave who was frantically filling and devouring the sky thunder, his expression gradually became extremely ugly.

This Fang Fan is very unusual.

If he wants revenge, it seems... it doesn't seem to be that easy!



The false god-level sky thunder in the air has not fallen for a long time, and it seems to be even more irritable!

At this moment, there was lightning and thunder, all kinds of thunder sounded in his mind, a pair of eyes gradually gathered, and his thoughts were completely messed up.

I wanted to express something, but was speechless in the end.

"The thunder group...the thunder group is beginning to exert its strength!"

"Now, continue to contribute more energy to the false god-level sky thunder!"

"Haha! Hahaha!"

"Good! Good!"

"The speed at which this Pixiu phantom can swallow the energy of the pseudo-god-level sky thunder is not as fast as the speed at which the thunder group can provide energy."

"In this way, this pseudo-god-level sky thunder will only get stronger and stronger."

"And in this process, this Pai Yao will be directly killed!"

"Good! Good thing! Of course it is a good thing!"

"Damn it! Blow you to death!"

"Now that woman is blasted to death, it will make the little boy uncomfortable for a while, it would be even better if the little boy can also be blasted to death."

"But if you want to achieve this goal, it seems a bit difficult."

"Hey, forget it, take your time!"

"This **** is in pain, I am happy!"


Ouyangtu, the first-class saint of the Temple of Light Alliance, licked his lips, and while talking, the endless gleam in his eyes flickered crazily. At this moment, the corners of his mouth rose crazily, and his thoughts took off in an all-round way!

Such a posture, and who to talk to.

Refreshing batch!

The sense of comfort is gradually in place.

There are thousands of thoughts, and the thoughts are being pricked in an all-round way!

The pattern of this class of saints is now completely ruined.

At any rate, he is also a figure under one person in the Temple of the Light Alliance and above ten thousand people.

Are you actually gloating here by this means now?

Not only does this seem to have no pattern at all, but it is really wretched.

The flatterers around each looked at each other and then shrugged. Although on the surface they were afraid to say anything, they would still express a wave of their own speechlessness and complaints subconsciously in their hearts.

There are counts in my heart.

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