There is no good thing in this mouth anyway.


"If you want to go in, then go in."

"Also let you see what's going on inside!"

"You don't have to chew your ears behind your back!"

Shen Qiu stared at Flicker and couldn't pass, then his eyes rolled, and he had another plan in his heart.

If you proceed according to this plan, there is basically no problem.

When these guards walked in front and felt that they entered the inner compartment, Shen Qiu made a bold move and instantly wiped out!

The speed must be fast, and the heart must be cruel.

At this time, either you die or I die.

As long as there is such a little compassion, the news may have spread.

"It's really troublesome to steal the inner treasury of the city lord's mansion now!"

"After the first lesson, the defense of this Tianlin City Lord has been strengthened a lot."

"If it hadn't been ordered by the City Lord of Tianlin, these guards wouldn't have the courage to confront you."

Fang Fan looked at Shen Qiu, then silently nodded.

"Sorry, my subordinates are not doing well, so I can only do so."

"Lord, please also quickly move... remove the treasures of the treasury."

"The inspection team will change shifts every time. If they disappear for too long, they will definitely arouse other people's alertness."

Shen Qiu groaned, then urged from the side.

There can be no carelessness at this time.

A little carelessness may be a dead end!

Everyone knows this truth.

Just in the process of practice, it may appear to be a little bit stretched.

More or less, there will be some anxiety in this heart.

The taste here is not very pleasant.


"Go all out!"

"Speed ​​go!"

"Bai Piao, you come to lead!"

"Scavenge here!"

"Just take away the main body's treasure, don't have to compare it!"

"What we are fighting for is time."

"We may be exposed at any time!"

"Always be vigilant!"

Fang Fan narrowed his eyes and immediately issued a strict order.

At the moment, the situation is a bit unstable, so it is natural to be more careful.

If you are not careful, you may be dying of the present.

No one can bear this.

Can't stabilize, all have to collapse!

Everyone started to move.

The ten major legions are also fully deployed.

Many people are powerful.

After everyone moves together, if you want to clean up everything here, it's naturally not that difficult.

All of a sudden, the movements are getting faster and faster, and the sense of rhythm is also being strengthened in an all-round way.

The light in the eyes flickered, and everything was silent.




"This... the city lord of the Protoss is so rich!"

"We have already been ransacked by us last time. I didn't expect that there are so many rare treasures!"

"The key is that there are more and more sacred stone fragments here!"

"Damn! How does the Guangming Alliance Temple of our Guangming Academy compare with this Protoss?"

"What's so special, it's not on the same track at all, okay?"

"It's not worthy to give someone a shoe!"


"I'm really not trying to grow others' ambitions and destroy my own prestige! The point is, that's the truth!"

"Can't take it, can't take it anymore!"

"Boy Fang Fan, in the future, Perfect Ke will come to the Neiku of the City Lord's Mansion on a regular basis, clean up regularly, and set out the place to let this Protoss City Lord pack a batch of treasures in!"

"It's so cool! It's so cool!"

"Boy Fang Fan, I know... I know your kid is promising!"

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have been following you before!"

"Hey! I was overwhelmed by your potential stock!"

"Good! Not bad!"

"Boy Fang Fan, I'll serve you after I'll be saddened."

"Your kid is rich, just give me a sip of soup."


As soon as he saw so many treasures, Bai Piao floated instantly.

Suddenly couldn't help but began to mumble.

While speaking, the flushing color on his face was beyond words.

Exciting, all-round in place.

Comfortable now.

Now it is really comfortable.

Wonderful hearts gathered at this moment, and then various consciousnesses followed.

It is this kind of excitement!

Fang Fan glanced in front of him, then couldn't help but nodded.

I have to say that there are a lot of babies here.

A dazzling array, everywhere.

Of course, the hard currency **** stone fragments most welcomed by Fang Fan.

With enough divine stone fragments, his legion can be promoted in an all-round way, and his power can be expanded in an all-round way.

There are still many excellent cards in the card auction system, but there are not enough shards of the gods to bid for them.

There are tens of thousands of sacred stone fragments at every turn. Is this withstandable?

"This sacred stone has many fragments, which is a bit exaggerated."

"It wasn't so much before."

Fang Fan muttered to himself, and couldn't help sighing.

"Of course!"

"It is only the inner treasury of the city lord's mansion that was looted by Zhiqing. It can only be regarded as a small inner treasury."

"Now the treasures here are all migrated from the Tianlin City Mansion Treasury."

"According to the old guy Cassius, since this place has been evacuated once, it must be safe now."

"Now put the heavy treasure here, it is natural and safe."

"I just didn't expect that you killed another carbine!"

"I'm very curious now, when the old Cassius learns that his carefully prepared treasure house has been looted again, what an angry face he will be."

"Now... I am really looking forward to it now!"

Cathy blinked, her eyes drifted as she spoke, and the excitement on her face was beyond words.

At this moment, I felt the position a little, and got a little comfort in my heart inexplicably.

She has a hard-hearted hatred of Cassius.

"It's not that I'm clever."

"The main thing is that my wife of the city lord cooperates well."

"If it weren't for the information brought by my little Cathy, how would I know that the inner treasury of the City Lord's Mansion is full?"

"We can harvest these, my little Cathy is the best."

Fang Fan raised his eyebrows and hugged Cathy in his arms.

For this woman, Fang Fan always has a desire to step forward and tease.


"Then how are you going to repay me?"

"Just know that there are good things to say!"

"What are you like, I know best!"

"Huh! Don't think I don't know you!"

Cathy stretched out her white and tender index finger, and then clicked on Fang Fan's forehead. As she spoke, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, and she couldn't help muttering aside.

All expressions and gestures are displayed in place, everything is said without saying.

Feeling it, it does not have a special taste.

"Then tonight... I won't leave?"

"I'll take a good look at the anger of Castle Cassius in your boudoir?"

Fang Fan's interest couldn't help but he moved a little bit more immediately, and Cathy couldn't help but panting a little.

"It's messed up."

"Completely messed up!"

"If I don't accept the others, I will take Fang Fan!"

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