Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 3908: Wonderful Place of God's Ladder

Bai Piao was able to take care of Fang Fan while seizing the treasure.

The expressions and gestures are simply not too real.


"Dog men and women!"

"No more face!"

"So many people! Let's start!"

Chu Sisi tasted in his heart and couldn't help muttering.

Lina's eyes were a bit distracted, she suddenly remembered that her master had embraced her like this before...

The harvest time is always good.

Seeing boxes of sacred stone fragments entering the storage ring, the taste is indescribable.

"This is almost the property of the entire Tianlin City."

"The Neiku of the City Lord's Mansion was looted before, but in fact it can't shake the foundation of the entire Tianlin City."

"But now that this piece of precious sacred stone fragments disappears here, it will surely be able to make Tianlin City vibrate in an all-round way!"

Cathy whispered to herself, her eyes could not help but flickered with a different kind of light while she was speaking, everything was silent.

This feeling is particularly true, and his thoughts are fluttering for a while, and all kinds of willpower are also madly surging.

Excited? urgent?

These feelings are naturally there, and they are particularly true.

These are not so clear that can be expressed in a few words.

Sometimes, there is a sense of suppression.

"Master, there is something, I want to tell you."

Shen Qiu suddenly came over mysteriously and glanced at Cathy, Bai Piao and the others, still seeming very worried.


"Is it inconvenient for me to talk here?"

"Then I go?"

Cathy curled her lips and couldn't help but murmur.

"Here are my own people."

"If you have anything, just talk about it."

Fang Fan looked at Shen Qiu and said directly.

There is no secret here.

"Master, this is the ladder of God."

"This is the treasure that Cassius carefully treasured."

Shen Qiu had already taken refuge in Fang Fan now, so naturally he would not conceal everything from Fang Fan.

What to say and what to say, naturally there are some special feelings in my heart.

This treasure can also be regarded as his name certificate.

This attitude must be demonstrated at this moment.

"God ladder?"


Fang Fan was stunned for a moment, with a dazed expression on his face.

He really didn't know anything about this.

If it weren't for Shen Qiu's just talking about this, he really didn't know anything.

"God ladder?"

"Really...Is it really a **** ladder?"

"how can that be possible!"

"Isn't this **** ladder saying that it has disappeared for a long time?"

"How could... how could it appear here!"

"No! It's impossible!"

"is this real?"

Cathy's body trembled for a while, and a pair of eyes suddenly swept over.

Not much else to say, this kind of excitement is beyond words, it seems so real.

Obviously, Cathy knows this **** ladder, and knows it deeply!

Seeing that there was doubt in Fang Fan's eyes, Cathy quickly began to explain.

"The Nine Festival God Ladder is now, and the road to becoming a **** is open!"

"This is an ancient legend."

"But no one has ever questioned such a legend."

"Generally speaking, only those who have been promoted to the Pseudo God Realm are eligible to enter the God Realm."

"But it's hard to get promoted to a false god!"

"For thousands of years, I don't know if anyone has reached this level."

"In this way, there is a legend of God's Ladder."

"This **** ladder is said to have been specially issued by the Supreme God King in order to be compassionate to the lower realms."

"As long as you successfully accumulate nine **** ladders, and then gather them together, then you can pave the way for godhood."

"Follow this road to becoming a god, and you can enter the realm of gods!"

"Though the demigods of the heavens and myriad worlds are powerful, but obviously there are still a lot of them."

"These dreams, don't you just want to enter the realm of God and enter a whole new level?"

"Even if... even if it's just a glimpse, for them, it's even a kind of satisfaction."

"But obviously, even if it is such a request, it is basically false!"

"If you let them know about the existence of God's Ladder, they will naturally fight! They will fight wildly!"

"This world is going to be in chaos!"

Cathy murmured to herself, her eyes flickered sharply,

"You just said that it takes nine divine ladders to create a divine path."

"The point is that there is only one section now!"

"So... what's the point besides being good-looking?"

Fang Fan shook his head, then said calmly.

He has always been a very real person.

If there is some deviation in this, it is a very hip thing.


"If you have to say that, it's not impossible."

"But this **** ladder is something from the **** realm after all, maybe... maybe there are some special things?"

"Who can say for this kind of thing!"

"This section of the **** ladder is enough to disturb the situation, let alone what scenes will happen if so many **** ladders appear together."

Fang Fan shook his head, the corners of his mouth suddenly rose as he spoke, everything was silent.

A sense of tremor, full of gathering.


"Maybe we can really find another **** ladder!"

Shen Qiuyu is not amazing and endless!

When he said it, Fang Fan's eyes suddenly lit up.

Is this a treasure?

"Could it be that the other ladders to become gods are all here?"

Fang Fan asked subconsciously.

"No... it's not."

"According to the news I heard above, this **** ladder was found by City Lord Cassius on the periphery of an ancient power cultivation cave."

"There must be some treasures in this ancient power cultivation cave!"

"Maybe other **** ladders are hidden inside."

"This sacred ladder is a treasure to the current situation of the decline of the gods, but for that era, it may not be so difficult to become a god, and the value of this sacred ladder is naturally not that high."

"In this way, the treasure of the **** ladder might be a plaything they created."

Shen Qiu reported the specific situation.

"According to what you said, the ancient powerful cultivation cave hasn't been broken?"

"Can the Lord Cassius of Tianlin City miss such a good opportunity?"

"I don't think he looks like that kind of idiot."

Fang Fan was stunned for a moment, his face couldn't help showing a look of confusion.

"Of course he is not an idiot."

"But at that time, the various prohibitions in this ancient Daneng Cave Mansion were really too strong."

"So he can't enter it at all."

"In other words, he was stuck there at the time."

"According to the push, it seems that this ancient powerful cave cannot allow the Xeon to enter it, otherwise it will easily cause a frantic counterattack that is restricted inside, and then this ancient powerful cave will flash a murderous intent!"

"Even if it is a demigod, there is only a dead end in this ancient Da Neng cave mansion!"

"Even if this ancient power is dead, there is still such a prestige! It is really unimaginable!"

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