Seeing his brother's recklessness, Rugas, the third-class **** of the Protoss on the side, couldn't help kicking him with his foot, and wanted to remind him and make him pay attention.

What kind of occasion is this?

At this time, is it a place where you can come to the wild?

Come here and roar? This...this is completely unnecessary, okay?

In terms of this mentality, it must be completely collapsed, but when there is a little accident, all of this will be followed by a total cold.

Why don't you understand such a thing?

This matter should not be underestimated!

"What are you kicking me for?"

"I know what I'm talking about!"

"The most chilling thing is that you didn't even believe me just now!"

"Now I am even more convinced that it is this group of foreigners I met in the city before!"

"Why did the city lord's wife cover them?"

"If it weren't for the city lord's wife, I would have thoroughly investigated the group of people!"

"Could it be that Mrs. City Lord is in the same group with them? Mrs. City Lord is a foreigner lurking in?"

"Ms. City Lord is a spy?"

Talha immediately started out infinite associations.

Say what you think, without any worries.

Anyway, on this matter, we must show an attitude.

Otherwise, it would be too stupid.

Rugas looked desperate.

His brother is really crazy.

How dare you say anything?

Don't know what the situation is now?

Are you really afraid of being executed by Lord City Lord?

Without proof, what did you do when you pulled in the wife of the city lord to stir up the water?

Do you still think the trouble is not big enough?

Pulling the city lord's wife into the water, she often abused her immediate boss as an idiot.

This is really invincible.

The second-class **** general of the Protoss, Qued, had a green face long ago.

Even the Lord of the City has never been so rude to him!

Today is a long experience!

At the same time, I felt that this face was swollen inexplicably!

Mentality, blood collapse on the spot!

Asshole stuff!

Sooner or later I have to settle the ledger!

Damn it! Damn it!

The thought of this made my heart feel more unhappy.

At the same time, there is an extreme sense of resentment sweeping across the board!

Pull your hips! Pull your hips extremely!

"Talha! If you don't have to ask about this matter, Lord City Lord is fine."

"If the lord of the city intervenes, you have to take full responsibility!"

"You incompetent bastard! After chasing halfway through without success, you still said so plausibly?"


"If it weren't for your incompetence, as long as we restrain them for a minute or two, our rescue will arrive!"

"But you, a greedy **** who is afraid of death, just watched this group of people fleeing like this, but did you hide?"

"Among my Protoss, there is no cowardly **** like you!"

A muttering sound followed, and the second-class **** of the Protoss General Qued began to show off his power.

This was also the first thought in his heart.

If he catches this group of foreigners and has merit, he will share it.

If you don't catch it and you're going to eat melons, then all the responsibilities will be shifted to Talha, and he immediately feels happy.

Talha: "???"

Can you still play like this?

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people.

Is there a limit to shamelessness?

At that time, I was alone in chasing after me. What did you guys do? All laughing at me behind!

It's okay now, something went wrong, want me to be responsible?

despicable! Nasty!

Talha gritted his teeth and wanted to stand tall and show a gesture. This matter can't be so messy!

What a special one! Must do something, right?

Otherwise, this hurdle in this heart will be overwhelming!

Special, just go up and do it!

The more I think about it, the more chaotic it becomes.

With many thoughts and confusion, this feeling is more to say to whoever.


"Don't stand up!"

"Master Quide is for your own good!"


Rugas hinted Talha with his eyes frantically.

Although this brother is a little bit iron, but this matter, you can't be reckless.

Anything so reckless and lost will lead to problems.

This thing is not for fun.


The crisis is fully unfolding.

Thinking well, the whole person is confused.

The bells and whistles are also numb.

It's nothing.

What's the use of talking to Quidd about that nonsense now?

Say a thousand words and ten thousand, and they are better than you.

After all, he is a second-class general and your immediate boss.

"Quide, Talha, Rugas, Lord City Lord urgently summoned!"

In the distance, a herald with an indifferent expression came.

As the messenger of Lord City Lord, there is still arrogance.

The third grade officer of the prime minister's concierge is very real.

"Call us?"

"This...we still have a lot of wars here at West City Gate."

"Some can't walk away."

The second-class **** general of the Protoss tribe, Qued, murmured in his heart, vaguely feeling that something was going to happen.

This feeling trembled crazily in his mind, and it seemed extremely clear for a while.

With so many thoughts and confusion, the whole person is directly numb.

I don't know what to say at this moment.

Rhythm, crotch is pulled.

The feeling is directly on the ground.


In the current game, in the end...what should I say?

If you can't stabilize it, you have to pull your hips all the way!

"The Lord of the City said it was an urgent summons!"

"The war in the West City, Lord City Lord will send someone else to deal with it!"

"Quide general, do you want to resist the order?"

The messenger snorted coldly, looking very dissatisfied, and by the way, he waved the whip in his hand in the air, and there was a hunting noise in the air.

The second-class **** of the Protoss General Qued's expression changed.

Oh shit!

Isn't it just a garbage messenger?

What's so special about it?

Give you a face?

Labor and capital, anyhow, are also the second-class gods of Tianlin City!

Quid darkened his face and almost exploded his emotions directly.

Unhappy, extremely unhappy!

Bastard stuff, what do you want to do?


Mess up? continuous? It seems to be really crazy!

Too crazy!

It's nothing.

The more I think about it, the more annoyed this heart becomes!

"We will come right away."

When he raised his head, Quid had already changed his face and looked very eager.

This is the way to survive!

It should be steady or steady.

This hereditary officer is a small person, but if you really beat him, it is equivalent to not giving face to Lord Santos, you are beating Santo!

You can't afford this charge!

The more I think about it, the more upset in my heart!

But no matter how uncomfortable, I can only break my teeth and swallow it in my stomach!

"The Lord of the City must be asking about that group of foreigners."

"That's not right, when the battle is so tense, how can Lord City Lord be concerned about this little thing?"

"Is it the news that you secretly leaked out?"

"Talha? Are you secretly obscuring labor and capital?"

The second-class **** of the Protoss General Qued glared at Talha with a look of dissatisfaction.

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