"Quide, I don't know anything about this."

"I'm also the ones who just found out."

"Where did I get the chance to inform the Lord of the City?"

"All the time, we are everything!"

"Thank you for the next time the Qued **** will doubt me, think about it a little bit."

"Although I think you are very upset, I still don't want to give a small report secretly!"

Talha pouted his lips, and stubbornly raised his immediate superiors.

Anyway, this attitude is so arrogant and casual!

Everything looked away.

Now Talha has only one wish in his heart, and that is to kill those mysterious aliens.

As for promotion and promotion, there is no temptation for him.

In this way, it will not be so timid to the immediate boss.


"Forgive you for not dare!"

"When you are in front of Lord City Lord, don't tell me nonsense!"

"Make your mouth more strict!"

The second-class **** of the Protoss General Qued gritted his teeth, and finally made a warning.

After speaking, his eyes trembled involuntarily, and he couldn't help but glanced aside, the tension in his heart was beyond words.

There is still some uncertainty at the moment.

This thing will be done with a little carelessness.

Break down, break down in your mentality, and surely...it must not happen!

This situation is fragmented!

Fancy bells and whistles, completely collapsed!

It's nothing.

Just play.

Come to the central command site and enter it.

At this moment, the lord of Tianlin City, Cassius, was furious in it!


"A bunch of trash!"

"What's the use inside?"


"All idiots!"

"Do you know how many treasures there are?"

"It's more about... it's about a deadly magic weapon for me!"


Skylin City Lord Cassius was so annoyed to the end that he yelled directly.

That kind of resentment, even more to whom.

Mentality, full explosion!

I can't wait to tear these people to pieces.

Anxious, extremely painful.

In the depths of the eyes, endless murderous aura gathered.

die! All have to die!

The more I think about it, the more angry, the more I think about it, the more upset in my heart.

Gradually, the whole person became numb.

The rhythm is messed up.

Consciousness also collapsed!


As soon as he walked to the door, the second-class **** general of the Protoss, Qued, panicked.

If this special thing passed, wouldn't it be beaten to death by Lord City Lord?

Lord City Lord's annoyed look, it's not too scary!

All of this is true.

How can we progress in this chaotic situation?


If you miss a moment, let it cool down directly.

The more I think about it, the more upset I feel!

The heart of the bastard, who is more to talk to!

damn thing! It's all a bunch of dog stuff!

The more I think about it, the more upset!

"My Lord City Lord, God General Qued, God General Talha, and God Rugas are coming."

The messenger waited for the person, and then he drove away.

Didn't you see that Lord Santo was already a little crazy? Stay here, there will be no end to it.

It's true to find a chance to escape.

There is some sense of panic and fear, but it is normal to say that this is indeed human nature!

If you are really fearless, then it is really weird!


"I heard that you are chasing a group of people wearing our Tianlin City soldiers?"

"Who are they?"

"It is said that these people are extremely fierce, and they helped you to repel the enemy forces at the West City Gate?"

"Is it true?"

The insidious gaze of City Lord Cassius pushed over, which was almost a full-scale questioning.

When it comes to this point, if you want to hide something, it will definitely not work.

The situation has long been messed up.

Consciousness is also a little less clear.



"My Lord, what happened?"

The second-class **** of the protoss general Qued rolled his eyes, his eyes trembled gradually, and his thoughts gathered directly.

The mentality gathered here, and the rhythm was completely chaotic.

The more I think about it, the more I feel a little flustered.

The brain was buzzing, and I couldn't grasp it at the moment.

He needs to know more information so that he can do things better.

When the time comes to shirk responsibilities, you can also avoid the heavyweights.

"Damn it!"

"My City Lord's Mansion Treasury has been looted again!"

"These damned thieves!"

"The guards of the City Lord's Mansion are all rubbish!"

"One of them counts as one, pull them out and behead them all!"

"What's the use of raising your trash?"

"Humph! It will only add chaos to me!"

The yelling gradually came into place, and the posture of gritted teeth was fully displayed.

This state of mind, who is more to talk to.

In the mind, everything is silent.

Castle Lord Cassius trembled his gray hair, and his eyes flickered endlessly, as if to completely extinguish everything in front of him!

The second-class **** of the Protoss retreats Qued's body, making him even more flustered at the moment.

Damn it.

Fortunately, I stabilized my mind just now and didn't say anything else.

Otherwise, he will be watching now.

"what happened to you?"

"Please speak!"

"Did those thieves escape from your west gate?"

Castle Lord Cassius asked directly.

"No...no! Absolutely not!"

"No... not like this."

"Not at all!"

"My Lord, please rest assured! My west gate is as solid as gold soup! I will never allow anyone to break in!"

The second-class **** of the Protoss General Qued quickly promised.

If you knew that those people were so important, you would have to stop them even if they had lost half of their lives.

But now there is no regret medicine to take.

The only thing you can do right now is to remove your responsibilities as much as possible!

Otherwise, this mess can't go on at all!

What a ghost knows what to do next!

There are waves of bells and whistles, and the sense of rhythm is chaotic!

The more I think about it, the more angry I feel!

Those thoughts in my mind gathered together, a heart pounding!

Damn it!

Just make trouble! Just follow it!

See what it can be like in the end!

Thousands of thoughts are messy, and everything is completely hip!

Nothing, just play!


"Speaking of which, these people are still in the city?"

"Then we need to strengthen the search."

"Speaking of which, there is still a chance for my treasure to come back?"

Skylin City Lord Cassius rolled his eyes, and the various thoughts in his heart gradually floated.

The loss of more than 20 million sacred stone fragments is not the most distressing to him. What makes him the most unacceptable is that one of the sacred ladders he finally got has disappeared!

God ladder! That is a gift from the true god!

The secret of becoming a **** is hidden in this!

Absolutely... There must be absolutely no deviation.

At this time, it must be... it must be stabilized.

Thinking of this, the whole person's emotions fluttered.

There are many thoughts, confusion, and the sense of rhythm is gradually strengthening!


The second-class **** of the Protoss General Qued breathed a sigh of relief.

Things are almost over.

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