Lord City Lord wants to find it, just let him find it, and he can't stop it.

But afterwards, he didn't have to follow along to participate.

Anyway, the matter is over.

Other people don't have to worry about this matter!

This can be considered a life lost?

"My Lord City Lord."

"It is the foreigners who stole your treasury!"

"They are out of town now!"

The third-class **** of the Protoss stood up Talha, and then broke the news.

This broke the news and completely sold Qued.

Quide's face changed instantly.

Damn it!

Turtle son's!

Isn’t it just thinking about pitting labor and capital?

Isn't it unhappy not to cheat on labor and capital?




Why did labor and management run into such a stunned stuff?


Am I against you or something?

Do you want to cheat me like this?

As for? As for?

Originally, this bit of trouble was over, this matter has passed!

If the Lord of the City wants to check, just let him check.

Anyway, when the time comes, one pushes four, five, or six, and I just say I don’t know.

Originally, this matter was so mysterious, and many things have not been figured out yet.

Others are evasive, you **** must do something on this?

What do you think?

It means that if you don't pit me to death, you will feel uncomfortable in your heart, right?

The more I thought about it, the more tangled in this heart.

The chaotic heart burst out all around.

It's numb.

Completely numb.

The more I think about it, the worse it feels.



"Already ran away?"

"Run away from your west gate?"

"you sure?"

"You trash, why don't you stop them?"

"Damn it!"


"Didn't you just say that you don't know anything?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"I don't know how much this matter is to the city lord?"

"If you don't want to live anymore, just tell me! I'll just send you away!"

Skylin City Lord Cassius drew out his saber, with a trace of blood on it.

As he spoke, he put the saber directly on the neck of the second-class **** general of Tianlin City, Kuide.


Qued trembled in his heart, and immediately knelt down.

Damn it!

Sure enough... I found myself on my head as expected.

He knew it, he knew it would be like this.

Who is more anxious?

The more I think about it, the more I feel shameless.

This face is like being slapped countless times.

A panting sound followed, and his expression was extremely gloomy.

Qued glared at Talha viciously, and the **** made it clear that he was here to cheat him.

This account must be settled properly.

But... But for the moment, it's still... Let's settle the current matter first.

Something is wrong.

Something happened!

The rhythm is completely messy.

The more I thought about it, the more abruptly in this heart.

The chaotic rhythm, burst out completely!

Nothing, just play!

But...but I'll pass this level for now.

Can't pass this level, it still has to die on the spot.

"Sir Santo... Don't be angry, Lord Santo."

"You... listen to me."

"There were indeed a few people who rushed out from the West Gate."

"But they are wearing...the uniforms of our soldiers in Tianlin City."

"I was alert at the time and felt something was wrong, so... So I sent God Talha to stop it."

"Who knew that God Talha would be here because he was afraid to continue pursuing him."

"Just like that, the group of people ran away!"

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! this is how it is!"

"Master God, this matter has nothing to do with me!"

"It's all Talha... God Talha will be at the disposal."

"I am not quite clear about the specific situation, so... so naturally I dare not talk nonsense."

The second-class **** general of Tianlin City, Quide, trembling his lips, said quickly.

At this time, the others have nothing, so there is no need to say more.

Hurry up... hurry up and stabilize your mind, stop talking nonsense!

The more I think about it, the more fear and anxiety in this heart.

Those terrifying images seemed to be unfolding crazily before my eyes.

For a while, he put on a pain mask directly on himself.

Difficult... Difficult to climb to the sky!

"Not sure?"

"Can you shirk responsibility if you don't know a sentence?"

"Damn it!"

"I gave you the guard of the West City Gate because I trusted you."

"Now that such a big thing has happened, you, the coach, are still shirking responsibility?"

"Bastard stuff!"

"A bunch of trash!"

"You just said that Talha stopped? Dare to chase?"

"Talha, I need an explanation."

"Otherwise, don't blame me today!"

Castle Lord Cassius shook his head, and then there was a sound of bones colliding, Cassius's teeth were bitten together tightly, and the heart of Cassius was already moved.

If you continue to bear it like this, you will really die in pain.

Right now I just want to vent all kinds of anger deep in my heart!

vent! Keep venting!

Otherwise, who can stand it!

Bastard stuff!

"My Lord City Lord."

"Even if you kill me, your treasures will not be found."

"Instead of this, it's better to keep me for your treasure hunt!"

"I'm so familiar with these foreigners!"

"I have dealt with them too many times!"

"Didn't Lord City Lord ever have doubts?"

"Our city lord mansion is so tightly guarded, and the city lord mansion's treasury is even more so."

"In this case, there are frequent thefts!"

"Forget it the first time, maybe relax."

"But this is the second time."

"And since he has stolen the first time, why would he steal a second time in the same place?"

"It stands to reason that they have just stolen before, and these foreigners will take it for granted that there are no treasures in this inner library, and it is empty."

"This is the inherent thinking of normal people."

"And obviously, what they showed was not the thinking of normal people!"

"How did they know that Lord City Lord moved all the treasures in the Tianlin City treasury to the treasury of the City Lord's Mansion?"

"Unless someone tells them about it!"

"In addition, I took this group of foreigners into the inner treasury of the city lord's mansion in a familiar way."

"With this person as the internal response, he stole the Neiku again without disturbing anyone at will!"


"There is definitely a rape!"

Talha's eyes lit up, and after this analysis, his entire life was revitalized.

The more I think about it this time, the more definitely this is the case.


"Is there rebellion?"

"Aren't the languages ​​of the Protoss and that group of foreigners incomprehensible?"

"How does this gangster communicate with them?"

"Does it rely on gestures?"

Skylin City Lord Cassius was taken aback for a moment, looking a little dazed, this rhythm is not right.

It also sounded a little fanciful.

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