The first-class saint Motian of the Dark Temple licked his lips, while talking, the thoughts in his eyes burst out.

The more I think about it, the more I feel another excitement sweeping in place.

Naturally, he couldn't miss such a great opportunity.

I missed it this time, and I don’t know when I want to find the next round of opportunities.

The Temple of Light Alliance and the Temple of Darkness have fought for so many years. Although there are victories and losses for each other, in the final analysis, there are some small victories and small losses.

Basically, it is still in a flat state.

Don't even think of defeating the opponent completely!

Such a scene has always been there, and it is indeed a headache to look at.

For Motian, he wants to change this status quo!

He has great wisdom in his heart!

The more I think about it, the more exciting it is!

For a time, my thoughts fluttered, and everything was silent.

The sense of rhythm has become fully surging!


Continue to burst!

The more you think, the more real your thoughts become.

It is this feeling!

The display intensity should gradually become stronger.

Who will tell you what it is like?


"Don't talk about it in your ears."

"I do not understand you."

"According to me, this is clearly muddy water. Why should we go to muddy water?"

"Even if they are the reincarnation of the true god, they have chosen and descended into the bright camp for the first time, which shows that they are also the divine residence of the bright camp."

"Think about it, can the gods of the light camp choose our dark temple?"

"Isn't this something obvious?"

"Master Saint, you just want to do a big business, sooner or later you have to fall into it."

"It's boring to do these useless work every day."

The first **** in the dark temple maddened his lips and couldn't help but spit out.

From his perspective, it feels like these are all bells and whistles.

"Say you are young, you still don't believe it."

"Ha ha."

"Do you really think that the true gods in the sky distinguish between light and darkness so clearly?"

"In fact, they have long seen through the so-called light and darkness, and they feel that they are all the same."

"The true gods of the light camp take refuge in the dark camp, the true gods of the dark camp take refuge in the light camp, and even the true gods of the light camp and the dark camp directly join the neutral camp."

"There are many of these."

"This is nothing new."

"The more you get to the top, the distinction between light and darkness is not so obvious."

"If you say that, I suddenly remembered something."

"According to what you said, if Fang Fan is really the reincarnation of the true **** of the light camp, I will draw him to my dark camp, and when he returns to the realm of the gods, will he join the dark camp too?"

"Then am I helping the dark camp win over a true god?"

"Hi! How much credit is this?"

"How many rewards can the true gods have?"

The first-class saint Motian of the Dark Temple instantly widened his eyes, while talking, his lips couldn't help but murmured, his hands trembling with excitement, he couldn't control some of these things.

The thoughts are chaotic, the rhythm is pulling his hips, and it looks like that.

The cool moonlight is fully implemented to the end!

Who can control the chaotic rhythm?

What this said, that is called a righteous and confident.

Waves of bells and whistles...

The first madman of the Dark Temple opened his mouth, trying to complain about something, but finally was speechless.

"I think our name should be changed, you just call it crazy."

"Don't be whimsical."

"Nothing, nothing is determined yet, so I started to fantasize here."

"This...what's the point of this?"

"Really are……"

"I thought it was really something."

"After all, it's all hip-pulling things."

Muttering followed, and the madman shook his head, too lazy to talk nonsense.

"You are still young, you don't understand, this is normal."

"Once there is any change in this matter, how can you imagine it?"

"Forget it, you don't understand it anyway, I don't want that much for the time being."

"You have to leave now."

"The icing on the cake is far better than sending charcoal in the snow!"

"If this is missed, there will be no such opportunity!"

The first-class saint Motian of the Dark Temple took a deep breath, then pulled the madman and headed directly.


"What are you doing with me?"

"If you want to go, just go."

"I feel that these things you do are all in vain."

"So I won't go!"

"Where am I going!"

"let me go!"

"Is it still forced?"

The first madman of the dark temple rolled his eyes, his face was speechless.


Move the whole body!

Ouyang Tu quietly left Yuanshi God City. He thought that no one knew it. In fact, countless pairs of eyes were staring at him secretly.

The eyes of the dark temple are just one pair of them.


"The two first-class saints of the Temple of Light Alliance and Temple of Darkness all quietly left Yuanshi Divine City."

"What are they going to do?"

"Taking Treasure?"

"Could it be that there is some treasure in this neighborhood? What treasure can attract two sage masters to go there at the same time?"

"It's just that if the Saint Ouyang disciple knows the news of this treasure, why don't you tell us?"


"Could it be that he was trying to swallow it alone?"

"It's not that there is no such possibility."

"It just sounds weird."

Cao Teng, the lord of Guangming God City, frowned, his eyes couldn't help turning, and the various thoughts in his mind continued to increase.

The more you think, the more chaotic your thoughts appear.

The rhythm is completely chaotic.

It's messy, and I don't know how to feel it right now.

The heart of chaos, who is more to talk to.

"It doesn't matter, go out and have a look first."

"If these two first-class sages fight for the treasure, can I take the opportunity to be a fisherman?"

"Huh? This is a great opportunity."

Cao Teng, the lord of Guangming God City, nodded, and immediately began to move.


"What did you say?"

"Taking Treasure?"

"Bring me!"

"I like Treasure Hunting the most!"

Cao Man, the young master of the city of Guangming, brightened his eyes and shouted that he was going to go. The excitement on his face was beyond words at this moment.

Cao Teng: "..."

Here comes another toss.


Yuanshi Shencheng, the place where Guangming Academy was stationed.

"Are you all out of town?"

"what's the situation?"

"Ouyang Disciple, Motian, Cao Teng..."

"What did they all go out for?"

"This has basically captured the elite of the entire Allied Forces!"

"Could it be that the protoss army is coming again?"

Xue Wanren, deputy chief of Guangming Academy, frowned, puzzled.

At this moment, his gaze swept around, Tai Shu Jie was still in retreat, Fang Fan went to the Protoss City to do something, and there was not even a single person to discuss at the moment.

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