"Deputy Palace Master Xue, I think this is not the rhythm of the Protoss invasion."

"If the Protoss really wants to invade, what do these people do so sneaky?"

"They are so sneaky, it can only explain one thing, they didn't do good things!"

Wu Meiling, deputy governor of Guangming Academy, groaned, then said.

"Didn't do a good job?"

"You mean... do they have any conspiracy?"

"It's just... what the **** is the conspiracy?"

"Now there is no answer."

"Looks at a loss."

"Hey...what to do next is the most important thing!"

"It is definitely not an ordinary thing to be able to mobilize the Temple of Light Alliance and the Temple of Darkness together."

"Could it be that some trace of the true **** has been discovered? So they want to swallow it alone?"


"Is it possible?"

"It's not very similar either."

Xue Wanren frowned and shook his head, the more he thought about it, the more pain he felt.

Many thoughts burst out in my mind, and the expression was a little unclear for a while.

With many thoughts, consciousness gradually messed up, and the whole person is in a kind of relative despair.

The more I think about it, the more confused my thoughts become.

In the chaos, even the most basic sense of order is gone.

"Vice Palace Master Xue, have you thought of a possibility?"

"These powers, but the other side is staring at each other."

Wu Meiling, the deputy governor of Guangming Academy, groaned, and then came to the key point.


"Your idea is very new!"

"You mean, they wanted to retaliate in the past because they found Fang Fan's traces?"

"Yes! Ouyang hates Fang Fan this **** to his bones, and his actions are normal."

"Cao Teng, the lord of Guangming God City, is also unpredictable! Although it seems that he has made peace now, I have never believed him. I know what medicine he sells in his gourd!"

"In addition, there is also the first-class saint Motian in the Dark Temple. He has wooed Fang Fan several times before, but Fang Fan refused, so he gave birth to a heart of hatred?"


"If this matter is really related to Fang Fan's bastard, now this kid is in danger."

"And they all followed suit, it means that Fang Fan has already come out of the city of the Protoss."

"Go! Go!"

"Quickly go to help!"

"It's too late, it's too late!"

Xue Wanren's complexion changed, and while speaking, his breathing could not help but become quicker. At this moment, there was a lot of tension in his heart.

In case... if something goes wrong, it's really over.

In this matter, we must be stable in all directions, and there must be no slack in the slightest!

This is the top priority!

A little carelessness, the situation will be full of hips.

In terms of mentality, we must be steady! This is the top priority!

The entire Yuanshi God City was agitated.

It seems that there is no movement on the surface, but secretly it has already been surging!

They all moved, and it seemed that there was no war, but in fact this war in the dark had already erupted!


"Master, I always feel someone staring behind me."

"But I looked closely and couldn't see anyone."

"The eyes behind this are so clever."

"Master, or I go to check it out?"

Lina bit her red lips and then walked forward, her eyes fluttering as she spoke.

At the moment, this mentality is fully gathering, and a heart can't help but tremble with it.

There are eyes behind, which means it is not safe.

As far as Lina is concerned, it is possible to threaten the owner. This is her negligence, and she feels inexplicably sad.


"It should be the eyes and ears of Guangming God City, it has not been cleaned up before."

"This guy should have followed us when we first came out of Yuanshi Shencheng."

"It's kind of interesting, I've been insisting on it for so long, and I'm still keeping track of it."

"A little trick."

Fang Fan glanced deeply behind him, his eyes trembled slightly, his thoughts were numerous, his consciousness gradually fluttered, everything was silent.

Too much thinking, basically useless.

When it comes to Yuanshi God City, let's take care of this guy.

Fang Fan and others continued to move forward.

Cao Ji, who was hiding in the dark, shuddered at this moment, and his whole person seemed to be dying.

His lips were trembling, his eyes fluttered, his thoughts were confused, his forehead trembled suddenly, and a heart was directly messed up to the extreme.

"Almost... I was almost discovered."

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! i Cao Ji has lost his life again."

"Hey! Picking up one's life every day, what kind of thing is this!"

"The bastard! Too bastard!"

"When I think of these messy things, my whole heart is completely messed up."

"There are waves of bells and whistles."

"I won't do anything like this anymore after being killed!"

"Speaking of it, this time I actually already think about it, and don't want to take revenge. It's the old fellow Ouyang Tuo who has been persecuting me!"

"Damn it!"

"This old bastard!"

"Sooner or later I will make him look good!"

The sound of muttering followed, and the voice of emotion gathered together, and the whole person followed erratic and erratic.

Cao Ji glanced in the distance, Xinxin didn't want to continue tracking, but when he thought of Ouyang Tuo's thunderous face, Cao Ji sighed gently, gritted his teeth, and followed up again.

too difficult.

Now I can only rush forward with my teeth!

The situation has developed to this point.

There is nothing left to say.

Keep your mentality stable, and the situation should also be stable.

This is the top priority!

The turbulent moment is here!

A hurricane blew past, as if it heralded the arrival of everything.


Protoss, Tianlin City.

Tianlin City third-class **** general Talha with two weak semi-divine second-class **** generals and ten quasi-semi-divine third-class **** crystals plus one hundred high-ranking sages and supreme sacred sages Tianlin The city's elite stabs in an all-round way.

Under the coordination of various forces, they finally rushed out.

"Set off!"

"Along the route of our original advanced army!"

"They must go back to their own city!"

"As long as you pursue this road, you won't be afraid that you won't be able to pursue them!"

"Now... now all get ready!"

"Chasing at the fastest speed!"

Talha snorted coldly, his posture seemed very solemn.

Although he is only a third-class general and a quasi-demigod now, the two weak and semi-divine second-class generals in front of him have to obey his instructions!

He is so crazy!

Not much else to say, the confidence in all aspects is here, and all the others have to follow the crotch.

On this matter, what is there to say?

The posture is in place, and the others have nothing. As for what to say?

Nothing, it's such a pattern!

With the pattern, can the others be far behind?

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