Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 3941: Opponent's wooing and temptation

Suffering a heavy blow, Bai Piao's body moved wildly in the air.

The endless blood flower gradually dispersed in the air, this scene looked very miserable.





"Can you please hold your hand slightly!"

"It hurts labor and capital!"

"Oh shit!"

"It turns out that a strong demigod level attack, that's it!"

"The ambassador thought the body was about to fall apart!"


Bai Piao mumbled, and then pretended to go away.

Hearing Bai Piao's self-sufficient voice, Fang Fan immediately felt relieved.

Still alive.

Zhongqi is still very strong.

As long as there is a breath, there is nothing that a healing card can't solve.

Bai Piao let out a suffocating breath, and then used it with a healing card to make up for the injury.

But right now the whole body still seemed to tremble, and the brains were all buzzing.

The taste and feeling suddenly trembled in my mind, and I couldn't grasp it for a while.


Fang Fan breathed a sigh of relief when Bai Piao was okay.

This guy's physique is really good now.

At this point, it can still be held up, which is no longer what ordinary people can do.

"Is there an upper limit for this guy's defensive power?"

"Or is the upper limit he created is gradually increasing?"

"Absolutely improved."

"Just what is the source of this promotion?"

"Through practice?"

"What we normal people improve through cultivation is actually cultivation."

"But what is Bai Piao's improvement through practice?"

"Could it be the so-called defensive power he cultivated to improve?"

"A normal person's level increase means that his attack power and defense power are increased equally. Even if it is shifted, it will not shift too much."

"But when this kind of thing arrived at Bai Piao, it was immediately reversed."

"What he has increased here is completely defensive power."

"It's like a big-headed doll. All the nutrients are provided to the head, and other parts of the body will appear thin and weak."

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, thinking to himself, feeling more and more that this is indeed the case.

With this thought in place, all kinds of thoughts suddenly rushed in his mind.

it is more than words.

Feeling in place, I think this thing is really interesting.

Arranged in accordance with the established rhythm, it will also appear extraordinary.

"How can it be!"

"My attack... when did it become so ineffective?"


"Fake! It's fake! It's definitely fake!"

"You should have died long ago!"

"Are you also a student of Guangming Academy?"

"You Guangming Academy can survive my trick, and only those deputy palace masters."

"A student who can no longer be ordinary, where does this ability come from?"

"What's the deviation in this?"

"There is a problem! There is definitely a problem!"

"And this problem is still very serious!"

The muttering sound followed, and the posture of gritted teeth followed in full display, thinking silently in his heart, all kinds of thoughts gradually burst out.

Ouyang, the first-class saint of the Temple of the Light Alliance, looked at his hands discreetly, and couldn't help but fall into self-doubt at this moment.

Could it be... Am I really such a waste now?

Completely turned into a waste?

Staying here now, like a fool?

The more I thought about it, the more I felt unwilling, the more resentful and uncomfortable.

A heart gradually became messy, and his complexion gradually became distorted.

When an excited heart is trembling, you can only know if it is there if you really feel it.

How to act next is the most important thing!

Ouyangtu's eyes focused on Fang Fan again.

Now that we have reached this point, there is no turning back.

Killing Fang Fan, after a hundred, all the situation can be completely loosened!

If Fang Fan did not die, the situation would be too serious.

Now I have completely torn my face, either you die or I live.

Now that we have reached this point, there is nothing left to say.

Follow the established rhythm, so let's do it!

What it will turn into in the end, only God knows!

It's just that he has missed the best time to attack.

At this moment, Shen Qiu and Cathy had also outflanked them, and immediately began a desperate fight against Ouyang. For a while, he had no chance to escape.

Fang Fan was close in front of him, but couldn't fight with him, this feeling seemed particularly uncomfortable for a while.

"Go away!"

"Go away!"

"Damn it!"

"This saint has not targeted you!"

"Why do you have to get close to this saint?"

"Get out! Get out of this saint now!"

"Damn it!"


"Whirring whirring!"

"What are you thinking about!"

"Best ass!"

"Cao Ji! Cao Ji!"

"You did it!"

"Magic Saint!"

"It's impossible for Fang Fan to join your dark temple."

"He is loyal to the Guangming Academy! He has insulted your goddess in the Dark Temple!"

"Once he grows up, with his potential, he will most likely be the next pope of the Shrine of the Alliance of Light in the future."

"You have to know, once he becomes the next pope of the Temple of the Light Alliance, do you think you still have a chance?"

"At that time, everything will collapse in an all-round way!"

"You won't ignore such a situation, do you?"

"A little carelessness, there are crises!"

"Even if you don't think about yourself, you still have to think about the future of the Dark Temple!"


"Our Light Alliance Temple and your Dark Temple are not bad now, and their strengths are similar. No one can do anything about it. Isn't that good?"

"We just go on like this, and we can still maintain peace."

"If there are no variables, the peace between us can continue."

"But you have to know that this Fang Fan is breaking the most critical variable of this peace!"

"For the sake of the overall situation! You should also take action!"

"You want to make a shot, it's the best chance!"

"I have involved the two weak demigods of the Protoss!"

"Your chance is here!"

"You only need to move your finger lightly now to kill Fang Fan!"

"Once this opportunity is missed, everything will come to an end!"

"Don't you still understand it now?"


"This is the end of the matter, what else is there to say?"

"Don't you understand?"

The roar gradually increased, as if to completely suppress everything around!

The crazy rhythm feels in place, making the whole mind tremble.

He whispered his lips, and didn't know what to say at the moment, a heart, completely messy.

The rhythm is extremely chaotic.

His eyes widened, and everything in front of him was staring, and the sound of breathing slowly became rapid.

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