For Ouyangtu, the first-class saint of the Temple of the Light Alliance, he has now bet everything about himself.

At this moment, he is a crazy gambler.

Once you lose, there is nothing left.

All of this in front of us will come to an end.

He didn't want to see this situation, let alone experience it.

He wants to join forces with the Dark Temple.

He wants to pull the first-class saint Motian into the water in the Dark Temple!



Where are the eternal enemies and opponents?

If this is done well, none of these will be a problem.

There is always such a feeling between each other.

The more you think, the more your thoughts expand.

For a time, various rhythms followed in full swing.

The rhythm is in place, and the feeling slowly becomes deeper.

At this moment, it was also a difficult time to make a decision for the first-class saint Motian of the dark temple.

A heart, slowly followed by turmoil.

It's the stall he chose.

Of course, he is very similar to Fang Fan, he wants to win over Fang Fan, and even wants to win over a future true **** for the dark camp!

But... But Fang Fan has never caught a cold with his invitation.

Between the two, the key point of the split has now come!

The idea of ​​ruining if not obtained was born in Motian's mind before.

Now it's actually just revisiting the old thing.

"The Dark Temple...can't experience any more twists and turns."

"The foundation of the Dark Temple cannot be shaken."

"Actually... Actually, thinking about it carefully, what Ouyang Tu said is not unreasonable."

"This Fang Fan is a great enemy to Ouyang Disciple, but for our Dark Temple, why not?"

"Now... maybe there is still a little chance to kill him now, and... after a while, maybe... maybe even this chance is gone."

"If that time comes, everything in front of me... everything in front of me will be completely annihilated."

"I...I have to think about these things."

"I have to stabilize the rhythm and my mind. I must not slack in the slightest."

"Yes! That's it, that's it."

"Huh...huh, hold on... hold on."

The first-class saint Motian of the Dark Temple licked his lips, walked forward, and the spiritual power around his body was slowly mobilized.

"Sage of the Devil, what are you doing?"

"You won't be really bewitched by him, are you?"

"Do you believe what he said?"

"Do you know what you are doing?"

"Don't mess around."

"You don't know what will happen!"

"How severe this situation is, you haven't missed it."

"When you came, you didn't say that."

"Didn't you come here to check your favorability?"

"Don't mess around."

The first **** child in the dark temple mad demon raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help holding the demon sky.

In the previous words, he did look at Fang Fan upset, because Motian always lifted Fang Fan in front of him to suppress him.

I even said that if Fang Fan came to the Dark Temple, the position of the first son of God would be given to Fang Fan.

But those simple ones are just a bit of dissatisfaction among Tianjiao.

It's important to hold on to the truth.

After so long, the first madman of the dark temple can be considered to have some clues.

It's not easy.

If you are not careful, the rhythm will become fragmented.

What should I do at that time?

No matter how to deal with it, it can't be dealt with well.

At the end of the end, we still have to be cool on the spot.

Since it has been determined that this Fang Fan is the reincarnation and rebirth of the true god, and the true **** in the future, why should he provoke him?

Anyway, the foundation of this relationship is pretty good now, and it hasn't provoke anything, so I have to go up and make trouble?


"You get out of me!"

"Now is not the time to play your temper!"

"It's not as simple as you think!"

"Now this situation must be controlled."

"Otherwise, something will happen."

"If Fang Fan doesn't kill, our Dark Temple will be in danger in the future."

"It looks like it is impossible for him to join my dark temple."

"In that case, there is no need to say the extra words."

"I can't let the Dark Temple take any risk!"

"I want to kill all dangers in the cradle."

"In this case, the Dark Temple can be safe."

"do you understand?"

"At this moment we must collapse! Do you know that collapse?"

The muttering sound followed, and the gnashing posture followed in full display. At this moment, while talking, the fierce light in his eyes became more and more sharp, as if he wanted to push everything in front of him completely.

Such thoughts rushed in my mind and gradually became urgent.

The first-class saint Motian of the Dark Temple seemed to be possessed by a demon at this moment.

Fang Fan's eyebrows trembled.

The danger in front has not been dealt with yet, and there is another wave of danger in the back?

It's so fancy, and it's really a bit numb to the scalp.

Follow this pace to progress, and I don’t know what will happen next.

The rhythm is a bit chaotic, and the brain is buzzing.

The more I think, the more my thoughts burst, and the more the rhythm is.

"Something's wrong."

"Boy Fang Fan, the guys in the Dark Temple are not bad and kind."

"I'll take it! We are completely planted today!"

"Wang Ba Laozi stuff, this time it is really unlucky."

"Hey, let's follow the coolness."

"Boy Fang Fan, or you'd better run away quickly."

"Otherwise, you can enter the Chutian Pavilion Small World."

"Anyway... I just can't stay here anymore."

"It's really going to die if you stay like this any longer."


"Now our masters here are going to fight against Ouyang Tu guy."

"The Motian of that dark temple is also a strong semi-divine existence, not inferior to Ouyang's disciple."

"If he attacks, what shall we resist?"

"Boy Fang Fan, why don't you say anything?"

"You kid wouldn't think about taking me to fight, right?"

"It's okay to fight with me or something, but the point is, I just do it all at once."

"That's a strong demigod. I can resist a wave of attacks already at the limit."

"If he starts again, I might not even have a chance to use the healing card."

"At that time we will really have to follow the coolness!"

"Speaking of which, why don't you speak?"

"Speak! Your kid just said something!"

"You did it, do you know if I panic in my heart?"

Bai Piao's mouth has always been in such a broken state.

Anyway, I kept yelling, and there was no subject.

"Stay steady."

"That Mo Tian just moved to kill, but it hasn't moved yet."

"He's still testing."

"Test our hole cards."

"If we run away now, it will appear to have no confidence."

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