Fang Fan preemptively made Motian feel a little unconfident for a while.

What do you mean?

This means that you are already prepared?


Then I'm the one to die?

Give me an empty plan?

But... But what if it's true?

Is he coveting my one hundred and eighty catties?

The first-class saint Motian of the Dark Temple couldn't help but frown. He was a suspicious person, and now he thinks more.

Seeing Fang Fan's self-confidence look so full, he felt a little guilty in his heart.

At this moment, his lips whispered slightly, and his thoughts are gradually disordered in his mind.

If you make a mistake, it's really over.

The aspects involved are quite frightening.

Accidentally, cool on the spot.

At this moment, we must be careful and then careful, vigilant and vigilant! This is the top priority!

With many thoughts, consciousness gradually messed up in his mind.

The more I think about it, the more profound my feelings become.

"Magic Saint!"

"What are your ink marks?"

"Quick! Quick! Act! Act!"

"Talking to you! Didn't you hear?"

"When is the time now, what are you still hesitating?"

"You have already shown your sharp edge just now!"

"That little boy Fang Fan hates you!"

"This is the end of the matter, what else is there to say!"

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

"If you miss this good opportunity, let this little brat slip away and it's over! It's over!"

On the side, Ouyangtu, the first-class saint of the Temple of Light Alliance, was shouting while yelling urgently.

After finally putting Mo Tian on the thief ship, he must be caught quickly.

If this is a shot, he will have to bear it alone.

Thinking of these crazy images, for a while, the whole heart was completely messed up.

The more I think, the more my thoughts swell up.

Rhythm, followed by full hip pull for a time.

There are thousands of thoughts, and the consciousness is all messed up.

Motian's footsteps are vain, and black lines are densely covered on his forehead.

All persecuting him!

He has to think about it.

He couldn't bear the wrong result.

The more I think, the more messy my thoughts follow.

Now I feel like my lips are bubbling.

Difficult... Difficult to climb to the sky.

All these bells and whistles have to be dealt with slowly.

The more you think, the more real you feel.

On one side was the frantic urging of Ouyang disciple, and on the other side was Fang Fan's leisurely steps, which was now discouraged by the madman of the first **** in the dark temple.

For a while, Motian was confused.

This step really can't go on.

In my heart, there were countless nightmare sounds screaming like crazy, and for a while, the whole person was depressed.

The current rhythm is completely pulling his hips, and the dead end is slowly becoming numb.

"What to do...what to do!"

"Damn it!"

"I would have known it a long time ago."

"I thought I had a chance to win, but I didn't expect to get myself into such a difficult situation."

"Actually... you shouldn't think about it too much."

"Compared to the current situation, should I consider so much?"

"If this Fang Fan really has enough confidence, how could he not even be able to kill Ouyang Disciple? Now he can only contain it?"

"Speaking of this, he has been bluffing all the time?"

"If that were the case, I wouldn't have to feel upset."

"never mind."

"On this matter, keep the rhythm steady, this is the most important thing!"

"Yes! That's it, that's it."

"When did I become so intimidated?"

"It wasn't like this before."

"Because I listened too much, my thinking was a little unsteady."

"That's it, that's it."


"Now that you have made up your mind, just go according to your own mind."

"Others, it doesn't matter."

"Sprint, full sprint."

The muttering sound followed, and his thoughts gradually exploded in his mind, and the eyes of the first-class saint Motian of the Dark Temple gradually became falcons.

He looked at Fang Fan, his eyes filled with endless cold colors.

Already made up his mind, there is no need to consider other things.

Immediately stepped forward, he had completely transmitted his killing intent.

Fang Fan's mouth twitched, but after all, he didn't bluff.

It seems that I really have to choose to run to Chutian Pavilion Small World.

At this moment, several figures suddenly rushed over in the distance.

"Stop hurting my students from Guangming Academy!"

Xue Wanren, deputy chief of Guangming Academy, brought another deputy chief, Wu Meiling, to come.

Fang Fan added two new forces.

One is a quasi demigod, and the other is a weak demigod.

If such a combination and assistance were placed on the general battlefield, it would already be an extremely high-quality existence.

But compared to the current situation, it still looks a bit cool.

The situation cannot be stabilized, nor can the situation be suppressed.

Here, there are two strong demigods, Ouyang Disciple and Motian, oppressing the formation.

"Sage of the Devil, what do you want to do?"

Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of Guangming Academy, quickly stopped in front of Fang Fan and directly protected Fang Fan.

Even if he is facing the strong demigod of the dark temple at this moment, even if he can't beat it at all, but this kind of protective action is all subconscious.

From the bottom of his heart, Xue Wanren didn't want Fang Fan to suffer any harm.

At this moment, the trembling heart gathered together, and the brilliance in the eyes flickered across the board. The more thoughts in his heart, the more messed up his thoughts became.

it is more than words.

If you feel this way, let's talk to someone more.

For a while, he was directly invincible.

What is there to think about at this moment?

These are indifferent things.

Don't think too much here.

It's all small problems.


"Is it not obvious enough what the saint is going to do?"

"The sage didn't want to kill, but if you have to send it to your door, what can the sage do?"

"Ouyang disciple saint, these are the demigods of your bright camp, if I kill, you won't blame this saint, will you?"

The Dark Temple first-class saint Motian laughed, and then he looked at the first-class saint Ouyangtu of the Bright Alliance Temple in the distance.


"Blame it?"

"how is this possible!"

"I'm grateful, it's too late!"

"These guys always jump off in front of me. If you die, you will die!"

"Our bright camp is not far behind these demigods."

Ouyangtu, the first-class saint of the Temple of Light Alliance, said lightly, as if he didn't care.

"But you do it quickly."

"Asshole, why are more and more people here now?"

"Don't really have any accidents."

"Hurry up, take care of all these things!"

"Huh! I don't want any accidents to happen again at that time!"

"It's a mess, nothing goes right!"

"Sage Ferris, what are you still grinding?"

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