Ouyang Tui looked very impatient.

While yelling, the gesture of gritting his teeth followed in full display, while speaking, the brows were frowned all the way, such a gesture, let me tell who else.

The rhythm is stabilized, and the next many things can be fully grasped.


"You don't need to remind!"

The first-class saint Motian of the Dark Temple gave a secret cry, and immediately rushed towards Fang Fan's location without procrastinating.

Xue Wanren and Wu Meiling's complexion changed suddenly, and then they hurried up to resist.

But even before he got close to Motian, his body was pushed aside, and he didn't have the slightest power to parry.

The gap between the weak demigod and the strong demigod is shown here!

Wu Meiling, the deputy governor of the Guangming Academy of quasi-semi-god realm, was vomiting blood out at this moment. This scene showed that the kind of despair in her heart gathered in full, and her thoughts were completely messed up.

The rhythm is messed up.

Everything will fall apart!

What else is there to say at all the broken moments?

All followed the coolness.

It's messed up, it's totally messed up.

That's all.

"Fang Fan!"


"Run away!"

"do not hesitate!"

"This is killing me with jealousy!

"He is here to kill you!"

"If you hesitate for a while, you won't be able to escape!"


"I can't hold it anymore!"

Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of the Guangming Academy, roared, and drips of sweat on his forehead fell down.

Fang Fan's brows wrinkled into the word "Chuan", and his complexion was moaned at this moment.

Now this game is messy.

Originally, he could actually choose to bring everyone directly into the small world of Chutian Pavilion.

Because everyone gathers together and can enter together without any deviation.

As for Cathy and Shen Qiu, although they are on the periphery, with their strength, even if they can't resist the combined attack of Motian and Ouyangtu, they will definitely not have much problem if they want to escape.

Now Wu Meiling and Xue Wanren are here.

They are scattered around.

If Fang Fan left with Bai Piao and the others now, Mo Tian and Ouyang Tui, who were anxious and frustrated, would definitely take Wu Meiling and Xue Wanren at that time.

When the time comes, they will be really dangerous.

Fang Fan's mind began to conduct a comprehensive brainstorming.

The more I think now, the more and more messy my consciousness becomes.

The rhythm is chaotic, his eyes trembled, and I really don't know how to act.

It's all in a mess... It's all in a mess.


"Sure enough, you were lying to me just now!"


"If you really have enough cards, how can you just watch them get hurt without any action?"

"It seems that you are too poor in guilt!"

"Why should I have known today?"

"At that time, I came to win you over. Wouldn't it be fine if you agreed?"

"Isn't it okay to come to my dark temple to be the first son of God? I have to toss?"

"It's all right now, let's toss yourself in."

"It is said that you are the reincarnation and rebirth of the true god, and I also want to feel the feeling of killing the gods."

"Since you have joined the light camp, it means that you should be the true **** of the light camp."

"My Demon Heaven killed the true gods of the light camp with its own power, and the supreme true gods of the dark camp will surely give me endless rewards by then."


"It's not a bad thing either."

"I wanted to kill you and maintain the peace of my dark temple, but I didn't expect a surprise."

"Okay! If that's the case, this saint can't be soft-hearted!"

The first-class saint of the Dark Temple seemed very excited at the moment, and while talking, his footsteps gradually became fluttering, and all kinds of feelings followed in full bloom in his mind!

Thoughts flutter, and the rhythm becomes cheerful.

At this moment, there seemed to be an extremely powerful energy wave sweeping in the distance.


Motian's body trembled slightly, his suspicion gradually raised, his brows furrowed, his expression changed abruptly, his thoughts changed, and the more he thought, his feelings became more and more messy. For a time, the whole person followed and fluttered. numbness.

I always feel that various situations are not very good.

These formal things are a little bit uncontrollable.

What is going to happen next?

"Weird energy fluctuations..."

"At least a dozen demigods are coming."

"Is this the guy's handwriting?"

"If... if this is the case, the situation would be bad."

"If you are careless, you may be cut off from the horse."

"The rhythm is messier."

"Next, what should I do."

Mo Tian stopped moving for a while, looked into the distance with sharp eyes, and then wanted to stabilize a little more.


"just in front!"

"They are just ahead!"

"Can't escape!"

"Fast! Fast! Faster!"

"Don't hesitate! Don't hesitate!"


The frantic screams gathered together. Not far away, the third-class **** of Tianlin City turned Talha's eyes blood red. At this moment, his teeth were tightly clenched, and his breathing seemed extremely rapid.

The heart of surging, who is more to say.

Now I just want to rush to the past.


The rhythm has gradually become chaotic.

Those things in his consciousness trembled crazily, and his eyes were extremely red.

Invincible mentality, who is more to say!

Crazy stab! Crazy flutter!

Directly invincible!

He saw hope, dreams, and the **** mysterious alien leader!

Including the group of foreigners, they are all here!

It's time to catch it all in one go!

Originally, his heart was about to catch a cold, and he felt that he couldn't catch up. He felt that he had to venture into the city of those foreigners and take the opportunity to search for Fang Fan.

In this case, although it is feasible, the risk factor can be imagined.

On his side, there are only two weak demigods of the Protoss, plus him, there are still eleven Protoss quasi-demigods in total, and the rest are a hundred high-ranking Protoss sages and elites.

A hundred people came over and killed them in a dignified manner.

There is only one purpose at this moment, to kill Fang Fan! Take back the treasure of Lord Santo!

"Unexpectedly, after this group of people won the treasure, they wouldn't go back quickly, and they were still here waiting to die."

"This great achievement is definitely given to me by God!"


"Take them down! Go and ask the Lord City Lord for credit!"

"Brothers, here's a chance!"

Quide, the second-class **** general of Tianlin City, who had always seemed sluggish, also instantly came to his mind.

It’s really cool to see another village in the shadows of the willows and flowers!

Now there is an extreme stimulus all over the body and mind, and I can't wait to stab it in place directly.

The heart of invincibility, who is more to say.

Keep going forward!

Bring the rhythm!

Speed ​​fluttered.

What I want is this feeling!

Invincible! Invincible! Invincible!

There are thousands of thoughts, and the consciousness is all messed up!

Don't be too cool!

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