Speculators, real speculators.

For speculators like Cao Teng, there is no reason not to grasp such a good opportunity.

These thoughts already existed in this heart.

It just lacks an opportunity for execution.

And now, this opportunity is already in sight.

Soon after Fang Fan and others entered the Yuanshi God City, Ouyang Tu also returned from a distance.

At this moment, his whole body was bathed in blood, which looked particularly terrifying.

Standing next to him are naturally the first-class saint Motian of the Dark Temple and the first-class saint Madden of the Dark Temple.

The three came back together.

As for the group of cultivators of the Protoss who rushed over from Tianlin City, at this moment, Azi gritted his teeth and spied in the distance.

They couldn't beat the two strong demigods, so when Motian took the shot, they suffered heavy losses, and as a last resort, they had to let Ouyang disciples escape.

But he felt extremely disturbed in his heart, and naturally he didn't want to just abandon the **** ladder!


The second-class **** general of Tianlin City was scratching the wound on his chest. At this moment, blood was dripping crazily in that part, and the blood completely soaked the ground, which looked terrifying.

Quid was disapproving, and casually kneaded the clothes on his body into a ball, then stuffed it into the big wound of his fist, then gritted his teeth and continued to look forward.

"If this hatred is not reported, what face do I have to go back!"

"These foreigners rely on high-level combat power to insult us so much!"

"Damn it!"

"Unbearable! Absolutely unbearable!"

"The strong foreign demigod wearing a white robe has been beaten into a semi-crippled state by us."

"If we have the opportunity to meet him alone, we must be able to take the opportunity to kill him!"

"Whirring whirring……"

"As long as you kill the strong demigod of the foreign race wearing a white robe, you will be able to regain the lord of the city lord's **** ladder."

"This is an opportunity, a great opportunity."

"Grasp... if you grasp it, you will be able to take off in an all-round way."

"Call ... whistling call, the key ... the key is now absolutely can not have the slightest slack is!"

"It must... It must be steady!"

"The top priority! This is the top priority!"

"Go! Keep going!"

"Follow them!"

The second-class **** general of Tianlin City, Qued, licked his lips, then spit out, and several teeth followed his mouth and fell to the ground.

There is nothing good about him.

One can imagine how tragic the battle was at that time.

"Do not impulse!"

"Quide God General!"

"Do you want us all to die here?"

"This will soon enter the cities of those foreigners."

"They have entered the base camp, and the strong do not know where they are."

"If we just plunged in like this, wouldn't we throw ourselves into the net?"

"Don't be impulsive! Don't be impulsive."

The muttering sound followed, the killing intent in the eyes was fully revealed, the thoughts fluttered, everything was silent.

Deep feelings, ideas galloping!

Everything is in place!

Talha, the third-class **** general of Tianlin City, is summing up the experience of previous failures at this moment.

It was too impulsive at the time.

A good hand was played so badly.

In the end, I didn't know what it was like.

The more I look, the more headaches become.

When I saw the **** ladder, I completely lost my consciousness, and immediately charged forward.

But thinking about it afterwards, Talha suddenly felt that there was a mystery hidden in it.

Even more, there are many things unknown.

If you can't grasp it, the game will be messed up.

With many thoughts, confusion, and behavior consciousness slowly followed by pulling his hips.


"you are always like this!"

"When is it now? How can there be time for you to think about things here?"

"If you delay any longer, the powerful demigod from the white robe will slip away!"

"At that time, there will be a huge crowd, how do we look for it?"

"Why are you still hesitating?"

"Quietly following up, finding an opportunity, killing him with one hit, and then taking his storage ring, isn't it just such a process?"

"It doesn't matter!"

The second-class **** general of Tianlin City, Quide, curled his lips and said with a fierce expression.

Talha: "..."

This guy is useless except for a bit of combat power.

How did this guy become the commander of Tianlin City in the first place?

Can you control one hundred thousand soldiers and horses just like this?

Those 100,000 soldiers and horses were not killed by him. I was really lucky!

Talha shook his head, feeling speechless at the moment.

There are still many things he needs to pay attention to and focus on right now, and he can't be slack in the slightest.

He wants to see all the situations clearly again.

"At that time, we were caught in a fight just because we were too impulsive, and then we got nothing."

"In fact, we can think about it, but is what the young foreigner said is true?"

"We don't understand each other's language at all, but the young foreigner leader is proficient in their own language and even the language of our Protoss."

"All the information we got at the time was obtained through his mouth."

"And obviously, as long as he is not stupid, it is naturally impossible to tell us news that is beneficial to us."

"And why did he take out the **** ladder so calmly at the time?"

"Even so much fanfare."

"There is a problem, there is definitely a problem."

"Combined with the crazy attitude of the strong demigod of the foreign race wearing a white robe. The strong demigod of the foreign race actually took out a ladder at the time, but it was not a **** ladder."

"Although I didn't understand what he was talking about at the time, one thing was certain, and that was that he was very angry at the time and seemed to have lost something important."

"Perhaps... the strong foreign demigod wearing a white robe was also fooled by the leader of the young foreigner?"

"This **** ladder is still in the hands of the young foreigner leader?"

"This is a very bold assumption, but if this assumption is true, it shows that all directions between us are wrong."

"Everything will be pushed back!"

"Whirring whirring!"

"This... this is a big problem! A big problem!"

The third-class **** of Tianlin City clenched Talha's eyes tightly into fists, his breathing slowly became rapid, and his heart became extremely messy.

This crazy hypothesis completely exploded in his mind, and he didn't know what to say at this moment.

The whole person seemed extremely numb.

His thoughts were messy, his footsteps fluttered, and his consciousness gradually became unconscious.

"What do you mean?"

"You mean, we have been fighting for so long and sacrificed so many brothers, we have been fighting for nothing, right?"


"We just let go of that young foreigner, and that young foreigner is carrying all the treasures in the inner treasury of the city lord's mansion?"

"Are we all being teased?"

The second-class **** general of Tianlin City, Quide, opened his mouth, and immediately began to analyze it completely.

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