Who can stand this?

It's like your son who has worked so hard to nurture for 20 years, watching you exhausted your efforts to make him a family and a business, and finally telling you that he is not your own flesh and blood, but the product of your wife's cuckolding you. You can bear it. ?

Do they all make wedding dresses for others?

This is so special, what else is there to say! Go straight to it!

The kind of restlessness in my heart followed in full bloom, and I wanted to wipe out everything in front of me!

Excited heart, trembling hands, only if you feel it deeply can you know if there is any!

Such a state of mind, gradually surging!

Directly invincible!

The thoughts are messy, and the consciousness is surging to the extreme!


"Since I have been tricked, I can't leave!"

"What would it be if you just leave like this now? Wouldn't it be surrendered to God's Ladder?"

"Not to mention anything else, Lord City Lord alone will not let us go, Lord City Lord will swallow us in one bite!"


"Unless we are willing to escape now, we will never return to Tianlin City!"

"This is a dead end!"

Talha, the second-class **** of Tianlin City, gritted his teeth and couldn't help but shook his head.

The feeling of despair deep in my heart gathered together, and for a while, the whole person drifted to the extreme.

There are thousands of thoughts, confusion of consciousness, all kinds of thoughts, who is more to talk to.

Pull your hips! It's too crotch!

The more I think about it, the more silent it becomes!

"God ladder still has to continue tracking."

"But we must not continue to be reckless."

"You have seen the cost of recklessness before."

"If you continue to be reckless, you know what will happen."

"At this moment, I can only grit my teeth and continue to thrust forward!"

"That's the end of the matter, the others have nothing, and nothing to say."


"Just follow the established pattern to fight to the end!"

"We disguised ourselves, and then sneaked into the Protoss city in front of us."

"At that time, some instructions will follow my arrangement!"

"I didn't give orders, and I absolutely can't act recklessly, know?"

"The reason why we have been failing before is because we are too reckless!"

"Actually, there were many flaws exposed by the young foreigner's leader at the time. Even if we didn't know their language, we could see some clues through some body language and facial expressions."

"It's just that we were all mad at the time, ignoring everything around us and didn't care at all!"

"That's why I was taken advantage of."

"But if we can be more cautious, why do we end up here?"


"At this time... don't be reckless at this time!"

"Must... be sure to stabilize the rhythm!"

"No chaos...no chaos!"

"If you destroy everything in a mess, it will be completely over."

The sound of muttering followed, and the voice of emotion gathered in all directions, the endless light in the eyes flickered crazily, and while talking, his thoughts followed completely messy.

The rhythm becomes clearer, and the consciousness gradually becomes sober, but this effect is actually what is needed.

Talha, the third-class **** of Tianlin City, began to sum up his experience.

He has failed too many times.

After every failure, he likes to summarize.

He could obviously feel that he was a lot wiser now, but he didn't know why, no matter how he promoted, he would always fail when confronting the leader of the young foreigner.

Even once or twice, it continued to be the same, which made him feel irritated and indignant from the bottom of his heart.

I always feel that these **** are making trouble for him.

too difficult.

The rhythm in all aspects was completely messy, and various consciousnesses gradually became a little unconscious.

The more you think about it, the more the rhythm consciousness becomes more and more confused.

it is more than words.

If you understand, you understand. If you don't understand, there is nothing to do. Just stare at it.


"Who do you scold me?"

"Aren't you blaming me for being impulsive?"

"But can I be blamed for this?"

"If you really obey my orders, don't hesitate at all. Once you get to that place, you will directly attack the young foreigner leader. Now we have already killed him, how can there be so much trouble?"

"In fact, to put it bluntly, it was too reckless at the time, that's why it turned the situation into the way it is now."

"For me, there is no responsibility!"


"I'm not back!"

The second-class **** general of Tianlin City, Quide, scratched the itching wound, and felt the gurgling blood flowing out continuously, and Quide became a lot more sober.

There was a sense of withdrawal inexplicably from all over the body.

The feelings in this are all in the words.

Full of comfort! Consciousness surging to the extreme!

All of a sudden, the emotions erupted directly into place.

Talha opened his mouth, trying to say something, and finally sighed and shut up.

It's not good.

The problem is too serious.

It was messy and disturbed.

There were two weak demigods of Tianlin City in this crowd, among them, the second-class **** general of Qued was still his former boss.

With these relationships, even if he wanted to take charge of the overall situation, it would be difficult for him to do so.

For the sake of face, these people will more or less pretend to be aloof.

Even if Talha wants to take out the appointment of Lord City Lord, these people are just playing haha, and often do not bother to listen.

When this army was on the move, the eyes were about to stare straight out.

The rhythm in all aspects is extremely messy, and the consciousness gradually becomes unconscious.

The more I think about it, the more irritable I feel.

Everything is directly followed by coolness.

Difficult... Difficult to climb to the sky!


"To know that you all look down on me, Talha!"

"I, Talha, came from a humble background, and I am only a quasi-semi-divine third-class general, and I have no great feats, and I have no nepotism with Lord City Lord."

"I, relying on some opportunities, won the trust of Lord City Lord, Lord Lord City Lord asked me to command you to recapture the stolen treasures and **** ladders in the inner treasury of the City Lord's mansion!"

"No matter what you think, one thing is certain, that is, our mutual belief is to be loyal to Lord Santo and complete the tasks assigned by Lord Santo!"

"If we can't even have our own consciousness unified, how can we talk about winning the treasure to complete the task?"

"Even if it's me, Talha, please, stop fighting, okay?"

"During the mission, you can just follow my orders."

"After the task is completed, even if you want my Talha head, it will be fine, I will give it to you directly!"

Talha, the third-class **** general of Tianlin City, panted quickly, his brows trembled all the time as he spoke.

There are thousands of thoughts, and the consciousness is completely messed up in his mind.

Various rhythms are fully raised, murderous in the eyes!

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