If there is no protoss, this **** ladder is basically their dark temple and the light alliance temple are competing.

If you play a little bit more tricks at that time, maybe this thing will come over.

But now the situation is different, and the situation is more complicated. If there is a slight deviation, it is about to be completely followed.

The situation is not right, and the rhythm is not right.

The more I think about it, the more chaotic it becomes.

"The power of the Protoss should not be underestimated."

"It must be prepared early."

"I have to think about it and think about it again."

"Think about what to do next."

"In any case, there must be no deviation in this matter."

"If something happens, it will be over!"

"This matter must be stable! Yes! Stability is the most important thing!"

The muttering sound followed, and the Dark Temple first-class saint Motian had already calculated silently in his heart.

He is obviously quite caring about this matter.

That's all that comes to mind in my head.

Very real and clearer.

The madman shook his head, then walked aside, and went to play with himself.

Before coming to Yuanshi God City, in the heart of the madman, the Lord of the Demon Heavenly Sage had always been a symbol of wisdom.

I don't know what's wrong now, and I start to be stupid every now and then.

It's boring, it's really boring.

Is this a state of greed?

Because of being fully nurtured, and then become such a ghost?

It makes sense if I think about it this way.

Feeling the bit, it seems so real.


At the same time, the Protoss team that was about to sneak into the Yuanshi God City suddenly stopped at this moment.

They were shocked twice in a row.

The first shock was to see foreigners rushing into the thunder group, shattering the thunder group, and then absorbed the energy of the thunder group.

This guy is too invincible.

Lei Tuan and Tian Lei are both symbols of true gods showing their majesty.

What's the matter with this situation now? Don't the true gods want face?

This rhythm is extremely chaotic.

The more I think about it, the more I feel the tremor of my mind.

For a while, I didn't know what to say at all.

This shocking word can be put aside temporarily, and then they saw a more shocking picture.

On the horizon, exquisite palace phantoms and **** ladders built by **** stones!

The phantom of the **** ladder is there!

God ladder...reappears!

Are all the remaining **** ladders in that position?

Everyone in the Protoss glanced at each other. At this moment, they were a bit unsure, and their hearts seemed to be noisy. They swallowed their saliva, and they didn't know what they were thinking about.

Excited heart, trembling hands, only if you feel it deeply will you know if there is any.

"what to do?"

"The phantoms of the **** ladder have all come out."

"That must be the storage place for the new **** ladder."

"Should we continue to pursue the old **** ladder, or to seize the new **** ladder?"

"Otherwise, let's go to that place now!"

"Don't let these foreigners get on board first!"

"Now you can't slack off anymore!"

"This matter... is really serious!"

"Bangzhu...really going to collapse!"

The second-class **** general of Tianlin City, Qued, panicked for a while.

This matter is too big, he can't help it!

If something goes wrong, it's all over.

The situation is going to collapse! The consciousness must be fully stabilized, this is the most important thing!

The more you think, the more chaotic your thoughts become!

At this moment, the eyes of these protoss people were focused on Talha.

Now Talha has built up his prestige invisibly.

Coupled with Tal'ha's true feelings before, invisibly, these people also felt that Tal'ha had some ability, so slowly, they followed him.

Now I am waiting for Talha to make up his mind.

Now this situation is basically what Talha said.

Rhythm and so on, have to follow and stabilize, this is the most important thing!

"Don't rush to the place where the new **** ladder is."

"We have too few people and insufficient combat power. Even if we go, we won't get any benefits."

"Let Lord Castel come, let Lord Castel lead the elite to come!"

"Capture the new **** ladder first, and then let the lord of the city kill the foreigners in one swoop, and then the old **** ladder will still be ours!"


"go back!"

"Return quickly!"

Talha waved his hand and immediately prepared to evacuate.

Everyone: "???"

Is it so decisive?

"Just go back, Lord City Lord will tear us all up!"

"After all... After all, the tasks assigned to us by Lord City Lord have not been completed."

"It's actually...it's actually quite serious."

"If something really happened, it's all over."

"This situation is a bit unstable."

The second-class **** of Tianlin City Quide shrank his neck and was scared at the moment.

Don't look at his usual bluffing, but he is actually the most panicked in his heart, which is completely empty.

"Who said we didn't bring back anything?"

"Didn't you bring back information about the new **** ladder?"

"In this way, I can also deal with Lord City Lord."

"We gave Lord City Lord the opportunity to seize all the **** ladders."

"The Lord of the City will be happy then, and naturally he won't blame us."

"In fact, this is the best way to deal with it right now."

"We continue to lurch toward this foreigner's city, and we don't know the chance of success yet."

"For the sake of your lord, we must return!"

Talha, the third-class **** of Tianlin City, held his head high, and immediately said with confidence.

The cultivators of the Protoss race around the rhythm again and again.


What you said makes sense!

We will all follow you!

If there is a chance to survive, who wants to do this blood licking?

If this were to enter the city of a foreigner, it would really be a dead end!

"Talha, I really didn't find out before, you were the real Dazhi Ruoyu!"

"I was wrong before, I'm shallow!"


"General Talha, if you have anything in the future, just say it."

"We will all listen to you in the future!"

"Whether you can save your life in front of Lord City Lord this time depends on your clever tongue!"

"If we all live, you will be a great hero!"

"At that time we will all owe you a life!"

The second-class **** general of Tianlin City Quiide patted his chest, and then he was quite excited.

The various feelings in this heart are quite real.

When you are in trouble, you need to find someone to rush forward.

Talha glanced around, and did not speak much for a while.

He knew exactly what these people thought.

The so-called sincere worship is too vain, nothing.

To be precise, these people more or less have some careful thoughts of their own.

Now they are all surrendering in front of him, but they just want him to block the anger of Lord City Lord.

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