Talha felt very sad.

The warriors of the Protoss have become like this now.

All of them are greedy for life, fear of death, and fear of responsibility.

Where did those brave and fearless Protoss warriors go?

After being in a high position, began to hesitate your life? Began to become less brave?

So what's the use of this high position?

If these people are in power in the future of the Protoss, what hope is there?

Isn't all this vain?

Sweeping past, the whole person fell into a hazy state.

Confused, Talha couldn't help but shook his head.

He is nothing.

He was just a trivial third-class general in Tianlin City.

By coincidence, he got some trust and appointment from the Lord City Lord.

To be precise, it should be utilization.

The Lord of the City felt that he still had some abilities, and felt that he could find the ladder for him, so he temporarily granted some powers symbolically.

But after all, when everything is over, who will remember him?

At that time, all of this will still come to an end.

"Never mind."

"It's useless to think so much."

"Go back to Tianlin City first and tell Lord City Lord about this."

"As for what the Lord City Lord will do when the time comes, it is actually beyond my control."

"This is the end of the matter, it's useless to say more."

"That's it."

"The destiny of the Protoss is ups and downs, then let it go... let it go!"

The third-class **** of Tianlin City, Talha's eyes condensed slightly, and he glanced indifferently towards the distance, and the whole person seemed a little collapsed for a while.

God ladder... is the top priority!

"The chief of that mysterious alien youth may only be suppressed by the lord of the city."

"His growth rate is too fast."

"I'm afraid it won't take long for it to rise completely!"

"According to the current situation, he will definitely become the enemy of our Protoss!"

"Don't underestimate it!"

"Whoever underestimates this person is really stupid!"

"This person is wise and brave!"

"In the future, it will definitely be the confidant of the Protoss!"

Talha licked his lips, then exhaled another suffocating breath, a heart, and gradually followed.

The more I think about it, the more my feelings burst out.

Talha thinks that his vision is okay.

Although he won't reach the state of standing tall and looking far, many of his predictions have basically been realized.

Talha glanced at the gradually dimming position of the phantom of the **** ladder, with a strong nostalgia, followed without hesitation, turned and left.

Those who make big things don't stick to the trivial!


"God's ladder is coming to this world, this world is going to be chaotic."

"Fang Fan, there is too much involvement between you and this **** ladder. Otherwise, we should go back to our homeland and the original Guangming Academy to hide this wave of disasters."

"This matter, there is a big problem!"

"At that time there will be catastrophe imminent!"

"It would be fine if there were no phantoms of God's ladder and exquisite palaces.

"But now these things have emerged."

"I'm afraid it will not only attract the attention of those Protoss people, even our pope may not be able to sit still."

"In our eyes, under this pope's crown is the master of the entire Shrine of the Illumination Alliance.

"But who knows their inner world?"

"After all, they are just mortals!"

"As long as they are mundane people, who can avoid these gods from vulgarity?"

"Who doesn't want to completely gather all the gods' ladders, and then build the road to become a gods, and then you can enter the realm of gods through the gods' ladders!"

"Compared with penance training and promotion to the pseudo-god realm and then entering the divine realm, this method is too convenient!"

"The ancient prophecy will eventually come true!"

"Fang Fan!"

"This muddy water, we don't want to stir it up!"

"We are on duty, at least we will save our lives."

"With your talent for cultivation, as long as you can cultivate patiently for eight thousand years, you may not have the chance to become a false god!"

On the side, Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of the Guangming Academy, took a deep breath, and then couldn't help but persuade him painstakingly.

While talking, his body trembled slightly.

The excitement of this time followed in full display, and everything was silent.

Don't be too real in this highlight of the value.

It's very clear and very real.

That's pretty much it.

Rhythm, fully stabilized.

Consciousness, collapsed across the board.

"Cultivation for eight thousand years?"

The corner of Fang Fan's mouth twitched, and black lines were densely covered on his forehead at this moment.

Can we talk about the matter in front of us?

I can't keep up with your time span.

For eight thousand years, I use this method for matching at every turn. Who can hold it?

Fang Fan rubbed his painful head, his face was speechless at the moment.

too exaggerated.

All kinds of bells and whistles gathered in my mind, and for a while, I didn't know what to say.

It's messy, nonsense.

Speaking of it, it's that kind of thing.

In the chaos, even the most basic sense of order disappeared completely.

"What **** ladder?"

"What does this **** ladder have to do with my disciple?"

"Isn't this **** ladder phantom just appearing?"

"Isn't my disciple's name engraved on this **** ladder?"

"Why do you have so much involvement with him?"

"Xue Wanren, you old man knows to scare my disciple!"

"God's ladder everyone sees it!"

"This is the way to become a god, why can't my disciple go?"

"My disciple was originally the reincarnation of the true god!"

Tai Shu Jie has always stood firmly on Fang Fan's side. At this moment, while talking, the color of arrogance on his face was beyond words.

Immediately afterwards, thoughts fluttered and consciousness became clear.

Such a posture, more to whom to say.

it is more than words.

Really, and stable!

It may be this feeling.

Thoughts flutter in place, and rhythm slowly rises in place.

"what do you know!"

"You have been in retreat before, so if you don't know anything, you dare to speak up here!"

"Look at you, do you still look like a master?"


"The only **** ladder in this world is on your disciple!"

"I am afraid that there are already quite a few people who know this."

"The Chu people are not guilty of guilt."

"Could you still want to push your disciple into the fire pit?"

Xue Wanren glared at Tai Shujie, while talking, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch in an all-round way.

So inwardly, who would you tell me?

The more I think about it, the more disturbed I feel.

All sorts of chaotic rhythms swept into place, and the whole brain was about to crack!

Difficult... Difficult to climb to the sky!

I can't wait to step forward and beat it to the end!

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