You can live if you do iniquity, but you can't live if you do iniquity.

It's too real.

At this moment, Ouyang disciple was sweating cold all over his body.

If the pope doesn't believe in himself, he will be completely over if he slaps him.

The pope looked benevolent on the surface, but he was insidious in his heart!

There are more than ten dirty things done over the years.

If the Pope is really murderous, his old life as a disciple of Ouyang is very likely to be thrown here.

His thoughts were messy, and his consciousness gradually became a little unconscious.

The more you think, the deeper your feelings, and everything will be clear.

Fear, worry, and horror, these emotions rushed up suddenly, making people unable to breathe.

Now it depends on the attitude of the Pope Yuwen Hanlin of Guangming.


"Craving for life and fearing for death!"

"So... Is it the true ladder or the false ladder that you gave to the dark temple?"

"If the one you handed over to the Dark Temple is the True God Ladder, isn't the God Ladder on the Dark Temple side?"

"If you gave the Dark Temple a false **** ladder, wouldn't the true **** ladder still be on you?"

"Or, this so-called **** ladder theory is fake from the source?"

"It's just that I didn't check it out clearly at the beginning?"

The Pope of Light Yuwen Hanlin squinted his eyes, and then passed the possibility of taking advantage of the situation. While talking, his eyes flickered with a special light, and everything was silent.

Such feelings swept into place, and the thoughts became more and more relevant.

The more you think, the deeper the feeling.

That's almost the case.

It's quite real.



Ouyangtu, the first-class saint of the Temple of the Light Alliance, understood some of the overtones.

The pope wants to protect him!

It's just that in the public, the pope can't bias him too much, so to a certain extent it is only a comprehensive suggestion and instruction.

As it is now, all aspects of the language are fully in place, and it seems to be true!

If his Ouyang disciple said that he gave the True God Ladder to the Dark Temple or hid the True God Ladder privately, then he would not be able to escape.

"Under the Pope's crown, maybe...maybe I am really dizzy, I didn't see too clearly."

"This **** ladder was originally taken from the **** race."

"The Protoss is extremely treacherous, and it must be a fake **** ladder to deceive us!"

"Yes! It must be so!"

"If it weren't for this, there would be no second reason!"

"Under the crown of the Pope, that's how it is!"

"Under the title of the Pope, his subordinates suggest to prepare for war! Punish the Protoss!"

Ouyang Tui can only talk nonsense with his eyes open now.

If I knew this, why bother in the first place.

If you knew it would set you off, just shut up.

It's okay now, because there is too much nonsense, and I gradually become uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, the whole person suddenly became extremely bad.

The more I think about it, the more angry, the more I think about it, the more ugly face becomes.

Her lips were trembling now, everything was silent.

In order to save his life, Ouyang Disciple can only break his teeth and swallow in him!

This bitter fruit was determined from the very beginning, so all of this must be completely collapsed!

No money, absolutely no mess.

Destroy everything in the current chaos.

There are thousands of thoughts, confusion of consciousness, and the rhythm of gradually pulling his hips.


"You are the first-class saint of the temple! In charge of the millions of troops stationed in Yuanshi God City, you are so careless!"

"You have to reflect on it!"

"You don't have to take up this post as a handsome president anymore! You don't have this ability!"

"Do your own thing, don't be so biased!"

The cold snort swept into place, and Guangming Pope Yuwen Hanlin looked gloomy.

Up to now, it's been nothing!

Too messy!

In the eyes of the Pope of Light, there are not many treasures that can be seen by him. This **** ladder is definitely the top priority!

When he arrived at his position, whether it was cultivation base, fame, or in place, he had all climbed to the pinnacle of this world.

It is no longer possible to climb up at the moment, and it is very embarrassing to see it.

And the **** ladder is the hope of giving him a full rebirth!

What did he spend his whole life for? Doesn't it mean you want to enter the realm of Gods, take a look in the realm of Gods, and see if you have the opportunity to see the so-called true **** with your own eyes.

Even, join their camp.

This thought trembled crazily in his mind, and he couldn't dissipate for a while.

The more I think about it, the more exciting it is, the more I think about it, the more excited it is. Gradually, my face becomes extremely flushed, and my breathing slowly becomes extremely rapid.

Excited heart, trembling hands, only if you really feel it before you know if there is any.

The whole body and mind are directly melted on the spot.

Slowly, I have learned the taste of the marrow.

Excitingly endless!

Yes, isn’t it just this feeling?

I have a lot of thoughts, my consciousness is messy, what I want, isn't it just this feeling?

Excitement can't be added!

Guangming Pope Yuwen Hanlin groaned, his sharp gaze swept around, and then he exhaled another turbid breath.

"Everyone is on standby! Look for the God Ladder!"

"Those who take the initiative to surrender the ladder of the gods, the pope has a great reward!"

"The ladder of God is an important link to communicate with the true God!"

"If our bright camp can obtain the **** ladder, we can use it as a basis to get more support from the true **** crown."

"By then, we will all get endless benefits!"

"Now our main task is to find the God Ladder!"

"Send a few teams to go to the place where the phantom of the **** ladder is displayed, and investigate carefully!"

Guangming Pope Yuwen Hanlin spoke sonorously and righteously at the moment.

While talking, the excitement on his face was beyond words.

As he spoke, the corners of his mouth whispered slightly, his thoughts swelled in his mind, and everything was silent.

With such an idea in my mind, it would be harder to get rid of it.

At this moment, the eyes are full of phantoms of God's Ladder!

"Follow the Pope's Order!"

"Follow the Pope's Order!"

"Follow the Pope's Order!"

Suddenly, everyone in the bright camp began to howl, among them Ouyang Tui was the leader.

This corporate culture is not bad.

The most depressed person today should be this Ouyang disciple.

Originally thinking of suppressing Fang Fan Yibo, he did not expect to be suppressed.

It's alright now. Not only was he disgusted by the Pope, he even lost the command of the millions of bright camp troops stationed in Yuanshi God City.

And all this was entrapped by this Fang Fan.

Between each other, they were already enemies of life and death, but now, this resentment has naturally risen again.

In the eyes between each other, endless killing intent gathered together, wishing to kill each other with joy!

Such thoughts were surging in my heart, and I couldn't grasp it for a while.

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